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AAANews: President Sargsyan Addresses 69th Session of UN Gen Assembl

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  • AAANews: President Sargsyan Addresses 69th Session of UN Gen Assembl

    Armenian Assembly of America News
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    President Serzh Sargsyan Addresses 69th Session of United Nations General

    By Taniel Koushakjian
    AAANews Blog

    September 24, 2014

    Today, the 69th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
    kicked off in New York City. President Serzh Sargsyan of Armenia was the
    11th speaker to take the podium this morning, where he discussed a wide
    range of issues facing Armenians across the globe.

    Sargsyan began his speech recalling the centennial of World War I, the 70th
    anniversary of the end of World War II, and the founding of the U.N. In
    this context, Sargsyan highlighted 2015 as the 100th anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide, stating that `it was an unprecedented crime aimed at
    eliminating the nation and depriving it of its homeland: a crime that
    continues to be an unhealed scar for each Armenian.'

    Standing at what he labeled the podium of `Honor and Responsibility,'
    Sargsyan thanked Uruguay, France, Russia, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands,
    Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Slovakia, Cyprus,
    Lebanon, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Canada, and the Vatican for their
    `recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide.'

    Sargsyan also called out Turkey's 99-year international campaign of
    genocide denial `since denial is a phase of the crime of genocide.' `For a
    whole century now Armenians around the globe as well as the entire
    progressive international community expects Turkey to demonstrate the
    courage and face its own history by recognizing the Armenian Genocide, thus
    relieving next generations of this heavy burden of the past,' Sargsyan
    said. `Alas instead, we continue to hear ambiguous and ulterior messages,
    in which the victim and the slaughterer are equalized, and the history is
    falsified,' a thinly veiled reference to Turkish Prime
    Minister-turned-President Erdogan's April 23, 2013 statement to descendants
    of Armenian Genocide survivors.

    In a showcase of diplomatic savvy, Sarsgsyan reiterated that `Armenia has
    never conditioned the normalization of the bilateral relations with Turkey
    by recognition of the Armenian Genocide. In fact, Armenia was the party
    that initiated such a process which culminated in the signing of the Zurich
    Protocols in 2009,' he said. However, given Turkey's unwillingness to
    follow through with their international commitment to normalize relations
    with Armenia without precondition, Sargsyan warned that `official Yerevan
    is seriously considering the issue of recalling the Armenian-Turkish

    Then, turning to a more recent dark page in the history of the Armenian
    people, Sargsyan condemned the destruction of the Armenian Church and
    Genocide Memorial at Der Zor, Syria. `Two days ago, on Independence Day of
    the Republic of Armenia, the Church of All Saint Martyrs in Deir-ez-Zor,
    Syria, dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide,
    where their remains were housed, was mined and blown up by terrorists. Such
    a barbarity is a criminal Godlessness in no way or shape related to any
    faith.' In discussing the crisis in Syria and Iraq, he reminded the world
    that `among them are tens of thousands of Armenians of Aleppo,' and that
    there is a `necessity to defend the Armenian population of Syria and the
    Yezidi population of north-western Iraq.'

    Sargsyan also talked about Armenia's contribution to international peace
    keeping missions, such as those in Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and the
    next planned mission in southern Lebanon.

    In rounding out his speech, Sargsyan spoke about the greatest threat to
    Armenia's national security today: Azerbaijan. This summer witnessed the
    most bloodshed and cross border attacks along the Nagorno
    Karabakh-Azerbaijan line-of-contact since a fragile ceasefire was signed in
    1994. It is an open secret that, in the wake of Russian aggression in
    Ukraine, Azerbaijan launched military offensives again Nagorno Karabakh and
    Armenia proper. `The failure of an adequate international characterization
    of the bellicose declarations and various threats put forth at the highest
    level in Azerbaijan has resulted in all-out permissiveness,' Sargsyan said.
    `The President of Azerbaijan designates the entire Armenian nation as the
    `the enemy number one', and what is considered in the rest of the world to
    be a crime, is considered to be a glorious deed in Azerbaijan,' another
    thinly veiled reference to the convicted murderer Ramil Safarov who
    barbarically killed an Armenian officer, Gurgen Margaryan, who was asleep,
    with an axe when the two were participating at a NATO training course in

    Sargsyan also took this opportunity to expose the Azerbaijani government's
    manipulation of four UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions adopted during
    the Nagorno Karabakh (NK) war. In fulfilling the requirements of the four
    UNSC resolutions on the NK war `Azerbaijan failed to comply,' Sargsyan
    said, citing Azerbaijan's indiscriminate bombardment of civilian
    populations, the dual blockade they've imposed on Armenia (in coordination
    with Turkey), Azerbaijan's refusal to engage NK authorities in peace
    negotiations, Azerbaijan's inhuman and typically fatal treatment of
    Armenian prisoners of war, and Azerbaijan's preaching `hatred towards
    people it claims it wants to see as a part of their state.'

