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Assyrians In Iraq Should Go For Self-Determination

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  • Assyrians In Iraq Should Go For Self-Determination


    Assyrian International News Agency AINA
    sept 23 2014

    By Yeghig Tashjian
    Posted 2014-09-23 18:57 GMT

    An Assyrian family from Baghdede who fled to Ankawa, Iraq.(AINA) -- As
    World War I broke out, the Turkish government implemented the plan to
    destroy the Christian communities within its empire. Around 2 million
    (1,500,000 Armenians, 750,000 Assyrians and 500,000 Pontic Greeks)
    were massacred and others deported from their ancestral lands.

    Churches were burned, some were converted into mosques, memories were
    uprooted, and lands confiscated. Some Christian villages rebelled
    against the Ottoman Empire's advance, some succeeded and others did
    not, but always with arms in their hands. Today, as history repeats
    itself, what can the Assyrian Christians of Iraq learn from their
    century old history, and how can they prevent this catastrophe?

    Local, Regional and International Silence

    In my interview with David William Lazar, the chairman of the American
    Mesopotamian Organization, regarding the fall of Mosul, he stated that
    the Maliki government was partly to blame because of the sectarian
    policies that have marginalized the Iraqi Sunni Arab minority,
    the Kurds and the Iraqi army for refusing to fight ISIS, and the
    West for not preventing the flow of money from the Arab Gulf states
    to terrorist groups. For the first time in history, the Christians
    of Mosul had to evacuate their city, as the Arab world, Arab League
    and rebel Iraqi Baathists sat by and watched it happen. Nineveh, the
    ancient capital of the Assyrians was emptied of its indigenous people.

    Moreover, David W. Lazar stated that the Assyrian Diaspora, and
    specifically the Assyrian Aid Society of America, already started to
    mobilize and raise funds for local NGOs to help the refugees.

    The United Nation Security Council UNSC has condemned the persecution
    of minorities in Iraq. Meanwhile, France declared it is ready to
    provide asylum for Iraqi Christian refugees. However, it has become
    clear that the international community will not provide aid unless
    the Iraqi Christians mobilize an army and take action.

    Organizing Delf-Defense Units

    Under authoritarian rule, and the lack of a strong Christian political
    force, the church has taken on the religious, social and sometimes
    political role. A similarity can be drawn both between the Armenian
    and the Assyrian churches. During the Ottoman era both churches
    were pessimistic and against revolutionary movements within their
    communities. Within the Armenian community, the shift occurred
    only after the conference of Berlin in 1878, when Father Khrimian,
    the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople, later Catholicos of all
    Armenians, delivered his famous speech titled "The Paper Ladle,"
    urging the Armenian nation to rely on itself to defend its land, and
    fight against oppression. He gave the following speech in the church:

    Dear Armenian people, could I have dipped my paper ladle in the harissa
    [porridge]? It would have become wet and stayed there. There, where
    guns talk and swords make noise, what significance do appeals and
    petitions have? But alas, all I had was a paper petition, which got
    wet in the harissa and we returned empty-handed.

    And so, dear and blessed Armenians, when you return to the Fatherland,
    to your relatives and friends, take weapons, take weapons and again
    weapons. People, above all, place the hope of your liberation on
    yourself. Use your brain and your fist! Man must work for himself in
    order to be saved.

    After a decade Armenians, realizing that diplomacy failed, took up
    arms and with a high price independence was declared at the end of
    WWI. The Christians of Iraq should stop waiting for the international
    community to take action and follow in the footsteps of the Armenians
    by taking up arms, and fighting for their land.

