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Crossroads E-Newsletter - April 2, 2015

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - April 2, 2015

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    APRIL 2, 2015

    Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem

    (Kovya Yeroosaghem Uzder)

    Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem!

    Christ is risen from the dead, alleluia!

    To Him who is risen from the dead, alleluia!

    To him that enlightened the world, alleluia!

    Read the Prelate's Easter Message, `Resurrected Life' in Armenian
    ( or English


    Centennial commemorations of the Armenian Genocide are taking place
    throughout the world. The national observance in the United States
    includes special events that will take place over a three-day period
    (May 7, 8, 9) in Washington, DC, that includes an ecumenical prayer
    service, a Pontifical Divine Liturgy, a memorial concert, and an
    awards banquet honoring those who helped the survivors. The
    Catholicoi, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, and
    His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, will be
    present to preside over the events.

    For Listing of Events in Washington, DC and New York City click here

    For more information about the national observances in Washington go


    May 10-June 4, 2015

    The Pontifical Visit National Steering Committee under the presidency
    of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan and chairmanship of Jack Mardoian,
    Esq., has
    been meeting regularly since last year to plan every detail of the
    visit of His Holiness Aram I to the Eastern Prelacy. The pontifical
    visit will begin on Sunday, May 10, with the conclusion of the
    three-day 100th anniversary commemorations in Washington. His Holiness
    will visit parishes in the Eastern Prelacy where he will be warmly
    greeted by the faithful of all ages. He will connect with young adults
    at seminars in New York (May 16) and Boston (May 30), and he will
    visit with the youthful members of the AYF Juniors at their annual
    weekend seminar on May 24 at Camp Lutherlyn in Butler, Pennsylvania.

    Watch this space for weekly updates. Information about the pontifical
    visit is also available on the Prelacy's web page. To go there now
    click here (


    The Prelacy's Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference convened last Saturday,
    March 28, hosted by Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New
    Jersey. The conference was attended by clergy, members of the boards
    of trustees, and
    delegates to the National Representative Assembly, as well as members
    of the Prelacy's Religious and Executive Councils.

    Archbishop Oshagan addresses the participants in the Mid-Atlantic

    Archbishop Oshagan and Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian with the participants.


    The 29th annual summer program for youth ages 13-18 is scheduled to be
    held at the St. Mary of Providence Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania,
    from June
    28-July 5, 2015. Sponsored by the Prelacy's Armenian Religious
    Education Council (AREC), the summer program offers a unique weeklong
    Christian educational program for youth. It aims to instill and
    nurture the
    Armenian Christian faith and identity in our youth through a variety
    of educational activities, coupled with daily church services and
    communal recreational activities. For information and registration,
    please visit the Prelacy's website at
    or contact the AREC
    office at 212-689-7810 or [email protected].


    Bible readings for Sunday, April 5, Easter Sunday are: Acts 1:15-26;
    Mark 16:2-8

    Evening Gospels: Luke 24:13-36; John 20:1-18; John 5:24-30; John
    John 20:19-25

    In those days Peter stood up among the believers (together the crowd
    numbered about one hundred twenty persons) and said, `Friends, the
    scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit through David
    foretold concerning Judas, who became a guide for those who arrested
    Jesus-for he was numbered among us and was allotted his share in this
    ministry.' (Now this man acquired a field with the reward of his
    wickedness; and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all
    his bowels gushed out. This became known to all the residents of
    Jerusalem, so that the field was called in their language Hakeldama,
    that is, Field of Blood.) For it is written in the book of Psalms,
    `Let his homestead become desolate, and let there be no one to live in
    it'; and `Let another take his position of overseers.' So one of the
    men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus
    went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John until the
    day when he was taken up from us=80'one of these must become a witness
    with us to his resurrection.' So they proposed two, Joseph called
    Barsabbas, who was also known as Justus, and Matthias. Then they
    prayed and said, `Lord, you know everyone's heart. Show us which one
    of these two you have chosen to take the place in this ministry and
    apostleship from which Judas turned aside
    to go to his own place.' And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell
    on Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles. (Acts 1:15-26)

    For a listing of the coming week's Bible readings click here


    In the Armenian tradition, the day following each of the five major
    feast days, is Memorial Day, or Remembrance of the
    Dead. Traditionally, the Divine Liturgy is celebrated on this day, and
    afterwards the faithful visit the graves of their loved ones that are
    blessed by the priest with chants and incense.


