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Armenia Fund: Achieving True Victory in War

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  • Armenia Fund: Achieving True Victory in War

    Armenia Fund: Achieving True Victory in War

    Friday, September 26th, 2014

    The newly-constructed school in Chapar

    In Chapar, a northern village in Artsakh, Armenia Fund has constructed
    a new school with modern amenities to serve the local population.
    During the time Armenia Fund has realized many projects in and around
    the area, 15 families have moved back and resettled in the village.

    Fourteen year old boys usually have less serious things on their mind.

    The ceasefire negotiations were underway and an independent Artsakh
    was in sight. On the verge of a monumental defeat, Azerbaijan,
    suffering from embarrassingly disproportionate military losses, chose
    to continue its hostilities. One of the targets for Azerbaijan's
    special forces was the civilian population of Chapar village in
    northern Artsakh's Martakert region. As recorded by Human Rights
    Watch, six Armenian civilians, including one 14-year old boy, were

    One of Artsakh's oldest communities, picturesque Chapar is in northern
    Artsakh, close to the militarized border and the Azerbaijani-occupied
    Armenian region of Shahumian. Armenia Fund chose the village of 300
    residents for the location a new school as a part of its Rural
    Development Program. The building of the new school was co-sponsored
    by the government of the Artsakh Republic.

    Students at the new Chapar village school

    The school is built with the future in mind, bearing accommodations
    that will allow students to have a holistic educational experience.
    Among the different facilities are included biology and chemistry
    labs, a computer lab, and a library. A unique feature at the school
    that speaks to its precarious geography - and with a nod to its
    history - is a classroom specially built for military studies.

    Spanning over 10,000 square feet, the school's campus also houses a
    grass sports field, as well as an outdoor playground. For Chapar's
    cold winters, a boiler room was installed so that the children and
    faculty could benefit from central heating and not have to limit class
    time for lack of it.

    Despite now having a brand new building outfitted with the most modern
    educational equipment, Chapar School's most valued possession is
    distinctly antiquated: a hundred year old bell. Having survived
    through some of the most tumultuous times in Armenian history, the
    bell will hang proudly from the new building where it will continue to
    see off the school's graduates in the spring and welcome new students
    in the fall.

    This is not Chapar's first experience with Armenia Fund. In 2012, a
    water pipeline almost 2.5 miles long was installed and has since
    provided the village with regular access to drinkable water.

    Chapar is also one of the locations along the new Vardenis-Martakert
    Highway which is being constructed by Armenia Fund with donations from
    Armenians throughout the world. These developments, together with the
    new school and a general improvement in the village's conditions have
    encouraged 15 families that had left to return and continue their
    lives there.

    In fact, in addition to the traditional trades of the villages, which
    include beekeeping, animal husbandry, and agriculture, many of the
    village's residents have been hired to work on the Armenia Fund
    infrastructure projects in and around their homes.

    We can't know what the 14-year old boy who was killed by Azerbaijani
    soldiers would have been if he was able to grow up. But, by continuing
    to build the communities that were destroyed by the War for
    Independence and which continue to live on the razor's edge, we can
    ensure that his innocent life, and that of many others like him, was
    not lost in vain. The real victory in war is giving the fourteen year
    olds of today and tomorrow that which the ones from yesterday did not