    Recently, many voices were raised within the Christian community
    in Iraq to organize volunteer units. Already videos are showing some
    Assyrians and Armenians are armed. David Lazar believes that Christians
    and Yazidis should also arm themselves. Lazar stated:

    The Federal government in Baghdad is not able to protect its citizens
    and the KRG [Kurdistan Regional Government] will only protect its
    own areas as it have stated openly, regardless of what happens to
    the rest of Iraq. The immediate reaction of the Kurdish militias when
    ISIS and Baathist took over Mosul was to immediately occupy what they
    refer to as "Disputed territories," which are mainly Kirkuk and the
    Nineveh Plain. Of course now the KRG claims that it is defending the
    Christians of the Nineveh Plain, because if they were not there ISIS
    would have occupied the area and expelled the Christians, Yazidis
    and Shabaks from there.

    Meanwhile, the Christian block within the Iraqi Parliament suggested
    that the Iraqi federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government
    (KRG) start training the Christians to defend their villages and repel
    future attacks by ISIS. Already the Assyrian Democratic Movement
    started to recruit volunteers in Iraq and organize self defense
    units. In this task, both the church and Christian political parties
    in Iraq should participate. It is imperative that they start working
    together and to unify their efforts to fight ISIS and demand the
    formation of autonomous administrative region in the Nineveh Plain,
    where Assyrians would be able to preserve their culture and have
    security forces.

    The Establishment of Iraq's Nineveh Plain as an Autonomous Region

    Article 125 of the Iraqi Constitution states:

    This Constitution shall guarantee the administrative, political,
    cultural, and educational rights of the various nationalities, such
    as Turkomen, Chaldeans, Assyrians, and all other constituents, and
    this shall be regulated by law.

    The Nineveh Plain, which is rich in agricultural lands and petroleum
    fields, brought economic competition between Kurds and Sunni Arab
    tribes in Mosul. This caused Assyrians to become targets of violence.

    Thus, without the Nineveh Plain autonomous administration,
    the indigenous Assyrian presence in its ancient homeland may be
    endangered. On January 21, 2014 the Iraqi government declared that the
    Nineveh Plain would become a new province, which would serve as a safe
    haven for Assyrians. Yet David W. Lazar argued that the Christians are
    not asking for political rights as Christians, instead they want to be
    recognized as an ethnic minority that is indigenous to Northern Iraq.

    He stated: "Although our Christian identity is also extremely
    important, our national identity comes first and often we endure
    discrimination because of our Assyrian ethnic identity rather than
    our Christian faith. A good example was during Saddam's period. The
    Baathists tolerated Christians as long as people referred to themselves
    as Arab or Iraqi Christians. However, we were oppressed as Assyrians
    because we were not allowed to teach our language, give our children
    Assyrian names and definitely not allowed to form political parties
    or ask for any type of autonomous rule in our ancestral lands." Lazar
    also claimed that Christians want to be part of Iraq, because they
    believe in a united, democratic and Federal Iraq with a strong Federal
    capital in Baghdad. This is referred to as Centripetal Federalism,
    where there is a strong Federal government and weaker provincial or
    regional governments. The KRG, on the other hand, prefers the opposite,
    Centrifugal Federalism, which means stronger provincial or regional
    governments and a weaker federal government.

    Many would assume that the Arab world is disintegrating into small
    states and this is part of foreign conspiracy. Some say this is a
    Western-Zionist plan to divide the Arabs and divert their attention
    from the Palestinian cause, others may argue it's an Iranian plot to
    weaken the Sunnis. In reality the political mistakes of Arab leaders,
    with the inability of their governments to protect their ethnic and
    religious minorities, pushed the non-Arabs to distance themselves
    from the Arab reality. Unfortunately, multiculturalism is failing
    in the Arab World. The pogroms against the Iraqi Jews in Baghdad are
    still fresh in the memories of people. Today, Iraq is devoid of Jews.

    Hopefully, the Christians will not face a similar and tragic ending.

    The idea of introducing decentralization and federalism should not
    be alarming to the Arabs, it can actually solve many socioeconomic,
    cultural and political problems.

    Yeghig Tashjian is a Lebanese Armenian. He holds BA in Political
    Science from Haigazian University and is a research assistant at the
    Armenian Diaspora Research Center at Haigazian University, where he
    conducts research on minority rights and Middle Eastern conflicts.
