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Najarian Lecture on Human Rights at Faneuil Hall

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  • Najarian Lecture on Human Rights at Faneuil Hall

    Armenian Heritage Foundation
    25 Flanders Road
    Belmont, MA 02478
    Email: [email protected]

    Date & Time
    Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 7:30pm
    Doors open at 7pm
    Faneuil Hall
    Boston, Massachusetts
    Mayor's Remarks
    Martin J. Walsh
    Mayor, City of Boston
    Courtney Radsch, PhD
    Advocacy Director, Committee to Protect Journalists
    Ray Suarez
    Host of Inside Story on Al Jazeera America and
    America Abroad on Public Radio on International
    Stephen Kurkjian
    Founding member and former chief of The Boston
    Globe Investigative Spotlight Team and former editor
    of its Washington Bureau
    Thomas Mucha
    Editor, GlobalPost
    Free and open to the public
    Reception follows at the Millennium Bostonian Hotel with the speakers and leadership
    Boston University College of Communication
    Thomas Fiedler, Dean of the College of Communications and Professor of the Practice
    in Journalism
    Emerson College
    Jerry Lanson, Associate Chair of Journalism and Associate
    New England Center for Investigative Journalism
    Jenifer McKim, Assistant Managing Editor/Senior Investigative
    Reporter; Clara Germani, Investigations Editor and
    Beth Daley, Investigative Reporter/Director of Partnerships
    Northeastern University School of Journalism
    Dan Kennedy. Acting Director and Associate Professor
    Phillip Martin. Senior Investigative Reporter

    An endowed public program of Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway, Boston

    Honorary Chairs
    Governor Deval L Patrick
    Mayor Martin J. Walsh
    Armenian Heritage Foundation
    Sheriff Peter J. Koutoujian
    Secretary Rachel Kaprielian
    Honorary Chairs
    James M. Kalustian
    In Partnership with the
    Boston Women's Heritage Trail
    Maria D'Itria
    Chair, Board of Directors
    The Bostonian Society
    Joshua Young
    Chair, Board of Directors
    Brian W.J. LeMay
    Executive Director
    Millennium Bostonian Hotel
    Robert Rivers
    General Manager
    Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy
    Georgia Murray
    Chair, Board of Directors
    Jesse Brackenbury
    Executive Director
    Charlie Clements
    Executive Director
    Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
    Michael A. Grodin, MD
    Global Lawyers and Physicians:
    Working Together for Human Rights, Boston University
    David Hollenbach, SJ
    Center for Human Rights and
    International Justice, Boston College
    Shant Mardirossian
    Chair, Board of Directors
    Near East Foundation
    Kevin Murray
    Executive Director
    The Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy,
    Northeastern University School of Law
    Deborah W. Nutter, PhD
    Senior Associate Dean
    Fletcher School of Law and
    Diplomacy, Tufts University
    BalakrishnanRajagopal, PhD
    Founding Director
    Program on Human Rights and Justice, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Joshua Rubenstein
    Activist and scholar
    2013 Siddharth Kara
    Cherie Jimenez
    Liam Lowney
    Sheriff Peter Koutoujian
    2012 Ambassador Edward Djrejeian
    2011 Paul Rusesabagina 2010 Kerry Kennedy
    Carolann Najarian, MD
    George Najarian
    Joyce Barsam, PhD
    Phyllis Dohanian
    Linda Kaboolian, PhD
    Audrey Kalajian
    Barbara Tellalian
    in collaboration with
    Stephen Kurkjian
    Friends of Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway
    Karen Dederyan, Treasurer
    Lucy Hoosian, Liason
    Further information, please email
    [email protected]

    Protecting Human Rights Globally

    Everyone has the right to seek, receive and impart ideas without fear
    and interference. Yet throughout the world, journalists, bloggers and
    others face the harassment and imprisonment for exercising their
    rights to free speech...Freedom of expression is essential to the
    attainment of all other rights...and is closely linked to the right to
    hold opinions and the right to freedom of thought, conscience and
    - Amnesty International


    About the Najarian Endowed Lecture on Human Rights at Faneuil Hall The
    purpose of the lecture series, endowed by K. George and Carolann
    S. Najarian, MD, is to advance understanding of human rights issues
    and societal abuses worldwide, and to increase awareness of the work
    of individuals and organizations so that we are all more actively

    This endowed lecture at Faneuil Hall has been inspired by the New
    England women and men - intellectuals, politicians, diplomats,
    religious leaders and citizens - who from 1895-1918 at Faneuil Hall
    heard the eyewitness accounts of the atrocities taking place against
    the Armenian minority of the Ottoman Empire and spoke passionately
    about the urgent need for intervention. Relief workers, missionaries
    and diplomats including the U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire
    Henry Morgenthau provided accounts.

    Many who heard these accounts were moved to action. Distinguished
    Bostonians, among them Julia Ward Howe, Clara Barton, Charlotte
    Perkins Gilman and Alice Stone Blackwell, heard these accounts and
    were moved to assist the Armenians. As a result, the American Red
    Cross launched its first international mission with Clara Barton
    bringing aid to the Armenians. Philanthropists nationwide raised over
    $100 million in support. This was America's first internationally
    focused human rights movement.

    A Century Later Just as these brave and noble witnesses gave voice to
    those in crisis and mobilized the gathering of Bostonians at Faneuil
    Hall, which was to spark a nationwide response, it is our hope that
    this lecture will serve to refocus our attention, not only on past
    events, but upon the critical human rights issues of today, inspiring
    us to meaningful action.

    This endowed lecture on human rights is in my father's honor as he
    taught so many about the need to pay attention, spot injustice and
    speak out wherever and whenever it occurs. Carolann S. Najarian, MD
    The Najarian Lecture on Human Rights at Faneuil Hall is an endowed
    public program of Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway, the key
    initiative of the Armenian Heritage Foundation, comprised of
    representatives of 42 Armenian-American parishes and organizations
    within Massachusetts.

    Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway and its endowed public programs
    are a gift to the City of Boston and the Commonwealth of
    Massachusetts. [ yJrJQVY1ror397YWXFwwF6j_3Md3Tsz--zZEdKrCuZHYrRh27EavFEPlX2MwEDalBSo0bzAptffWvAKSGdT l7Gk4B9eWbr6CwmiSuSvxMYPjPa_KehisJiyFmXJ-I-6UWtoJ_JauV08kd2yA==&c=VtrTzt3fo_p_3iBLtL-EQO_JTp4YbIWBoD3I2BtBOCko-NFq7u2WpQ==&ch=1BzyA7R8ls6AHcYNFJU2n6741HdtmEs1G05 pf41TCODjUiddBemd8w==]
    For further information,
    [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
