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Diversions For And Against Former Residence

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  • Diversions For And Against Former Residence

    DIVERSIONS FOR AND AGAINST FORMER RESIDENCE diversions-for-and-against-former-residence&catid=5:politics&Itemid=17

    Monday, 22 September 2014 17:30

    SinÑ~Ae the achievement of the cease-fire (May 1994) in the
    Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict zone, numerous incidents have taken
    place on the Line of Contact. For obvious reasons, the reactions to
    them were different in the Armenian and Azerbaijani mass media.

    There is no doubt that Azerbaijan has always been the instigator of
    border incidents, and it has repeatedly been proved by the undisputed
    evidence presented by the NKR Defense Ministry.

    In this context, distinctive is another penetration by a
    reconnaissance-subversive group into the NKR Shahumian region from
    the Azerbaijani territory in this July. Both the official and public
    media sources of Azerbaijan kicked up a fuss in an attempt to create
    the impression as if the persons, who had penetrated into the NKR
    territory, were shepherds-natives of Karvachar, and they just went
    to visit the graves of their relatives.

    But, is it really so? Surely, the comments by the Azerbaijani party
    are alleged, because if the matter was to go and visit the graves
    of their relatives, then they could do it by appealing to the NKR
    authorities, which they didn't do. Simple logic suggests that the
    border of a country involved in a conflict cannot be secretly crossed,
    even for such purposes. Therefore, the goal of the illegal crossing of
    the border and the penetration into the NKR territory was absolutely

    What was their true goal and who were, in fact, the members of the
    group, which violated the border? We tried to find answers to these
    questions by studying the publications and videos available in the
    mass media and at the Internet.

    At the same time, considering that the law enforcement bodies of
    the NKR have initiated a criminal case on this fact, which is still
    at the stage of investigation, we tried to refrain from expressing
    biased opinions in order not to violate the principle of presumption
    of innocence.

    First of all, let's refer to the official information at the Internet,
    which reads as follows: "As a result of the operational-intelligence
    activities undertaken by the corresponding departments of the NKR
    Defense Ministry, the NKR National Security Service, and the NKR
    Police, the following citizens of the Azerbaijani Republic, who had
    illegally crossed the state border, were discovered and detained
    in the NKR Shahumian region: Shahbaz Jalaloghlu Guliyev (born in
    1968), armed with a factory-made submachine gun of "AKMC" type and
    7.62-mm caliber (number "TD 2042"), with the appropriate silencer,
    a factory-made pistol of "Ð~_Ð~\" type and 9-mm caliber (number
    "Ð'Ð~P 0033"), with the appropriate silencer, 2 factory-made "Ф-1"
    hand combat fragmentation grenades, and other ammunition; Dilham
    Gardashkhanoghlu Askerov (born in 1960), armed with a factory-made
    submachine gun of "AKMC" type and 7.62-mm caliber (number "TF 7373"),
    with the appropriate silencer, a factory-made pistol of "Ð~_Ð~\" type
    and 9-mm caliber (number "CH 3478"), with the appropriate silencer,
    and other ammunition; the third member of the group, the information
    about which is being specified, resisted while being detained, as a
    result of which he was liquidated.

    The discovered facilities were used for reconnaissance-sabotage and
    espionage activities.

    Based on the preliminary materials collected on the fact of the illegal
    crossing of the state border, a criminal case has been initiated.

    Shakhbaz Jalaloghlu Guliyev (born in 1968) and Dilham
    Gardashkhanoghlu Askerov (born in 1960) are detained"
    (www.genprocnk.аm/2011-02-18-09-21-12/423-2014-07-15 -10-44-08).

    Then, the same source reports, in particular, that as a result of
    the search operations conducted by the law enforcement bodies of the
    NKR, the body of resident of Shahumian region's Nor Erkej village
    Smbat Tsakanyan, born in 1997, who went missing on July 4, 2014,
    was discovered near the former village of Shaplar, the Shahumian
    region; according to the forensic medical examination, there was
    a lot of gunshot wounds on his body. According to the preliminary
    investigations, Smbat Tsakanyan was kidnapped by citizens of the
    Azerbaijani Republic Shakhbaz Guliyev, Dilham Askerov, and the
    third person who resisted while being detained by the corresponding
    departments of the NKR law enforcement bodies and was liquidated on
    the spot; the information about his personality is being specified.

