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Vyacheslav Kovalenko: "Armenia Needs The EEU"

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  • Vyacheslav Kovalenko: "Armenia Needs The EEU"


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Sept 24 2014

    24 September 2014 - 12:31pm
    By Vestnik Kavkaza

    On October 10th in Minsk as a result of talks between the EEU
    countries' leaders the Agreement on Accession of Armenia to the
    Eurasian Economic Union is going to be signed. According to Gallup
    International, more than half of Armenia's citizens positively
    view joining the Customs Union, which is a basis for the EEU; 27%
    of citizens regard it negatively.

    At the same time, according to a survey headlined "Integration
    Barometer" by the Eurasian Bank of Development, the accession of
    Armenia to the Customs Union is viewed positively by 64% of Armenian
    citizens, 8% treat it negatively, and 21% - indifferently.

    Vyacheslav Kovalenko, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador
    of Russia to Armenia (2009-2013), the director of regional programs
    of the Institute of Caspian Cooperation, thinks that "integration for
    such small countries as Armenia is a guarantee of providing lasting
    economic interests, lasting economic growth. The process of Eurasian
    integration means joint working on the game rules and mutual respect
    of national sovereignties. A significant part of the road has been
    travelled; there are some problems with customs and tax spheres,
    which are being intensively discussed."

    According to Kovalenko, "Armenia, which has chosen the Customs
    Union willingly, will travel the rest of the road by signing the
    agreement, and together with Russia and other CU members it will come
    to wide prospects of development of its national economy, using the
    achievements of the Customs Union. This is oil prices, extension of
    cooperation and interregional ties, extension of the outlet market
    for Armenian agricultural producers, issues of migration policies,
    issuing national status to labor migrants who work in Russia.

    2 million Armenians live in Russia. According to the Federal Migration
    Service, 800 thousand of them are labor migrants. It is important
    to prevent the situation which has happened in Ukraine, when such
    conflicts between two parts of the population occurred. We should
    remember about this important factor."

    Meanwhile, yesterday it was found out that the State Duma could
    ratify the agreement establishing the Eurasian Economic Union on
    September 26th.
