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ANKARA: Greek Cyprus Criminalizes Denial Of 'Armenian Genocide'

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  • ANKARA: Greek Cyprus Criminalizes Denial Of 'Armenian Genocide'


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    April 2 2015

    Greek Cyprus has made it a crime to deny the Ottoman Turks committed
    genocide against Armenian Turks a century ago, a move likely to rile
    its old rival Turkey as peace talks on the ethnically-split island
    remain stalled.

    The Greek Cypriot parliament passed a resolution on April 2 penalising
    the denial of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes,
    modifying existing legislation, which required prior conviction by
    an international court to make denial a crime.

    "Today is a historic day," parliament speaker Yiannakis Omirou said,
    as quoted by Reuters. "It allows parliament to restore, with unanimous
    decisions and resolutions, historical truths."

    The east Mediterranean island, split after Turkey's military
    operation in 1974 after a brief Greek inspired coup, was one of the
    first countries worldwide in 1975 to recognise the Armenian killings
    as genocide.

    Armenia says up to 1.5 million Ottoman Armenians were killed in
    a genocide which began in 1915. Turkey denies the deaths amounted
    to genocide, saying the death toll of Armenians killed during mass
    deportations has been inflated and that those killed in 1915 and 1916
    were victims of general unrest during World War I.

    Around 20 countries have recognized the killings as genocide.

    The issue has long been a source of tension between Turkey and
    several Western countries, especially the United States and France,
    both home to large ethnic Armenian diasporas. Cyprus too has an
    Armenian population.

    Cyprus has been at loggerheads with Turkey for decades. Its ethnic
    Greek and Turkish Cypriot populations have lived estranged in the
    south and north of the island respectively since 1974, but seeds of
    division were sown earlier when a power-sharing government crumbled
    amid violence in 1963.

    Free speech case

    The Greek Cypriot lawmakers who passed the resolution now comprise
    the island's only internationally recognised parliament.

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) had ruled last year the
    denial of the 1915 mass killings of Armenians as genocide falls
    within the limits of freedom of expression, following an appeal from
    a Turkish politician against his conviction in Switzerland.

    Workers' Party (Ä°P) Chairman Dogu Perincek, who described the Armenian
    genocide as an "international lie," had complained the Swiss courts
    had breached his freedom of expression, based on Article 10 covering
    freedom of expression.

    The ECHR ruling stated "the free exercise of the right to openly
    discuss questions of a sensitive and controversial nature is one of
    the fundamental aspects of freedom of expression and distinguishes
    a tolerant and pluralistic democratic society from a totalitarian or
    dictatorial regime."

