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Middle East Terror: Memory Of Armenian Genocide Victims Targeted By

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  • Middle East Terror: Memory Of Armenian Genocide Victims Targeted By


    ANALYSIS | 24.09.14 | 11:19


    ArmeniaNow correspondent

    On September 21, when people in Armenia marked the 23rd anniversary
    of their independence, one day after the completion of a large
    Armenia-Diaspora forum in Yerevan that discussed the events in the
    run-up to the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide, in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, Islamic State (ISIS) militants mined
    and blew up the Armenian Holy Martyrs Church.

    The church commemorated the victims of the Ottoman-era Armenian
    Genocide in a part of Syria where countless Armenians were sent to
    die in death marches. The blowing-up of the church was perceived in
    the Armenian world and beyond as a sign that Turkey and the forces
    supporting it are going to respond to the just claims of Armenians
    that gather momentum ahead of the centennial of the 1915 Genocide.

    At the Armenia-Diaspora forum in Yerevan Catholicos of the Great
    House of Cilicia Aram I said that the Church is going to apply to the
    Constitutional Court of Turkey with a suit for the recovery of the
    huge property of the Armenian Church, in particular, the residence
    of the Catholicos of Cilicia in Sis. This property was confiscated by
    Turkey as a result of the extermination and expulsion of Armenians at
    the beginning of last century, and now, 100 years after those events,
    the Armenian Church intends to recover what it lost then.

    Literally on the same day Islamists blew up the church in Deir ez-Zor.

    According to many Armenian political analysts, Turkey is behind the
    attack as it tries to demonstrate that it will respond to the claims
    of Armenians with terror.

    On his Facebook account Aram condemned the explosion of the Armenian
    Church in Syria. According to the Catholicos, it was a specifically
    planned crime aimed against the Church that was dedicated to the
    memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide as well as against the
    museum affiliated with the church. "We view this atrocity, committed
    in the run-up to the Armenian Genocide centennial and on the 23rd
    anniversary of Armenia's independence, as an act of barbarism. Many of
    those standing behind this plot know that Deir ez-Zor, which symbolizes
    our martyrs' memory and our nation's struggle for justice, will never
    be destroyed as a sacred place in our nation's collective memory,"
    reads Aram I's post.

    The act was also strongly condemned by the Armenian Foreign Ministry,
    as well as by American congressmen. Earlier, U.S. ambassador-designate
    to Armenia Richard Mills said during a Senate Foreign Relation
    Committee confirmation hearing that "the United States and the world
    will stand in solidarity with the Armenian people next year to mark the
    centenary of one of the 20th century's worst atrocities." At the same
    time, U.S. ambassador-designate to Turkey John Bass, who was confirmed
    in this post later, said that respect for the rights of ethnic and
    religious communities in Turkey, including the restoration of the right
    of ownership of religious property, was a major priority for him as a
    representative of the United States. He answered questions from Senator
    Mark Kirk that were connected with the policies of the United States
    with regard to the Armenian Genocide and the return by Turkey of the
    confiscated property of the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian churches.

    Bass acknowledged that the Turkish government "in the period from
    1936 to 2011 confiscated thousands of units of property belonging
    to Christian and Jewish religious institutions". He listed several
    specific steps that he said he was ready to take to help ensure
    their return.

    Meanwhile, President Serzh Sargsyan is in the United States to
    participate in the UN General Assembly session. In his speech, the
    Armenian leader is likely to address Turkey's responsibility and call
    upon the international community to support the Armenian demands.