    This Tuesday, April 7, is the Feast of the Annunciation to the Virgin
    Mary. This feast day is always commemorated on April 7, nine months
    before the birth of Christ. The Feast celebrates the announcement made
    by the archangel Gabriel to Mary that she would bear the Son of God,
    as foretold by the Prophet Isaiah (7:1) and as related in the Gospel
    of Luke (chapter 1).

    Rejoice Mary, holy Mother of God, for the Lord has come suddenly into
    purified temple; we bless and magnify you. Rejoice closed door through
    whom no one has passed except the Lord God of Israel; we bless and
    magnify you. Rejoice sealed fountain of the living water giving to you
    thirsting nature as drink; we bless and magnify you.

    (Canon for the Annunciation to the Holy Mother of God from the
    Liturgical Canons of the Armenian Church)


    St. Stephen's Church, Watertown

    Archbishop Oshagan celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the
    sermon on Palm Sunday at St. Stephen's Church in Watertown,

    Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield

    Bishop Anoushavan celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the
    sermon on Palm Sunday at Sts. Vartanantz Church in Ridgefield, New

    All Saints Church, Glenview

    Archpriest Fr. Zareh Sahakian, pastor of All Saints Church in
    Glenview, Illinois, with altar servers and members of the Angels

    St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston

    Bishop Anoushavan presided at the Remembrance of the ten virgins
    service at St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York.

    Hovnanian School, New Milford

    Archbishop Oshagan, Bishop Anoushavan, and Rev. Fr. Hovnan with the
    upper grade students at the Hovnanian School in New Milford, New
    Jersey, and administrators and faculty.

    The children perform for their guests.

    Armenian Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Emerson

    Archbishop Oshagan, Bishop Anoushavan, and Rev. Fr. Hovnan conduct a
    prayer service for the residents of the Armenian Nursing and
    Rehabilitation Center in Emerson, New Jersey.

    The clergymen with Andrew Torigian, chairman of the Board, and Matthew
    Russo (right), administrator of the Emerson Home.


    Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC)

    A Very Public Word

    The Armenian word enthanoor (Õ¨Õ¶Õ¤Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Õ¸Ö=82Ö=80) has quite a
    ubiquitous meaning. It is an adjective that usually
    means `general,' as it appears in the name of various Armenian
    organizations. For instance, such is the case of the Armenian General
    Athletic Union (Hay Marmnagrtagan Enthanoor Miootioon, Õ=80Õ¡Õµ
    Õ=84Õ¡Ö=80Õ´Õ¶Õ¡Õ¯Ö=80Õ©Õ¡Õ¯Õ ¡Ã•Â¶ Ô¸Õ¶Õ¤Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Õ¸Ö=82Ö=80
    Õ=84Õ«Õ¸Ö=82Õ©Õ«Ö=82Õ¶), usually known by its acronym Õ=80Õ=84Ô¸Õ=84

    Now, we know that the English word general comes from the Latin
    meaning `relating to all, of a whole class, generic' (from
    genus `stock, kind'). The Armenian word enthanoor has a meaning quite
    close to Latin generalis, and it comes from Classical Armenian or
    krapar (Yeznik Koghbatsi used it in his Refutation of the
    Sects). Every Sunday, the faithful join to recite the Credo of the
    Armenian Apostolic Church, written in Classical Armenian, where it is
    said: `We also believe in only one, universal, and apostolic holy
    Church.' Here, the word for `universal' is enthanragan

    Now, the word enthanoor is actually a compound of an adverb and an
    adjective: ent + hanoor (Õ¨Õ¶Õ¤ + Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Õ¸Ö=82Ö=80), where ent means
    `together, under' and hanoor (`all, every'). Literally, it would mean
    Ent is an adverb that did not enter modern usage, but hanoor has been
    at times, and one can find it here and there, for instance in the
    expression hanoor martgootioone (Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Õ¸Ö=82Ö=80
    Õ´Õ¡Ö=80Õ¤Õ¯Õ¸Ö=82Õ©Õ«Ö=82Õ¶Õ ¨ `the entire humankind').