    Sargsyan's remarks at the 69th session of the UNGA were poised, articulate,
    and factually consistent with international law. Armenians around the
    world, particularly those of us here in the United States, hope that the
    world community was listening closely.

    Below is President Serzh Sargsyan's speech in full:

    Distinguished President of the General Assembly,
    Distinguished Secretary General,
    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Mr. President,

    We conduct this meeting in a symbolically significant period between the
    centennial of World War I and the 70th anniversary of the end of World War
    II, the two turning points in the history of humanity. The United Nations
    Organization was established almost seventy years ago at the end of World
    War II, and its mission was to form new civilizational environment and
    culture of preventing the repetition of the past tragic pages.

    2015 bears particular significance for Armenians all over the world. On
    April 24 Armenians around the globe will commemorate the most tragic page
    of the nation's history - the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. It was
    an unprecedented crime aimed at eliminating the nation and depriving it of
    its homeland: a crime that continues to be an unhealed scar for each
    Armenian. The 1915 Genocide was a crime against civilization and humanity,
    and its inadequate condemnation paved the way for similar crimes of mass
    murder in the future.

    Addressing the Assembly ahead of that centennial year of the Armenian
    Genocide from this prominent podium, which I would call the podium of Honor
    and Responsibility, I declare vociferously:

    Thank you Uruguay, France, and Russia!

    Thank you Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Sweden!

    Thank you Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Slovakia, and Cyprus!

    Thank you Lebanon, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Canada, and Vatican!

    Thank you for the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide
    regardless of the format and language adopted. I thank the U.S.A., European
    Union, and all those personalities, state bodies, territorial units and
    organizations in numerous countries, who publicly called things by their
    proper names. That is indeed extremely important since denial is a phase of
    the crime of genocide.

    For a whole century now Armenians around the globe as well as the entire
    progressive international community expects Turkey to demonstrate the
    courage and face its own history by recognizing the Armenian Genocide, thus
    relieving next generations of this heavy burden of the past. Alas instead,
    we continue to hear ambiguous and ulterior messages, in which the victim
    and the slaughterer are equalized, and the history is falsified.

    Armenia has never conditioned the normalization of the bilateral relations
    with Turkey by recognition of the Armenian Genocide. In fact, Armenia was
    the party that initiated such a process which culminated in the signing of
    the Zurich Protocols in 2009. However, those Protocols have been shelved
    for years now awaiting ratification in the Turkish Parliament. Ankara
    declares publicly that it will ratify those Protocols only if Armenians
    cede Nagorno- Karabakh, the free Artsakh, to Azerbaijan. In Armenia and
    Artsakh ordinary people often just retort to such preconditions: `To hell
    with you ratification.' This vernacular phrase concentrates the age-old
    struggle of the entire nation, and it unequivocally explains to those who
    attempt to bargain the others' homeland that the motherland is sacrosanct,
    and they had better stay away from us with their bargain. It is in these
    circumstances that currently the official Yerevan is seriously considering
    the issue of recalling the Armenian-Turkish Protocols from the parliament.

    The tragic events in Syria and Iraq, which we are currently witnessing,
    demonstrate how the groups whose creed is hatred are targeting religious
    and national minorities. Two days ago, on Independence Day of the Republic
    of Armenia, the Church of All Saint Martyrs in Deir-ez-Zor, Syria,
    dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, where
    their remains were housed, was mined and blown up by terrorists. Such a
    barbarity is a criminal Godlessness in no way or shape related to any
    faith. The catastrophic situation in Syria and the north of Iraq
    continuously deteriorates, and today hundreds of thousands of peaceful
    people are directly imperiled. Among them are tens of thousands of
    Armenians of Aleppo. This is an instance of a peril to consider in the
    context of our joint commitments to preventing the crimes against humanity.
    Armenia has voiced on numerous occasions the necessity to defend the
    Armenian population of Syria and the Yezidi population of north-western
    Iraq, and we are encouraged by the unified stance of the international
    community in this regard.

    The very essence of our organization is the preservation of world peace and
    security. In recent years, Armenia has consistently consolidated its
    peacekeeping capabilities thus preparing ourselves for a more proactive
    engagement in that field. Armenian peacekeepers will very soon be
    dispatched to the south of Lebanon within the framework of the UNIFIL
    mission under the auspices of the United Nations. It became possible due to
    close collaboration we enjoy with our Italian colleagues. I strongly
    believe that our servicemen will fulfill their mission with dignity and
    high professionalism also utilizing the extensive experience they have
    garnered in the last decade in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Distinguished colleagues,

    It has been more than twenty years our neighbor aborts the efforts of the
    international community directed at the just and peaceful settlement of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by its unconstructive and maximalist stance. The
    failure of an adequate international characterization of the bellicose
    declarations and various threats put forth at the highest level in
    Azerbaijan has resulted in all-out permissiveness. The President of
    Azerbaijan designates the entire Armenian nation as the `the enemy number
    one', and what is considered in the rest of the world to be a crime, is
    considered to be a glorious deed in Azerbaijan.

