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BAKU: AKP deputy: "It is impossible to put pressure on Turkey regard

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  • BAKU: AKP deputy: "It is impossible to put pressure on Turkey regard

    APA, Azerbaijan
    Sept 27 2014

    AKP deputy: "It is impossible to put pressure on Turkey regarding the
    Armenian issue"

    [ 27 September 2014 13:27 ]

    Burhan Kayaturk: "I am sure that a commission including the world's
    top historians will be sooner or later entrusted with dealing this

    Ankara. Mayis Alizadeh - APA. "Turkey's position on "Armenian
    genocide" allegations has been evident since our party came to power:
    we have repeatedly stated that parliaments can not pass decision on
    history matters. Some of our citizens were moved from one corner of
    the territories to another one in the last periods of the Ottoman
    Empire. Of course, no one wants people to leave their native lands.
    However, today, the Parliament's passing decision on the events that
    happened under that period's conditions is wrong," the ruling Justice
    and Development Party's (AKP) Van deputy and head of Turkish
    Parliament Foreign Affairs Commission Burhan Kayaturk told APA.

    Answering the question "Turkey is expected to face pressures regarding
    the 100th anniversary of so-called "Armenian genocide" in 2015. What
    is your Commission doing in this regard?" Kayaturk said that Turkey is
    completely self-reliant in this issue: "We have opened all of our
    archives and demand other countries to do so. However, many countries
    rejected it. Until recently, I was a member of the Turkish delegation
    to the PACE. According to the proposal made by the Turkish MPs, PACE
    adopted a recommendation on "Armenian genocide" allegations. Thus, it
    was recommended that historical events should be assessed by the
    historians, not by the parliaments. Turkey wanted to "normalize" its
    relations with Armenia, but Armenian Constitutional Court suspended
    the process under the pressure and threats of the Armenian diaspora.
    People are living in a difficult financial situation in Armenia, while
    Diaspora Armenians are always inciting hostility towards Turkey for
    the sake of their own interests. Armenia has been also keeping the
    territories of fraternal Azerbaijan under occupation for a long time."

    Kayaturk noted that Turkey would be pleased of Armenia's withdrawal
    from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and solution of the
    problems between the two countries: "We will always support
    Azerbaijan's legitimate struggle in this direction."

    The parliamentarian reiterated that no parliament's decision on
    "genocide" can change Turkey's position: "It is impossible to put
    pressure on Turkey. We are confident that our ancestors didn't commit
    genocide. We will frequently meet and inform politicians of the
    countries that passed unfair decisions against Turkey. Our archives
    are open for everyone. I am sure that a commission including the
    world's top historians will be sooner or later entrusted with dealing
    this issue," he said.
