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Five Countries Seek To Carry Out Russia's Turkish Stream Project In

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  • Five Countries Seek To Carry Out Russia's Turkish Stream Project In


    (c) Sputnik/ Igor Zarembo
    14:48 08.04.2015Get short URL
    Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey seek ways to diversify
    routes and channels of natural gas deliveries to Europe through Turkey,
    according to a declaration foreign ministers of the five countries
    signed in Budapest on Tuesday.

    (c) AP PHOTO/ PETR DAVID JOSEK Turkish Stream May Bring Energy Security
    to Europe - Senior Greek Official The declaration paves the way for
    the five countries to participate in the project based on the so-called
    Turkish Stream gas pipeline, according to the Kommersant newspaper. The
    Russia daily added that Austria could also join the venture.

    The Turkish Stream pipeline is an alternative to the South
    Stream, which Russia terminated in December 2014, citing Brussels'
    opposition to the project. The pipeline with an annual capacity of
    63 billion cubic meters will deliver gas to Turkey via a gas hub on
    the Turkish-Greek border for further distribution to consumers in
    southern Europe.

    The declaration reflects only political intent. The five countries
    and companies interested in the project will have to convene again
    on multiple occasions to discuss details of the venture. The next
    ministerial meeting is expected to take place in July but bilateral
    talks will start earlier.

    The first leg of the Turkish Stream pipeline is scheduled to be
    completed by the end of 2016.

    Gas talks could become on the key issues during talks between the
    Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who is on a two-day visit to
    Moscow, and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    (c) AP PHOTO/ MURAD SEZER, FILE Putin, Tsipras to Discuss Connecting
    Greece to Turkish Stream If the countries decide to take part in the
    Turkish Stream project, Gazprom will have an opportunity to deliver
    gas to Europe bypassing Ukraine without drastically altering existing
    deals with the customers, Kommersant pointed out. But it has other
    implications too.

    Cordial relations with current and aspiring EU members, who try to
    carry out independent foreign policy, are of high value to Russia
    against the background of Moscow's current relations with the West.

    The European Commission will likely be against any joint ventures,
    focusing on Russian gas. The EC is developing legal mechanisms, which
    will allow it to block any intergovernmental agreements and business
    contracts deemed harmful for the EU energy security.

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