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Local stand against genocide makes a difference

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  • Local stand against genocide makes a difference
    April 5 2015

    Local stand against genocide makes a difference

    Tina Karagulian, For the Express-News : April 5, 2015

    April 24 marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.
    World War I was the focus for most of the world, and the Ottoman
    Turkish government planned a systematic annihilation of the Armenian
    people that became the first genocide of that century.

    My grandparents braved desert deportations not once but twice. One
    hundred years later, many Armenians still ask for the American and the
    Turkish governments to openly acknowledge the Armenian genocide.

    Why is this closure important?

    On a global scale, with awareness and recognition, we can prevent
    conditions ripe for genocide in other parts of the world. Some say it
    is a matter of justice. I believe that many Armenians have seen the
    effects of the emotional trauma on our family lines, emotional gaps in
    functioning that were passed down to us. The immense courage and
    resilience of our ancestors, though, left us with the fortitude to
    heal, bring awareness and suture what shaped our journeys.

    As a former therapist, I saw the value of people telling difficult
    stories, to speak them aloud and to integrate the experience in a way
    to move forward. When we act as witnesses to people's painful stories,
    it speeds the healing process. Rwandans who participated in the
    truth-telling dialogue with those who perpetrated genocide began
    healing and reconciliation, and though difficult, it has been a
    foundation to move their community forward.

    Because of the lack of recognition, I have learned to focus not on
    what I cannot control outside of me. As a spiritual practice, I have
    sought balance by telling the truth of my life stories, while also
    growing compassion through the reconciliation and kindnesses that live
    and breathe in those stories.

    My grandmother told my mother her painful stories, and when I asked,
    my mother shared them with me. Writing a memoir offered me a place to
    put those stories so I did not have to carry them inside me. As a
    result, I have more room for other people and their perspectives; that
    space is not always available when we are overwhelmed by emotional
    pain or post-traumatic stress.

    Seeking out conversations with those open to a healing dialogue is
    another way to deal with emotionally stuck places, and I have sought
    out Turkish women who are open to that dialogue. I honor Turkish
    people who reach beyond surface stories toward deeper truth and

    During this time of fear-based attitudes toward Muslim people, we are
    all asked to see beyond the surface stories and fear-based shadow
    places within each of us to bridge connection and community. Over
    time, I have experienced that we are much more than the stories of
    suffering that have shaped us. Seeing others in the fullness of who
    they truly are is a daily choice. I honor each person's attempt to
    speak of truth while opening to others in a more spacious way -- such a
    balance is a lifelong commitment.

    At the upcoming San Antonio Coalition Against Genocide event, I will
    share two reconciliation stories that honor the resilience and courage
    of my ancestors, and the Turkish people who chose to act from the

    SACAG offers advocacy, education and support for survivors of
    genocide, and also genocide prevention all over the world. It and
    organizations such as the peaceCENTER, Together Beyond Words and
    compassionNET support compassion, peace and healing for our world.
    Please join us.

    The Fourth Annual San Antonio Walk Against Genocide is from 2 p.m. to
    4 p.m. Sunday at the Campus of the San Antonio Jewish Community, 12500
    NW Military Highway. The Holocaust Museum is open 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    For more information, visit

    Tina Karagulian is a featured speaker of the Fourth Annual San Antonio
    Walk Against Genocide.

    From: Baghdasarian