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ECtHR Obligates Armenia To Pay Compensation To A Former Prisoner

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  • ECtHR Obligates Armenia To Pay Compensation To A Former Prisoner


    04.01.2015 14:33

    On Sunday, March 31, the European Court of Human Rights ruled against
    Armenia in the case of "Davtyan v. Armenia," obligating the Republic
    of Armenia to compensate Artashes Davtyan in the amount of 9000 euros
    for non-pecuniary damages and 60 euros for costs and expenses, the
    official website of ECtHR reported.

    The case principally concerned Davtyan's complaint about inadequate
    medical care in detention over a prolonged period of time. Relying in
    particular on Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment)
    of the European Convention on Human Rights, Davtyan alleged that his
    continued detention, despite his poor health and without the requisite
    medical care, had caused him severe physical and mental pain and had
    put his life in danger.

    According to an official press release issued by ECtHR, Artashes
    Davtyan was arrested in March 2003 and charged with large-scale
    embezzlement. He was found guilty in November 2005 and sentenced to
    six years' imprisonment. This judgment was later upheld on appeal, and
    Davtyan's appeal on points of law was ultimately dismissed by the Court
    of Cassation in June 2006. He was released on parole in June 2006.

    Less than a month after Davtyan was placed in detention, doctors
    recommended that he have a biopsy of a tumour on his vocal chords as
    well as further examinations and treatment. Similar recommendations
    were made in January and April 2005. None of these recommendations
    were apparently followed up and, in March 2006 following a drastic
    deterioration in his health (which included him coughing blood, having
    asphyxia attacks and losing consciousness), Davtyan was transferred
    to an outside hospital for urgent surgery. He thus had two operations
    in March and April 2006 which improved his condition. spoke to Artashes Davtyan's lawyer, Lusine Sahakyan, who
    said that they do not find the amount of compensation sufficient.

    Still, according to the lawyer, the fact that the court ruled Davtyan's
    rights were violated is very important.

    "It's vital from the standpoint of preventing such practices in
    the future and for finally abandoning such courses of action,"
    Sahakyan said.
