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ANKARA: TRNC condemns law on Armenian allegations over 1915 incident

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  • ANKARA: TRNC condemns law on Armenian allegations over 1915 incident

    Anadolu Ajansi , Turkey
    April 3 2015

    TRNC condemns law on Armenian allegations over 1915 incidents

    03 April 2015 22:22 (Last updated 03 April 2015 22:23)

    Law, passed by Greek Cypriot House of Representatives, imposes
    five-year prison sentence and EURO 10,000 fine on anyone who denies
    allegations about 1915 events.


    The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus condemned Greek Cypriot
    administration on Friday for a law that criminalizes the denial of
    Armenian allegations over the incidents of 1915 involving the Ottoman
    Empire during World War I.

    "It is obvious that the ones committing mass murder and ethnic
    cleansing against Turkish Cypriots, the architects of the Akritas
    Plan, have no right to say anything on this issue," a statement on the
    official website of the TRNC presidency said. "It is also remarkable
    that the House of Representatives passed the law during a time when
    efforts for a more just and permanent agreement in the island were

    Thursday's move by the Greek Cypriot administration -- which remains
    at odds with the Turkish side over the future of the divided island --
    came in the very month when Armenia is planning to hold a mass
    commemoration ceremony in Yerevan to mark the 100th anniversary of the
    1915 incidents on April 24.

    The new law imposes a five-year prison sentence and a EURO 10,000 fine on
    anyone who denies allegations about the 1915 events.

    "We strongly condemn the law that does not take notice of the
    sensitivities of the region and our island when it comes to the
    historical facts," the statement added.

    The 1915 incidents took place during World War I when a portion of the
    Armenian population living in the Ottoman Empire sided with the
    invading Russians and revolted against the empire.

    Created in 1963 by Greek Cypriots, the Akritas Plan aims to weaken
    Turkish Cypriots and unite the island with Greece.
