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BAKU: American expert calls on Obama administration to pay more atte

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  • BAKU: American expert calls on Obama administration to pay more atte

    Azeri-Press news agency (APA)
    April 3, 2015 Friday

    American expert calls on Obama administration to pay more attention to
    Karabakh conflict

    Gregory T. Kiley, expert of the Center for Strategic and International
    Studies, called on the Obama administration to pay more attention to
    the Karabakh conflict.

    In his article entitled "No time for strategic patience; Azerbaijan as
    an example", he commented on new National Security Strategy calling
    for strategic patience around the globe, recently released by Barak
    Obama, APA reports.

    The author said that throughout Europe, African and the Middle East,
    there are already numerous failing examples of the Obama
    administrations strategic patience. He said the U.S. doesnt show more
    interest in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict:

    "Fighting between Azerbaijan and neighboring Armenia has escalated in
    recent months, though largely overshadowed by conflicts elsewhere
    around the globe. The conflict threatens stability in the region. The
    United States has compelling interest to get more actively involved
    beyond just chairing the Minsk Group together with Russia and France
    to find a peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Earlier this year, as if presaging the call to strategic patience and
    its drawbacks, leaders of the country of Azerbaijan were attending a
    forum in Washington, D.C., as the U.S. strategy was released. Leaders
    from Azerbaijan called for the Obama administration to articulate a
    more clear long-term geopolitical strategy for their region, warning
    that America was in danger of losing influence while its allies risk
    losing access to energy resources.

    The Obama administration only stating a wish to "enhance ties with
    countries in the Caucasus while encouraging resolution of regional
    conflict" in their strategy is not enough. In 1991, Azerbaijan gained
    its independence and has proven to be a strategic partner to the
    United States as an energy producer, opponent of Iranian international
    aims, and reliable international ally. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil
    pipeline originating in Azerbaijan currently exports roughly 1 million
    barrels of oil per day. The proposed Trans-Caspian Gas pipeline will
    help answer Europes growing need for oil and gas. Bordering Iran and a
    critical gateway to Afghanistan, Azerbaijan has also been a strategic
    transit location for U.S. military troops, equipment and supplies. The
    country provides a secure transit route for nearly half of NATOs
    International Security Forces operating in Afghanistan.

    This is not a call to arms and intervention, but to not let the
    pendulum swing too far to "patience" and abdication of our necessary
    role as world leader. Azerbaijan is asking for U.S. leadership; Obama
    should heed the call. Failure to do so risks our national security -
    and the security of our allies in Europe - for the goal of being
    patient. Which, is not a goal, but rather, an excuse to avoid taking a
    leadership role around the world."
