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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide: Cem

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  • Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide: Cem


    By MassisPost
    Updated: April 3, 2015

    By Hambersom Aghbashian

    Cem Ozdemir (born 21 December 1965) is the son of a Turkish-Circassian
    from Tokat, Turkey; in 1983 he acquired German citizenship. After
    graduating from a German secondary school and a Realschule Ozdemir
    completed an apprenticeship, becoming an early childhood educator.

    After qualifying for advanced technical college entrance he studied
    social pedagogy at the Evangelical Technical College in Reutlingen,
    Germany. After completing his studies in 1987, Cem Ozdemir worked as
    an educator and a freelance journalist. Ozdemir currently is a German
    citizen and politician. He is co-chairman of the German political
    party Alliance '90/The Greens, together with Simone Peter. He was
    a Member of the German Bundestag* between 1994 and 2002 and of the
    European Parliament between 2004 and 2009. Ozdemir describes himself
    as a "secular Muslim" and is married to the Argentine journalist Pía
    María Castro.(1)

    In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released
    an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915â~@³. This was a clear
    reference to the Armenian Genocide. The following is the text of the
    apology: My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to
    and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians
    were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share,
    I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and
    sisters. I apologize to them. Cem Ozdemir was one of the signees. (2)

    According to "", on April 21, 2012, Armenian Genocide
    commemoration evening was held at St. Peter's Church in Hamburg,
    Germany.Over 700 guests of different nationalities attended the event,
    RA MFA press service reported. Cem Ozdemir, leader of the German party
    of Alliance '90/The Greens stressed the need for the Turkish government
    to put an end to Armenian Genocide denial policy."The Armenian
    Genocide issue must be taught at Turkish educational institutions,
    as this will enable the Turks to get familiarized with own past,"
    Mr. Ozdemir said.(3).

    Hurriyet Daily News wrote on December/19/2012 "The Danish Royal Library
    has, together with the Armenian embassy, held an exhibition on "The
    Armenian genocide and the Scandinavian reaction" though due to protests
    from the Turkish embassy, the library's director, has agreed to hold
    an alternative exhibition titled, "The so-called Armenian genocide."

    This decision has caused widespread debate and 37 Turkish
    intellectuals, have in an open letter in Denmark's leading daily
    Berlingske called on the library's director to reconsider his
    decision. In their view, the Turkish government has followed a policy
    of denial for more than 90 years, culminating in the murder of Hrant
    Dink in 2007. To allow the Turkish government to arrange an alternative
    exhibition will only support this policy. Cem Ozdemir was one of the
    Turkish intellectuals who signed the open letter. (4).

    Muriel Mirak-Weissbach wrote on May/21/2013 an article entitled "
    Armenians in Germany Commemorate Armenian Genocide" where, among
    the speakers, she mentioned that "The second guest speaker was Cem
    Ozdemir, the national chairman of the Green Party and member of
    the Bundestag. His speech was entitled, 'In Memory of the Victims
    of the Genocide against the Armenians 1915.' Ozdemir stressed how
    difficult it is to grasp the 'why' behind the events: why the Young
    Turk leaders destroyed the multi-ethnic, multi-religious Ottoman
    state with their nationalist, racist ideology, and why the Armenians,
    known as the loyal people, were victimized. To put the apparently
    inconceivable crime in perspective, he reviewed the indispensable
    place Armenians had occupied in Ottoman society as professionals,
    manufacturers, intellectuals, artists. In Istanbul, for example,
    where they represented a tenth of the population, there were nearly
    as many newspapers in Armenian as in Turkish."(5) wrote on March 12, 2015, " One of the leaders of
    Germany's Greens Party of Turkish descent Cem Ozdemir has demanded
    that Germany recognize "the genocide that was perpetrated against
    the Armenians on Ottoman lands 100 years ago", as Hurriyet reports.

    Ozdemir, who has visited Yerevan, mentioned the following: "The time
    has come to not hide the term in this year marking the Centennial
    of the Armenian Genocide. I regret to state the fact that the German
    government does not use the right words when speaking about the crimes
    perpetrated in 1915-16."(6)


    *The Bundestag (German ) is a constitutional and legislative body
    in Germany.

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