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Kakha Kaladze: Southern Transit Route Is Very Interesting

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  • Kakha Kaladze: Southern Transit Route Is Very Interesting


    Photo: REUTERS

    Interviews | April 8, 2015 13:51

    Mediamax's exclusive interview with Georgian Deputy Prime Minister,
    Minister of Energy Kakha Kaladze

    - Mr. Minister, the issue of privatization of the North-South pipeline
    owned by the Georgian government has been raised time and again
    over the past few years. In particular, the State Oil Company of
    Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) has expressed its readiness to purchase
    the gas pipeline, and it spurs certain concern in Armenia taking
    into account the strained relations with Azerbaijan. What is the
    stance of the Georgian government today regarding the future of the
    North-South pipeline?

    - As far as I know, there has not been any talk on the privatization
    of this asset. A few years ago the Oil and Gas Corporation, which
    is the owner of this pipeline, was going to conduct Initial Public
    Offering (IPO) for a certain number of the company's shares. In the
    long run, a decision was passed on the issue of Eurobonds and the
    company attracted EUR 250 million at the London Stock Exchange.

    I would like to reaffirm that as of now, the Georgian government does
    not consider the privatization of this infrastructure. Presently
    a transit from Russia to Armenia is carried out, we perform the
    operation of gas pipelines and Georgia receives relevant payment for
    this service.

    - KfW German development bank has agreed to finance the construction of
    the new electric main between Armenia and Georgia. Which is the current
    status of the project and what significance does it bear for Georgia?

    - Our Armenian colleagues have informed us that an agreement has been
    reached with KfW German development bank and the necessary credit has
    been allocated. In addition, a feasibility study of the project was
    conducted by international experts and various technical options of
    its implementation were considered.

    On the other hand, we have an agreement on the construction of
    Armenia-Georgia new electric-power transmission. It was signed
    by leading power suppliers in Armenia and Georgia. This agreement
    was formulated in its final form in conformity with Supplementary
    Agreement N2 of April 16, 2014. The agreement specifies all phases
    of construction of power transmission line 500 kW between substation
    "Marneuli" and substation "Ayrum" and allocates the construction
    obligations between all participating state companies. The first phase
    of the project should complete by late 2018, and the second - by 2022.

    The participating states are currently jointly thrashing out the
    technical details of the new power line and the construction process.

    Within the project, substation "Marneuli" will be expanded and enlarged
    in the territory of Georgia and will acquire a status of that of a 500
    kW, thus becoming one of the major electric power nodes in Georgia. In
    the meantime, a state-of-the-art high-voltage direct current (HVDC)
    will be constructed in Ayrum, the second in the Caucasus region after
    the HVDC in Akhaltsikhe. Along with the new powerful transmission
    line from substation "Ksani" to Stepantsminda (Kazbegi) region,
    this project will broaden the possibilities of the Georgian power
    supply system on energy transit between the Northern and Southern
    sub-regions, which will in the end shape our power supply system as
    evenly developing and open for transits in all directions.

    It will beyond doubt serve as an extra incentive for supporting power
    industry commerce and will help us seek after the establishment of
    a powerful, modern and attractive electric power market in Georgia.

    - Every now and then it is stated that owing to the new line with
    Georgia and the three overhead transmission lines with Iran, Georgia
    and Iran will carry on power trade through Armenia. Representatives of
    Armenia and Iran have issued statements on it, however, the Georgian
    government has yet not commented. What do you think about the prospect
    of Iran-Georgia power trade through Armenia?

    - At this point, we have no particular technical agreements with Iran
    on electric power interchange, even more so agreements on deliveries -
    export, import and transit.

    Kakha Kaladze


    On the whole, the southern route of the transit corridor is very
    interesting and prospective provided the establishment of relevant
    legal environment. The Iranian power supply system is one of the
    largest in the region with possibilities for further development and
    it is fairly interested in seeking external import sources.

    Southern route of the transit corridor is very interesting and
    prospective provided the establishment of relevant legal environment

    In case of positive development of relations in this sector, the
    Iranian power system, along with our other neighbors, might morph
    into an active participant of regional electric power market.

    - Owing to hydropower projects, Georgia is transforming from
    electricity importer into an exporter. What role does the renewable
    energy have in the energy strategy of Georgia?

    - You are totally right. Georgia is rich in water resources and it
    dictates us the main line of development - emphasis on hydro-power
    engineering. At the same time, unlike many countries using water
    resources, the degree of use of these resources for electric power
    purposes does not exceed 20% in Georgia. So there is still room for
    improvement and for attracting investments.

