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American Senator: Azerbaijan Cannot Be Part Of Western Community Of

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  • American Senator: Azerbaijan Cannot Be Part Of Western Community Of


    11:54 03/04/2015 >> LAW

    United States Senator from Illinois, Richard Durbin, came up with
    an appeal to the US President Barack Obama raising the issues of the
    crackdown on human rights activists in Azerbaijan. The text of appeal
    is posted on the Government Printing Office (GPO) website.

    Citing an editorial of The New York Times, the Senator writes that
    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev is able to convince the world
    that he plays nice with the West while creating one of the worst
    human rights records at the same time.

    "Aliyev wants the world to believe that Azerbaijan is a model country
    that promotes moderate Islam, has strong relations with the West, and
    is an ideal host for the upcoming European games, yet it currently
    holds more political prisoners than Russia and Belarus combined,"
    Durbin writes adding that at the end of 2014, just weeks after the
    arrest of one of the country's best known investigative reporters,
    Khadija Ismayilova, "Aliyev's henchmen brazenly raided" Radio Free
    Europe/Radio Liberty offices in Baku.

    Mr Durbin reminds that in August 2014, he, along with Senators
    Cardin and Murphy sent a letter to President Aliyev expressing their
    concern over the imprisonment of Anar Mammadli and Bashir Suleymanli,
    the chair and the executive director of the Election Monitoring and
    Democracy Studies Center. Recently, Bashir was finally released but
    his colleague Anar remains behind bars. Just prior, police arrested
    Leyla Yunus, the director of the Institute for Peace and Democracy.

    The very next week, the police followed up by arresting her husband,
    Arif Yunus; fellow activist, Rasul Jafarov, a human rights defender
    and chairman of the Human Rights Club; and Intigam Aliyev, the
    country's most prominent human rights lawyer and the 2012 winner of
    the prestigious Homo Homini Award for his work defending the rule of
    law in Azerbaijan.

    The Senator also cites Ismayilova's letter, published by the
    Washington Post where she states that the reason she is in prison
    is because of the regime's corruption and vows to continue to expose
    that corruption. Less than a week later the Azeri government suddenly
    called for a closed-door trial and found her guilty of criminal libel.

    Mr Durbin stresses that this is just a snapshot of the many brave
    Azerbaijanis or organizations facing trumped-up charges or imprisonment
    for simply exercising basic political freedoms.

    "To them, I say, the world is aware of your plight and courage. And
    to President Aliyev, I urge you to release your own people whose only
    offense has been to ask for a peaceful democratic Azerbaijan. You
    cannot be a part of the Western community of democracies while
    violating its core democratic principles," the Senator writes adding
    that he will continue to draw attention to their plight and work
    for their release, along with his colleagues in Congress and their
    countless advocates around the world.


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    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress