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Turkey's Policies Urged President To 'Send Armenia-Turkey Protocols

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  • Turkey's Policies Urged President To 'Send Armenia-Turkey Protocols


    10:43 * 26.09.14

    Turkey's behavior and policies were behind President Serzh Sargsyan's
    strong-wordedstatement at the UN General Assembly's recent session,
    a spokesperson for the Nagorno-Karabakh president has said, commenting
    on Serzh Sargsyan's remark on the Armenia-Turkey protocols.

    "Over the past years, Turkey hasn't made any step towards normalizing
    the relations. Not only does it fail to acknowledge the Armenian
    Genocide but also takes every possible measure to combat the Genocide
    recognition efforts. This is viewed as a continuation of the Genocide,"
    David Babayan told

    In his speech at the General Assembly's 69th session in New York,
    the Armenian leader strongly criticized Turkey for the stall in the
    bilateral ties' normalization process. He said that such policies
    have caused the official Yerevan to rethink its plans and consider
    the recall of the documents. "Armenia has never conditioned the
    normalization of the bilateral relations with Turkey by recognition of
    the Armenian Genocide. In fact, Armenia was the party that initiated
    such a process which culminated in the signing of the Zurich Protocols
    in 2009. However, those Protocols have been shelved for years now
    awaiting ratification in the Turkish Parliament. Ankara declares
    publicly that it will ratify those Protocols only if Armenians cede
    Nagorno- Karabakh, the free Artsakh, to Azerbaijan. In Armenia and
    Artsakh ordinary people often just retort to such preconditions:
    'To hell with you ratification.' This vernacular phrase concentrates
    the age-old struggle of the entire nation, and it unequivocally
    explains to those who attempt to bargain the others' homeland that
    the motherland is sacrosanct, and they had better stay away from us
    with their bargain. It is in these circumstances that currently the
    official Yerevan is seriously considering the issue of recalling the
    Armenian-Turkish Protocols from the parliament," he said.

    Describing the Turkish policies on Nagorno-Karabakh as extremely
    non-constructive, Babayan said he sees that the country is attempting
    to link the issue with the Armenian Genocide.

    "When Turkish Prime Minister [Ahmet] Davutoglu declares that Turkey
    has to key questions - the Armenian issue and Cyprus - what else are
    we supposed to expect in such a situation? So the need to revise the
    protocols is gaining urgency," he noted.

    Addressing the president's remark on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    settlement issue and Azerbaijan's position on the process, Babayan said
    their authorities too, have repeatedly stated in that connection that
    Azerbaijan is a fascist state propagating Armenophobia and Nazism. He
    said that such a country poses a threat to any normal and civilized

    "When, for example, the plane flying over Ukraine exploded, the whole
    world was committed to take action, and the probe into the incident
    continues to date. Whereas Azerbaijan declares on a state level that
    it will shoot down a plane in case the airport in Stepanakert is
    launched. And the menacing statement won't receive any reaction by the
    international community. The aggressor naturally benefits from that,
    continuing its non-constructive and abnormal behavior. If instead
    the international community resorts to timely corresponding steps
    and rhetoric, lots of things will not probably happen," he said,
    referring to the recent border incidents and subversive acts.

    Babayan said he finds force and punishment to be the only means
    capable of restraining an aggressor.

    "This is the problem, so we here have to agree with all the points
    highlighted by the president," he added.

    As for Serzh Sargsyan's remark on the OSCE Minsk Group mission's work,
    Babayan said he knows that it is the only specialized organization that
    has been dealing with the conflict settlement process for two decades,
    having a mandate by the international community. "The procrastination
    in the conflict settlement process is through no fault of the OSCE
    Minsk Group. They are probably trying to equally react to different
    processes. They have simply found themselves in situation that makes
    them deal with an unhealthy state like Azerbaijan, so they do not
    want to irritate it," he noted.

    Babayan said he doesn't think that the Minsk Group is able to do
    anything in the present circumstances. Neither did he agree that
    a replacement of mediators or a change in the negotiating mission's
    format can foster peace or in any other way contribute to the conflict
    settlement process.

    From: Baghdasarian