    By the way, Armenia also has good practice in support for the
    development of small HPPs. Over the recent years, Armenia successfully
    implemented a number of small hydropower projects. We also have
    practical results; new HPPs were put into operation - Paravani, Larsi,
    Aragvi, Bakhvi and Kazbegi (total installed capacity up to 130 MW).

    Darial HPP and Acharistsqali HPP (total installed capacity up to 300
    MW) are the next forthcoming projects.

    The construction of the new 400 kW electric power transmission
    between Georgia and Turkey (Borcka-Akhaltsikhe) gave additional
    impetus to the increase of electric power export volumes. Owing to
    the implementation of modern projects, the intersystem deliveries
    are carried out not only during the spring-summer season but also
    continue during the fall-winter months previously not typical to the
    Georgian hydro-power engineering. It is noteworthy that along with
    the increase in generating capacities, sustainable growth of power
    consumption (on average 4-5% per annum) has been observed in Georgia
    over the past years. All these factors make the Georgian energy
    market more interesting and attractive and provide an incentive for
    its dynamic growth.

    - Last summer, you expressed gratitude to the "sister nation of
    Armenia" for the support they rendered to Georgia after the power
    outage in most of the country. How efficiently do the ministries
    of the two countries cooperate? How often do the representatives of
    these two ministries meet, and what new projects do they discuss?

    - Emergency mutual aid is one of the most important and indispensable
    segments of cooperation between the power systems of our neighboring
    countries. Despite the level of development, breakdowns occur in all
    power systems and a vivid example of it is what happened last year
    when our system managed to restore within possible tight deadlines
    owing to precisely the support of our Armenian colleagues. Our power
    supply systems have a longstanding history of relations and mutual
    assistance in various emergency situations. This foundation should be
    consolidated and developed under modern conditions, and a cutting-edge
    legal-contractual base on the earlier regulated regime of emergency
    deliveries (if necessary) should be formed.

    We are happy that our Armenian colleagues pay proper attention to
    energy security. As far as I know, Armenia has already started the
    process of the elaboration and affirmation of the new regulation
    on the allocation of functional responsibilities between the market
    participants on providing intersystem emergency assistance.

    Kakha Kaladze

    Photo: REUTERS

    As to cooperation and the formats of communication between the
    energy sectors of the two countries, we should firstly note the
    intergovernmental ties. In only late December 2014, the representatives
    of government establishments and experts of Armenia and Georgia
    held a working meeting in Yerevan in which representatives of the
    ministries of energy and leaders of power supplying companies also took
    part. Regular meetings of the leaders of state infrastructure companies
    operating in the power industry sector became the norm. These meetings
    are held 2-3 times a year, new agreements, contracts and protocols
    are formed, new tasks are set and joint prospects are discussed.

    Just recently, Georgia passed Amendments to the Law on "Electricity and
    Natural Gas" regulating the standards and procedures of the elaboration
    and regular update of the 10-year plan aimed at the development of
    Georgia's electricity transmission grid. The first such 10-year
    plan has already been worked out considering the modern European
    requirements and will be approved in the near future. If Armenia
    also works out such a long-term plan aimed at the development of the
    high-voltage electrical grid, we can then consider the elaboration of
    a joint, intersystem Armenian-Georgian 10-year plan covering issues
    related to the prospective construction of the interdependent parts
    of national power grids.

    - Mr. Kaladze, in the past few years the Armenia national team has
    significantly improved its positions in FIFA rating and player for
    the Armenia national and Borussia Dortmund Henrikh Mkhitaryan has
    become one of the most famous persons in Armenia. What contacts do
    you maintain with Armenian players and what do you think about the
    Armenian football today? Do you think Armenia and Georgia can closely
    cooperate in the sphere of football and train the young players?

    - During my football career, we have not played against Armenian
    football clubs. We once had a friendly match with the Armenia national
    in which Georgia scored a victory.

    Henrikh Mkhitaryan is indeed a strong, successful and talented
    football player

    Unfortunately, my work schedule does not let me regularly keep up with
    Armenian football, however, Henrikh Mkhitaryan is indeed a strong,
    successful and talented football player. I would like to wish luck
    to him, the rest of Armenian footballers and the Armenia national.

    Ara Tadevosyan talked to Kakha Kaladze

    From: A. Papazian