    Hanoor, composed by the prefix han, more commonly used as ham
    (Õ°Õ¡Õ´), which means `all,' and the familiar adverb oor (Õ¸Ö=82Ö=80
    `where'), is particularly interesting for its many derivations. For
    instance, the same as the English public (from
    the Latin publicus, meaning `of the people; general'), the
    Armenian language created the noun hanrootioon
    (Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Ö=80Õ¸Ö=82Õ©Õ«Ö=82Õ¶ `public') and the adjective hanrayin
    (Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Ö=80Õ¡ÕµÕ«Õ¶ `public'). Consequently, republic (from Latin res
    publica `public affair, the state') became hanrabedootioon
    (Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Ö=80Õ¡ÕºÕ¥Õ¿Õ¸Ö=82Õ©Õ «Ã–=82Õ¶, which literally means `the state
    of all').

    Another example is omnibus, from the same Latin word that means `for
    all.' The English word came from the French voiture omnibus
    (=80=9Ccarriage for all'), which was probably the inspiration for the
    Armenian version: hanragark (Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Ö=80Õ¡Õ¯Õ¡Õ¼Ö=84 `carriage, vehicle
    for all').

    In the end, here are a few more usual terms that come from the very
    prolific hanoor, despite being a word that has fallen from usage in
    colloquial language:

    Hanrakidaran (Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Ö=80Õ¡Õ£Õ«Õ¿Õ¡Ö=80Õ¡Õ ¶ `encyclopedia')

    Hanrahashiv (Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Ö=80Õ¡Õ°Õ¡Õ·Õ«Ö=82

    Hanrakve (Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Ö=80Õ¡Ö=84Õ¸Ö=82Õ§ `referendum')

    Hanrakoomar (Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Ö=80Õ¡Õ£Õ¸Ö=82Õ´Õ¡Ö=80 `grand total')

    Previous entries in `The Armenian Language Corner' are on the
    Prelacy's web site (


    The crisis in Syria requires our financial assistance.

    Please keep this community in your prayers, your hearts, and your





    Armenian Prelacy

    138 E. 39th Street

    New York, NY 10016

    Checks payable to: Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief

    Thank you for your help


    Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC)

    Birth of Ara Sarkisian (April 4, 1902)

    One of the familiar views around the Opera of Yerevan is that of the
    statues of Hovhannes Tumanian and Alexander Spentiarian. Those two
    works were co-authored by Ghazar Chubarian and Ara Sarkisian in 1957.

    Sculptor Ara Sarkisian was born in Makriköy (now Bakirköy), in the
    outskirts of Constantinople, on April 4, 1902. He studied in the local
    Dadian School. His family moved to the suburb of Pera (Beyoglu) in
    1914 and he continued his studies in the Essayan School. His uncle
    Sarkis Sarkisian was a well-known architect, and advised his nephew to
    deepen his knowledge of art.

    The sculptor at work in his studio.

    During the war years, Sarkisian abandoned his studies and pursued
    menial jobs to make ends meet. Afterwards, he studied in the School of
    Fine Arts of
    Constantinople from 1919-1921, where he produced original busts, as
    well as compositions of tragic subjects inspired by the Armenian
    massacres and the war.

    He finished the four-year program in two years and continued his
    studies at the Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna (1921-1924), where he
    participated in local exhibitions.

    However, it remained secret for decades that Sarkisian had been an
    assistant to Arshavir Shiragian both in his operations in Rome
    (December 1921) and
    Berlin (April 1922). He had helped chase the targets with his
    excellent command of Turkish and his photographic memory.

    After graduation, he took Soviet citizenship and arrived in Yerevan on
    April 26, 1925, where he spent the rest of his life. He set the
    grounds of Armenian professional sculpture and he specialized in bust
    sculptures, creating works inspired by Armenian writers, scholars,
    artists, and historical figures. One of his most important works, the
    statue `Mesrob Mashdots and Sahak Bartev' (1943) is placed near the
    main building of Yerevan State University.

    Sarkisian's statue of Hovhannes Tumanian located in Freedom Square,
    adjacent to the Yerevan Opera.