    They illegally penetrated into the NKR
    territory to implement espionage actions (see:

    As we can see, the group penetrated into the NKR territory to carry out
    reconnaissance-sabotage and espionage activities and killed an underage
    civilian. In addition, according to the operational information of
    the NKR Police, while in Karvachar, the noted three persons laid an
    ambush and killed officer of the NKR Defense Army Sargis Abrahamian
    and wounded Karine Davidian, who was in the same car together with
    Abrahamyan, with a submachine gun. Fortunately, she survived and gave
    her testimonies, as a victim, to the investigation bodies.

    We have managed to find some interesting facts from the biographies of
    Dilham Gardashkhanoghlu Askerov and Shahbaz Jalaloghlu Guliyev. The
    information about the third person, Hasan Hasanov, is relatively
    insufficient, but the available materials give an insight into his

    Let's start with Dilham Askerov, whose "Karabakh heroic deeds"
    are described even in a book published in Baku. The author of the
    book is military journalist Ziyaddin Shuraoghlu Ismailov, who has
    closely been familiar with Askerov since the Azerbaijani-Karabakh
    war. The documentary story is called "Do not go alone to Kalbajar,
    father" and contains interesting information about Dilham Askerov -
    during both his participation in the war and implementation of the
    sabotage-espionage activities in the NKR territory in the postwar
    period. We will return to the book in details a bit later, but for
    now let's familiarize briefly with Dilham Gardashkhanoghlu Askerov's
    biography provided in the book.

    He was born on September 30, 1960 in Norabak village (former
    Garagoyunlu), the Vardenis region of Armenia, got a secondary school
    education, worked as a driver. He was not previously convicted, has
    a residence permit in the town of Ganja, the Azerbaijani Republic,
    but before his arrest in the NKR he actually lived in Shamkhor region's
    Seyfali village. He is registered as Azeri by nationality, but everyone
    knows him as a Kurd. During the Artsakh war, he was known by his "Kurd"
    nickname; he gave the name of Kurdoglu to one of his four sons and
    the name of Kurdani - to his daughter. His second wife Firuza is also
    Kurd by nationality. His family moved to Karvachar region's Shaplar
    village when he was 6 years old, and he lived there until 1978. He
    participated in the Azerbaijani-Karabakh war, and after the war,
    he periodically left for the Russian Federation for earning. He was
    recruited by the special services of Azerbaijan in 2005.

    This is written by the author of the aforementioned book, Ziyaddin
    Ismailov. Being familiar with Dilham Askerov since the war, when
    periodically preparing reports for the Azerbaijani mass media, he
    always admired Askerov's courage. "Brave, courageous, physically
    robust, has the ability to properly assess the situation, simple and
    loyal - thanks to these qualities, Dilham was respected and honored
    in his environment", Ismailov writes, noting that during the war,
    when the Armenians heard his voice on the radio, they turned the air
    blue, and he was happy to anger the Armenians.

    The book "Do not go alone to Kelbajar, father" consists of several
    parts, which are full of episodes of Dilham Askerov's "heroic past".

    Noteworthy, in particular, are the passages concerning the war period.

    Thus, we learn from the book that in May 1992, Dilham Askerov received
    military training at the training center of Garaheybat, not far from
    Baku, after which he was appointed commander of raid intelligence group
    #773. Along with the well-known group of Etibar Mamedov, they received
    military training, but the students of the center, chaired by General
    Kerim Mustafayev, could not participate in the "military activities
    for the defense of Shushi" on May 8, 1992, as those days, the students
    of the training center got... food poisoning. After the recovery, the
    raid teams finally went to the front line. In Zangelan, Kubatlu, and
    Lachin the locals met Dilham and others with flowers, invited to their
    houses and entertained the saviors. As the author wrote in the book,
    the road was full of Azerbaijani refugees leaving their homes with
    frightened faces. Dilham Askerov managed to get a foothold at one of
    the Lachin heights and to implement various subversive-intelligence
    activities. However, it was impossible to prevent the Armenians'
    attacks, because, as the author wrote, the Azeri commanders turned
    to be coward and incompetent, and the local population was in panic.

    There is an excerpt in the book about the military operation conducted
    by the 773rd sabotage group in the Hadrut region, during which the
    saboteurs, while in ambush, killed five Armenians, including a woman.

    They were civilians from the Hadrut region. Dilham Askerov's group
    mined the road leading to Hadrut and retreated, for which it was
    praised by the commander. Z. Ismailov described the details of the
    military operations, carried out in the same area, also in "Part 4"
    of the book. It happened in mid-August 1992, when the Azerbaijani Army,
    through the fault of brigade commander Isa Gasimov and other geniuses
    (underlined by the author of the book), suffered heavy losses.

