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Argentine Billionaire Eurnekian Sees Market Return Near Election

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  • Argentine Billionaire Eurnekian Sees Market Return Near Election


    Business Week / Bloomberg
    Sept 24 2014

    By Katia Porzecanski and Erik Schatzker

    Billionaire Eduardo Eurnekian said he's waiting for Argentine assets
    to regain investor favor in the run-up to 2015 elections before taking
    several units of his holding company public.

    Eurnekian's Corporacion America, which controls interests in airports,
    energy, construction, nanotechnology and wines, is in talks with banks
    to plan a share sale once values recover, he said. The record $25
    billion initial public offering from China's Alibaba Group Holding
    Ltd. (BABA:US) last week isn't enough to convince the businessman
    that now is the right time.

    "Argentina is different," Eurnekian, 81, said yesterday in a
    television interview at Bloomberg's New York headquarters. "The
    country has enormous resources to be delivered, explored and a lot
    of opportunities, and today values are very low."

    Video: Argentine Billionaire: Soros May Help Nation Exit Default

    Corporacion America is paving the way to sell shares in global markets
    by opening a representative office in New York, he said. Argentine
    companies are hamstrung because valuations are too low for IPOs while
    interest rates are too high to sell debt after the nation defaulted
    for the second time in 13 years two months ago, he said.

    President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has 15 months left in office
    after she and her late husband and predecessor Nestor Kirchner ran
    the country since 2003. Argentina's legal dispute with investors
    from its 2001 default, which is preventing the nation from making
    payments on its overseas bonds, is deepening a recession and spurring
    speculation that the debt crisis will have to be resolved by the
    next administration.

    Presidential Candidates

    The three leading candidates to replace Fernandez are in a statistical
    tie, according to the latest poll from Management & Fit. Buenos Aires
    Province Governor Daniel Scioli, Buenos Aires City Mayor Mauricio
    Macri and lawmaker Sergio Massa are all prepared to lead the country,
    Eurnekian said.

    "There isn't much difference between the candidates," he said. "They
    play with the rules of democracy."

    Presidential elections will be held Oct. 25, 2015 and the new
    government would take office in December of next year.

    A group of investors in Argentina's defaulted bonds from 2001, led by
    Elliott Management Corp., won an order for full repayment whenever the
    nation makes interest payments on securities issued in 2005 and 2010
    debt restructurings. Fernandez has refused to comply with the ruling,
    saying that doing so would trigger new claims of $120 billion from
    other bondholders.

    Soros Talks

    Argentine bonds have plunged 12 percent since the nation was blocked
    from making a $539 million interest payment on July 30, pushing yields
    to 9.6 percent on average.

    Eurnekian is interested in helping resolve the dispute and has held
    talks with banks and investors to find a private solution. Still,
    he's not in a position to lead a resolution, he said.

    "I am a positive instrument to do something," he said. "There are
    many businesspeople interested in doing something, but somebody --
    and not me -- has to lead them."

    Billionaire George Soros, who also met with Fernandez in New York on
    Sept. 22, may be well positioned to help broker a deal, Eurnekian said.

    Soros discussed a "range of topics" with Fernandez including the
    prospects for the economy and energy sector, his spokesman said in
    an e-mail. Soros more than doubled his stake (YPF:US) in state-run
    Argentine energy producer YPF SA (YPF:US) in the second quarter to
    become the fourth largest private shareholder. He's also the biggest
    shareholder (AGRO:US) of South American agricultural company Adecoagro
    SA (AGRO:US), according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

    "He has the financial resources, he has the knowledge," Eurnekian
    said. "If it is in his hand to do something, I think he will."

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    Eurnekian, whose Armenian immigrant parents owned a textile business,
    introduced cable television to Argentina through Cablevision SA and
    founded networks including America TV. Today, Corporacion America is
    the world's largest private airport operator by number of licenses,
    with more than 50, and about $2 billion in annual sales.