    Sarkisian opened the section of sculpture at the technical school of
    art and production of Yerevan where he taught from 1925-1930. At the
    same time, he organized the Armenian branch of the Society of Painters
    of Revolutionary Russia and became its president. He tried to bring
    together the Armenian painters in the early 1930s and succeeded in the
    foundation of the Painters
    Union of Armenia in 1932, together with Gabriel Gurjian and Mikayel
    Arutchian. He became the first secretary of the Union until 1937 and
    was instrumental in the foundation of the Art Institute (now Academy
    of Fine Arts) of Yerevan in 1945, which he directed until 1959. Later,
    he became chair holder
    and head of the art studio at the Institute.

    In 1959 Ara Sarkisian left for Brussels to participate in `Expo-59'
    with his works. There, by chance he met his brother Patrick, whose
    existence he had hidden from the Soviet authorities for almost four
    decades. His brother worked for USAID and was a leader of the Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation in Athens. These two facts did not go
    unnoticed by the KGB. Sarkisian returned to Yerevan and was forced to
    resign as director of the
    Art Institute.

    A memorial monument to the sculptor in Yerevan created in his style.

    He remained under surveillance for the rest of his life. The memoirs
    of the participants in the Nemesis Operation started to appear in the
    1960s, such as Shiragian's memoirs, but Sarkisian's name was never
    mentioned, except as A.S. when needed. However, apparently a newspaper
    in Beirut mentioned his complete name and this did not escape the
    attention of the secret police.

    In 1969 Sarkisian suffered a fracture in a leg and was admitted in the
    hospital, where he was writing his memoirs. He also wrote his
    will. The Nemesis Operation and any activity related to the A.R.F.,
    together with the existence of a former member of the party, now a
    prominent Soviet artist, were problematic issues for the Soviet
    intelligence. It appears that this was enough reason to make both the
    memoirs and author disappear.

    The sculptor left the hospital, totally cured. The same day, he had a
    violent fever and died two days later, on June 6, 1969. His death is
    still surrounded with mystery.

    A museum dedicated to the works of Ara Sarkisian and Hakob Kojoyan was
    opened in 1993, located on Pushkin Street in Yerevan, near the church
    of Surp Zoravor. The museum was last renovated in 1980. Recently, the
    Armenian Students Association raised funds to help catalogue and
    digitize the important documents and manuscripts housed there, which
    are in poor condition. The project is being carried out by the
    Johannissyan Institute, a newly formed research institute in Yerevan.

    Previous entries in `This Week in Armenian History' are on
    the Prelacy's web site (



    (Pastor of St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York)

    This week's podcast: Holy Week Special. Click the image above to


    April 1-30-Photography exhibit by Tom Vartabedian commemorating the
    Centennial at Haverhill Public Library, 99 Main Street, showing images
    the country and its people, including scenes of the eternal flame at
    Tzizernagapert. The exhibit is next to the Children's Room in the
    upstairs gallery.

    April 7-`The Centenary of the Armenian Genocide: What have
    we learned?' lecture by Dr. Richard Hovannisian, sponsored by
    Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Kean University, Union, New Jersey,
    Kean Hall at 7 pm. Admission is free.

    April 11-Concert by the Armenian Society Areni Choir, conducted by
    Armine Vardanyan, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide, 6 pm, at The Queens Theater in the Park, 14 United Nations
    Avenue South, Flushing Meadows Park, Corona. Also featuring renowned
    guest singers and musicians, as well as the Antranig Dance
    Ensemble. For tickets ($40 and $50): 732-982-7364.

    April 12-`A Tribute to Survival,' concert, sponsored by the Armenian
    Martyrs' Memorial Committee of Rhode Island, featuring The Armenian
    Chorale of Rhode Island, directed by Maestro Konstantin
    Petrossian, accompanied by Mari Panosian and symphony orchestra. Guest
    artists: Gohar Manjelikian, Joanne Mouradjian, Kate Norigian, Debra
    Takian Pjojian, Elizabeth Souin, Vagharshag Ohanian. Musical
    instrumental selections by David Ayriyan on Kemancha and David
    Gevorkian on Duduk. The Sayat Nova Dance Company of Boston, directed
    by Apo Ashjian will perform. Park Theatre,
    848 Park Avenue, Cranston, Rhode Island, at 3 pm. Free admission and
    parking. Valet parking available. For information:

    April 21-The Armenian Poetry Project Presents, `Commemorating the
    Centenary of the Armenian Genocide: A Reading in Remembrance,' Holy
    Cross Church, 580 West 187th Street, New York City, 7 pm. For
    information: Lola Koundakjian, [email protected].

