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Nagorno-Karabakh president congratulates Armenian counterpart on 23r

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  • Nagorno-Karabakh president congratulates Armenian counterpart on 23r

    Nagorno-Karabakh president congratulates Armenian counterpart on 23rd
    anniversary of Armenia's independence

    13:39 * 21.09.14

    President Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory letter to Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan in connection with the 23rd anniversary of
    the Republic of Armenia's Independence.

    The letter runs as follows:

    "Respected Mr Sargsyan,

    I cordially congratulate You and the whole our nation on the Independence Day.

    September 21 is a historic and memorial day in the life of all the
    Armenians. It was marked as the revival of the Armenian statehood for
    the sake of which our people had been struggling for a long time. The
    aspiration to manage their own destiny themselves, live freely and
    independently in their native soil always accompanied our ancestors,
    became an ultimate goal and the only way to maintain national identity
    and survive.

    It is already 23 years since we have been embarked on this path
    overcoming all the difficulties on a nationwide basis and gaining
    glorious victories. These victories were achieved by means of
    incredible hardships and losses, which oblige us always be on alert
    and vigilant, continuously strengthen the independent Armenian
    statehood by joint efforts. Armenia and Artsakh constitute the
    Motherland for the entire Armenian people and their development and
    prosperity is a matter of honor and dignity for every Armenian.

    I am confident that due to the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora unshakable
    trinity we should be able to further solve the issues raised before
    our nation successfully and register new achievements and victories.

    I congratulate You and all our compatriots once again on the state
    holiday and wish peace, robust health and all the best for the well
    being of Mother Armenia and the Armenian people".