    Somehow, Ismailov presented the actions attributed to Dilham Askerov
    against the background of Azerbaijani commanders' mediocrity. The
    likes and dislikes of the author in contrast become holistic in the
    descriptions of the military operations, emphasizing still more that
    the material is ordered. And it becomes clear from the following
    pages of the book who ordered it and why.

    Though funny, but also remarkable is the description of the military
    operation conducted in Karvachar. Once again, the group went for
    intelligence. It had to spend the night under the rocks. In the
    morning, one of the soldiers, alarmed, woke Dilham Askerov, saying that
    the Armenians, backed by a tank, had besieged them. It turned out that
    the tank was a mere shadow of the cliff under the morning sunlight. And
    Dilham began to taunt the soldier, advising him not to fear the enemy.

    According to the author, Dilham Askerov also participated in the
    "liberation of Kelbajar" in winter 1994. "Then it was snowing and it
    was cold. Whether due to the commanders' amateurism or due to traitors,
    the military unions of our army were sieged in the vicinity of the
    village of Lev and suffered heavy losses. And those, who survived and
    fled to the mountains, then died of cold and hunger, or were captured
    by the Armenians. It is difficult to say how many dead bodies were
    left in the war areas. No one can say whose remains they were, as the
    bodies were ripped up by raptorial birds...", we read these words of
    regret in the book.

    Z. Ismailov described in details the "Karvachar journey", with the
    logical narration of the scenes. Surely, the author could get much
    of the information from the shots done by Dilham Askerov, which,
    for some reason approved by the special services of Azerbaijan,
    were placed at the Internet, and some of the shots were even shown
    on the Azerbaijani television. These shots, however, contain not
    nostalgic feelings, but a specially elaborated ideology concocted in
    the political kitchen of Baku.

    Both the materials of the book and Askerov's shots testify that
    the "target" of the shooting was not the paths or the gorges of
    the native village familiar from the childhood, but the objects of
    strategic importance. Dilham Askerov and his entourage, among them
    Shahbaz Guliyev, even had the courage to shoot the military posts,
    military equipment, soldiers, and the movement of the equipment. / See: The reflections behind the scenes
    are worth of attention, an excerpt of which we are giving in details
    in order to make the true goal of the shooting clear. "They have
    organized everything well. Instead, we are waiting for the decision
    of the OSCE and believe that the lands will be returned to us. If they
    are going to return, then why have they founded a cemetery here? Here
    is their cemetery, look. Tonight, I have approached Keychay. If I
    cross this mountain, then I will find myself in the territory of
    Basargechar (Vardenis is meant - ed.). It was impossible to go back
    along the same road, I would have faced many obstacles, so I changed
    my route and went in the direction of the Karabakh mountains... Do
    you see how deserted they are? I think they are completely deserted,
    though sometimes grazing cows or sheep are seen. Look, an Armenian is
    shepherding the sheep over there. It means that the area is familiar
    to the Armenians, and they know where to do that. In these mountains,
    they graze the cattle stolen from the Kelbajar people. If we do not
    stop all this, then it will be much harder to do it. Again, it will
    be very difficult to do it later. See the mountains are deserted,
    nobody lives there, and we should take advantage of this. We should
    bring our soldiers here along the path I have passed, and not 5, 10,
    100, 200, 500, or 1000, but 50,000 people. We should bring them and
    hide in the mountains. This is possible to do in summer or in autumn,
    and then we'll attack the Armenians... In the middle, there is an
    Armenian position, through which, if desired, we can lead hundreds
    of armed people. The area is so empty that you can do what you want -
    shoot, sing, or keep cattle, and nobody will know about it. Probably
    our officers and soldiers will find time, watch these shots, and take
    the appropriate decision".

    Karvachar, however, is not only a "shooting platform" for the border
    violators. Dilham Askerov, together with his friend Hidayat, took
    hostage two Armenians. This episode is described in "Part 5". They
    met two Armenian beekeepers - father and son - near the village of
    Beyurbin. Threatening with a machine gun, Dilham Askerov asked them
    where Armenians kept Azerbaijani captives. The younger replied that
    he had seen about thirty Azerbaijani captives in Vardenis and stated
    his readiness to go and bring the person they needed. Dilham Askerov
    and Hidayat did not believe him and took them hostage. On the way,
    the young man managed to escape, and the enraged saboteurs killed
    his father.

    The documentary book of Ziyaddin Ismailov "Do not go alone to
    Kelbajar, father" and the materials placed in different time at the
    Internet, as well as the video camera taken while neutralizing the
    subversive-intelligence group thus testify that Dilham Askerov has
    repeatedly crossed the state border of Artsakh. Let us try to restore
    the chronology of violating the border.

    Thus, in June 1998, together with his relative Hidayat Goyushov (native
    of Karvachar - ed.), he crossed the NKR border, penetrated into the
    Shahumian region, and took pictures with 'Zenit' camera. The next trip
    was made in June 2005 with Shahbaz Guliyev. Then the special services
    of Azerbaijan gave them a video camera, and Dilham Askerov and Shahbaz
    Guliyev made shots in the town of Karvachar and in different places
    of the NKR Shahumian region. Another violation of the border took
    place in 2007. Prior to that, in 2006, Dilham Askerov met in Russia
    a refugee from Karvachar Vagif Huseynov, and together they decided to
    go to Karvachar, which they did in September 2007. Frames of this trip
    are also available at the Internet (

    And the "Karvachar journey", with the direct maintenance by
    representative of the Azerbaijani special services Hasan Hasanov, took
    place in June 2014 and was prevented by the measures taken jointly
    by the NKR law enforcement bodies. Hasan Hasanov was born in Jabrail
    region's Mehidli village, graduated from the military academy, and had
    the corresponding dan of black belt of eastern martial arts. Hasanov
    participated in several acts of sabotage undertaken by the armed
    forces of Azerbaijan, including in his native village of Mehidli.

    During the arrest of Shahbaz Guliyev and Dilham Askerov, he resisted
    the corresponding units of the NKR law enforcement bodies and was
    liquidated on the spot.

    Now let's present some information related to Shahbaz Guliyev's
    biography, and again from the book "Do not go alone to Kelbajar,

    He was born in 1968 in the village of Kafanli, the Mir-Bashir
    region of the Azerbaijani Republic. He has an incomplete secondary
    education, is married, and is Azeri by nationality. He has no previous
    convictions. He lives in the Perm region of the Russian Federation.

    He met with Dilham Askerov in 1992 in Lachin. They served in the
    same platoon until Dilham Askerov became a battalion commander. He
    deserted from the further military service and moved to the Russian
    city of Khabarovsk, and from there - to the Perm region. In 2002,
    he met by chance Dilham Askerov in Perm, but didn't get in touch
    with him. Two years later, he met Dilham Askerov again and could
    not refrain from communicating with him. Having restored the mutual
    confidence, they decided to go together to Karvachar, allegedly,
    to search for gold and to do the shooting, for which they had to be
    paid. On their return to Azerbaijan, in June 2005, they crossed the
    NKR state border through Dashkesan and penetrated into the Shahumian
    region, where they did secret shooting. Once again, along with Hasan
    Hasanov, Dilham Askerov and Shahbaz Guliyev penetrated into the
    NKR territory in late June, 2014. This time, they were armed with
    special equipment and ammunition. This was the last operation of the
    reconnaissance-sabotage group...

    Yet during the Azerbaijani-Karabakh war, when the 773rd raid group
    was in Jabrail and performed specific tasks, a special telecast was
    prepared about it, which was shown even on the Russian television. It
    was called "The punitive detachment of Ganja".In his book, Ziyaddin
    Ismailov proudly wrote about it, pointing out the cruelty of Dilham
    Askerov and his comrades-in-arms, based on reliable facts. In the
    book, in particular, it can be seen in the description of the events
    in Maragha, where the Armenian pogroms are described by the author
    with undisguised pride. Shahbaz Guliyev, a native of the village of
    Kafanli, the Mir-Bashir region bordering Maragha, also participated in
    these pogroms. War is war, but over 20 years later, in the conditions
    of ceasefire, two major members of the group tried to "remember their
    glorious past", repeatedly violating the border of the state, which
    is in conflict with Azerbaijan, to do shooting in this country and,
    at the same time, to kill the local civilians.

    The persistent efforts of the Azerbaijani press to present its
    citizens, accused of espionage, as peaceful shepherds are absolutely
    groundless. On the contrary, attention is attracted by the fact that
    the camcorder, seized from the subversive group, contained a complete
    record of the interrogation of the Armenian POW, Hagop Indzhigulyan,
    by the Azeri special services, which Hasan Hasanov and others simply
    forgot to delete. Among the videos, there are other operational surveys
    also indicating who the real owner of the video camera is. At the
    same time, it becomes clear who were Dilham Askerov, Shahbaz Guliyev,
    and Hasan Hasanov "cloaked in the shepherd mantles"...

    The deeds of Dilham Gardashkhanoghlu Askerov and Shahbaz Jalaloghlu
    Guliyev are qualified by the investigation bodies as the gravest
    crimes, and if the court finds them guilty, they will suffer a just
    and severe punishment.

    Svetlana KHACHATRIAN

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress