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Azerbaijan To Expand Its Offensive Weapons

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  • Azerbaijan To Expand Its Offensive Weapons


    [ Part 2.2: "Attached Text" ]

    April 2 2015

    Politician Tigran Abrahamyan arrived at this conclusion after the
    latest border incidents -

    Border incidents are continued since August of last year and this
    year more intensively. Do you also think that the only reason for it
    is the centennial of the Genocide? Aren’t there any political
    interests of great powers, which resulted in the creation of this
    situation? Especially since the president of Azerbaijan calls the
    international agreements a “scrap of paper”.

    - I do not connect the border incidents with Genocide centennial.

    Surely, in terms of combat duty, April is expected to be a difficult
    month, truly, there are rapid activation risks by the opponent.

    Azerbaijan’s military-political elite solves tactical problems
    with the help of border incidents, which occur at different times
    in different forms. And the statement by the President of Azerbaijan
    regarding qualifying the international agreements as a “scrap
    of paper”, the best demonstrates the attitude that Azerbaijan
    displays towards the agreements reached during bipartite or
    multipartite meetings.

    - Looking back to the border incidents starting from the cease-fire
    up to the recent days, Azerbaijan has passed from random actions to
    subversive war. What does this suggest? Which will be the next step?

    - Currently, Azerbaijan had adopted the line of
    “sniper-subversive war”, aiming at possibly causing
    great damage to the Armenian side, both material, human and
    moral-psychological. As to the sequence of steps, the situation is as
    follows: firstly, Azerbaijan was breaking the ceasefire with irregular
    fires, later on, the snipers and subversive and intelligence forces
    were actively engaged in the game, afterwards, after the changes
    in tactics, the penetrations of subversive and intelligence forces
    turned into diversion and special detachment actions implemented
    in the direction of the Armenian combat positions. Simultaneously,
    Azerbaijan employs weapons, which are long-ranged and quite big in
    size. Today, mines and grenade launchers are “working”
    in the front line, and, unfortunately, the official reports cover the
    use of it more frequently. Next, Azerbaijan will expand the weapons
    used against the Armenian positions and units, the foundations of
    which are visible today.

    - Should Armenia’s approach be only defensive? Recently, in one
    of his speeches, the President clearly mentioned that the Armenian
    side from now on would not only be protective but also offensive.

    - The opponent’s actions compel us to be attacking. It is an
    effective way to prevent provocations.

    - How would interpret Serzh Sargsyan’s recently voiced concern
    about arming Azerbaijan? Wasn’t it belated? And why there were
    no responds from Russia? The next day after the statement, Azerbaijan
    conducted subversive activities. Was it Russia’s response?

    - I do not think that President Serzh Sargsyan’s statement is
    directly associated with the followed by incident, because still a few
    days prior to this incident, Azerbaijan was already active in different
    directions of the front line, by creating risks for penetration of
    subversive groups. And the President’s statement was not new,
    moreover belated, as such kind of statements were voiced by the
    President also during the CSTO meetings, to the point, at that time
    Serzh Sargsyan did not only talk about the risks of supplying arms
    to Azerbaijan, but also the need to agreed actions in international
    organizations by the CSTO member states.

    - For a long time, Azerbaijan is building new footholds on the
    border. What are the Azerbaijanis preparing for? Why the Armenian
    armed forces do not prevent those activities?

    - The engineering works in the front line are ongoing processes that
    are carried out on both sides. Azerbaijan suffers many casualties
    in the result of punitive actions by Armenian troops, therefore it
    is trying to strengthen the sections on the border line that are
    considered to be weak. Establishment of engineering buildings is also
    a way to achieve positional advantages. What comes to the response
    activities by the Armenian armed forces under these situations, then
    the military sector, especially in the case of unfinished war, do
    not always enable receiving details about the carried out operations.

    Interviewed by Nelly GRIGORYAN

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