    Despite the fact that each conflict is unique, fundamental human rights and
    freedoms, including the right of peoples to free expression of will and
    self-determination, continue to evolve as a determinant to their
    resolution. The vote held a few days ago in Scotland, once again proved
    that nowadays the institute of referendum is more and more widely perceived
    as a legal model for peaceful settlement of ethnic conflicts. It was no
    coincidence that the right to govern one's own fate through referendum is
    in the core of the proposal put forward by the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk
    Group for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    While discussing the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement I cannot but
    address the four UN Security Council resolutions, which were adopted during
    the war, that every so often are exploited by Azerbaijani authorities in
    order to justify their obstructive policy.

    It is about those four Resolutions that demanded unconditionally as a
    matter of priority cessation of all military hostilities. Azerbaijan failed
    to comply. Azerbaijan's own non-compliance with the fundamental demands of
    these Resolutions made their full implementation impossible. The
    Resolutions contained calls upon the parties to cease bombardments and air
    strikes targeting peaceful civilian populations, to refrain from violating
    the principles of international humanitarian law but instead Azerbaijan
    continued its indiscriminate bombardments of civilian populations.
    Azerbaijan did not spare children, women and old men thus gravely violating
    all legal and moral norms of international humanitarian law.

    Now Azerbaijan cynically refers to these Resolutions - refers selectively,
    pulling them out of context as a prerequisite for the settlement of the
    problem. The adequate interpretation of the UN Security Council Resolutions
    is not possible without correctly understanding the hierarchy of the
    demands set therein.

    The Resolutions inter alia request the restoration of economic, transport
    and energy links in the region (UN SC Resolution 853) and removal of all
    obstacles to communications and transportation (UN SC Resolution 874). It
    is no secret that Azerbaijan and Turkey imposed blockade on
    Nagorno-Karabakh and the Republic of Armenia from the outset of the
    conflict. The Azerbaijani President in his statements even takes pride in
    this fact promising his own public that direction would remain the priority
    of Azerbaijan's foreign policy.

    The abovementioned UN Security Council Resolutions called upon Azerbaijan
    to establish direct contacts with Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan refused to
    establish any direct contact with Nagorno-Karabakh, which was a legally
    equal party to the Ceasefire Agreement concluded in 1994, as well as to a
    number of other international agreements. Moreover, Azerbaijan preaches
    hatred towards people it claims it wants to see as a part of their state.

    None of the UN SC Resolutions identifies Armenia as a conflicting party.
    Our country is only called upon `to continue to exert its influence' over
    the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians (UN SC Resolutions 853, 884) in order to
    cease the conflict. Armenia fully complied, and partly owing to its efforts
    a ceasefire agreement was concluded in 1994. All the UN SC Resolutions have
    clearly recognized Nagorno-Karabakh as a party to the conflict.

    Azerbaijani authorities have failed to implement the fundamental demands of
    the Security Council resolutions, including abiding and sticking by
    humanitarian norms. Incidentally, Azerbaijan has been gravely violating
    this demand every now and then. Azerbaijan's cruel and inhumane treatment
    of the Armenian civilian prisoners of war regularly resulted in their
    deaths. Although, I think, one shall not be surprised about it because it
    is the same state that suppresses and exercises the most inhumane treatment
    of its own people. A clear proof of it was the decision of the UN
    Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture to suspend its visit to Azerbaijan
    due to the obstructions it encountered in the conduct of the official Baku.

    The Co-Chairmanship of the OSCE Minsk Group is the only specialized
    structure that has been dealing with the Nagorno-Karabakh issue according
    to the mandate granted by the international community. While Azerbaijan is
    very well aware that it could not possibly deceive or misinform the Minsk
    Group, which is very-well immersed in the essence of the problem, it
    attempts to transpose the conflict settlement to other platforms trying to
    depict it as a territorial dispute or exploiting the factor of religious
    solidarity. That is ironic, since Armenia traditionally enjoys very warm
    relations with the Islamic states both in the Arab world or, for instance,
    with our immediate neighbor Iran.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    We highly value the indispensable role of the United Nations in the
    adjustment and implementation of the development goals. I strongly believe
    that through the new `Post-2015' development agenda we will continue our
    efforts at seeking solutions and responding to challenges of global nature
    stemming from the Millennium Development Goals.

    In conclusion, I would like to underline that we have passed the
    substantial part of the road leading to shaping the `Post-2015 Development
    Agenda' and we will continue our endeavors in this regard by displaying
    necessary flexibility in order to bring this process to its logical

    I thank you.

    Available online at:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress