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Archeology: Stone Age Weapons-Making Technology Discovered In Armeni

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  • Archeology: Stone Age Weapons-Making Technology Discovered In Armeni


    Capital OTC
    Sept 26 2014

    Thousands of tools from the Paleolithic era have been discovered from
    a site in Armenia.

    The latest discovery gives scientists a better insight into how
    technological developments evolved and spread in the world. The
    research teams which included scientists from across the world and a
    team from Royal Holloway, University of London believe that they have
    unearthed evidence that the ancient technique of Levallois which is
    used for making hunting weapons was actually invented in Africa and
    later spread across the world. Details of the study was published in
    the journal Science

    The Paleolithic era is a period of human history which is characterized
    by the development of primitive stone tools which was developed for
    hunting. The period covers a major portion of human pre historic

    The levallois technique is type of stone knapping which was developed
    by the ancestors of modern humans for making hunting tools. It is
    a more sophisticated method for making hunting tools. Levallois
    technique has been named after the discovery of flint tools in the
    French province of Levallois-Perret

    The evidence of the theory that these tools originated in Africa
    and spread to other parts is available at a site in Armenia. The
    archaeologist believes that the technology was a part of these Armenian
    communities which thrived 325,000 to 335,000 years ago.

    This technique is also known in these parts of the world as biface
    that can be described as something similar to Levallois. After careful
    analysis and research, the archaeologists concluded volcanic material
    was used in the tools which have discovered in Nor Geghi in Kotayk
    Province, Armenia.

    The discovery of these Paleolithic tools is giving new insight into
