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Panic In Armenia

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  • Panic In Armenia


    Hakob Badalyan, Political Commentator
    Comments - 07 April 2015, 13:38

    Armenia has entered into a phase of Eurasian panic. The myth of the
    EEU is collapsing and those who were trying to persuade the society in
    Armenia after September 3 that Armenia was not entering the EEU but the
    paradise are now trying to persuade that whatever is happening in the
    Armenian economy has nothing to do with the EEU and would be inevitable
    without the EEU. And those people are politicians, representative
    of the governmental and non-governmental parties who voted for the
    annexation of Armenia by the EEU in December and experts who had also
    been helped by the Russian "landing" and financial assistance. Now
    this Armenian-Russian International is trying to persuade the citizens
    of Armenia that the EEU has nothing to do with this.

    In times of social and economic difficulties it seems that everyone
    must join their efforts to save the Armenian economy, whereas these
    efforts focus on saving the face and reputation of the EEU in Armenia.

    The myth about a market of 170 million and higher level of security
    was busted within a few months and still continues and the end is not
    visible. Whether the EEU has anything to do with this or not is no
    longer important. The EEU has something to do with getting over this.

    However, this relation is adverse in nature. In other words, the EEU
    will not help overcome the current plight but will hinder and make
    things more complicated.

    What is necessary to do to tackle the current economic problems? Of
    course, it is necessary to relieve the private sector of bureaucracy
    to enable companies to spend more time and resource on their core
    business, the quest for new solutions and opportunities.

    The mix called EEU imposes on the private sector of Armenia a new
    stage of bureaucratic adaptation in a difficult economic period full
    of uncertainty. The Armenian business has to adjust to new union
    regulations, new trade conditions with the third countries after
    joining the union.

    This is the purely technical part. Furthermore, the Armenian companies
    are not allowed freedom of dealing with the third countries,
    several conditions of these relations have been complicated and
    made cumbersome. Technically, the EEU has caused complications for
    the Armenian companies which had already been caged by the Armenian
    monopolies and oligopolies. Plus complicated regulations and the
    picture is more than clear.

    In the meantime, a group of Armenian and Russian people are trying
    to make the Armenian society believe that the EEU has nothing to
    do with this, totally distorting the truth. Their lies led to the
    capitulation and annexation of Armenia by the EEU, their lies are
    trying to save the face of the EEU in Armenia in prejudice of the
    economy and future of Armenia.