    April 23-Canonization of the Armenian Martyrs of 1915 in Holy
    Etchmiadzin, Armenia.

    April 24-Centennial Memorial Dinner, sponsored by Providence ARF,
    hosted by the Armenian Cultural Association of America, Inc., Omni
    Providence Hotel, One West Exchange Street, Providence, Rhode
    Island. Cocktails 6 pm; dinner 7 pm. Emcee: Honorable Scott Avedisian,
    Mayor of Warwick; guest speaker, Marian Mesrobian MacCurdy, author of
    `Sacred Justice: The Voices and Legacy of the Armenian Operation
    Nemesis.' $50 per person. Reserve by email: [email protected] or
    by phone: Raffi Rachdouni 401-226-2305; Paula Burke 401-282-0459.

    April 25-Connecticut Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day at the
    Connecticut State Capitol at 11 am. Keynote speaker: Noted author
    Chris Bohjalian.

    April 25-Armenian Genocide Centennial commemoration sponsored by the
    Armenian National Committee of Merrimack Valley (Massachusetts), 10 am
    at Lowell City Hall, following a procession from John Street, led by
    the Armenian American Veterans. Participants are asked to gather at
    9:30 am. Luncheon buffet to follow with the showing of a film.

    April 26-Centennial commemoration of Genocide. Joint united Divine
    Liturgy at St. Vartan Cathedral, New York City. Celebrant, Archbishop
    Khajag Barsamian; homilist, Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan. To be
    followed by Times Square gathering `100 Years to Remember.'

    April 27-`Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide,' by Drew University Center for Holocaust/Genocide Study in
    Madison, New Jersey at 7 pm. Testimony of Andranik Vartanian
    (1900-2007), presented by his daughter Susan Vartanian Barba; `Undoing
    Denial: The Armenian Genocide and Art' presented by Neery
    E. Melkonian;
    Concert by the Armenian folk group, Zulal, an a cappella trio will
    Armenian village folk melodies. Free and open to the public. RSVP
    encouraged: (973) 408-3600 or [email protected].

    May 7, 8, 9-National Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration in
    Washington, DC, organized under the patronage of the Diocese and the
    Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Presided by His Holiness
    Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and His
    Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of the Great House of
    Cilicia. May 7, Ecumenical
    Service at the National Cathedral, 7 pm; May 8, A Journey Through
    Music at the Music Center at Strathmore, 7:30 pm; May 8 & 9, Exhibits,
    Films, and Events at various venues; May 9, Divine Liturgy at the
    Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 10 am;
    May 9, A Time to Give Thanks, banquet, 5:30 pm, Marriott Marquis.

    May 10 to June 4-Pontifical Visit of His Holiness Aram I to the
    Eastern Prelacy.

    May 12-`Anatolia, Land of Armenians Until the 1915 Armenian Genocide,'
    presentation by Margaret Tellalian-Kyrkostas, executive director of
    the Anthropology Museum of the People of New York and the Armenian
    Cultural Educational Resource Center Gallery at Queens College, 7 pm
    in the Lapham Meeting Room at the Port Washington Public Library.

    June 3-6-National Representative Assembly hosted by St. Stephen's
    Church, Watertown, Massachusetts.

    June 18-Annual Cigar Night and Dinner, Men's Club of St. Gregory
    Church of Merrimack Valley, North Andover, Massachusetts. Drawing of
    Super Raffle of 2015 Mercedes Benz-CLA 250 will take place. Raffle
    can be purchased online (

    June 28-July 5-29th annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer
    Program for youth ages 13-18 at the St. Mary of Providence Center in
    Elverson, Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Prelacy's Armenian Religious
    Education Council (AREC). For information and registration, please
    visit the Prelacy's website at or
    contact the AREC office at 212-689-7810 or [email protected].

    July 18-Blessing of the Holy Muron (Oil) by His Holiness Aram I, at
    the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia in Antelias,
    Lebanon. For
    details click here.

    October 5-9-Clergy gathering of Eastern, Western, and Canadian

    November 15-90th Anniversary Banquet, St. Stephen's Church, 167
    Tremont Street, New Britain, Connecticut. Watch for details.

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy's web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    [email protected] to your address book.

    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected]
