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PAP Disintegration Reinforced Political Monopoly, Kocharyan Says

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  • PAP Disintegration Reinforced Political Monopoly, Kocharyan Says


    April 8, 2015 12:00

    Former President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan


    Yerevan /Mediamax/. Former President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan
    keeps insisting that "Armenia's current problems have nothing to do
    with the Constitution, and moreover, with the state governance system".

    He said this in his interview to website.

    "One can fail or manage to govern a country both from the cabinets
    of a President and Prime Minister. There are good and bad examples
    of functioning of presidential and parliamentary models in the world.

    However, functioning of a well-established internal party system with
    effective democracy, factionalism, internal party fight resulting
    in renovation of the party leadership and strategies is a mandatory
    condition for a successful parliamentary country. Do you know any such
    parties in Armenia? Unfortunately, even the level of political debates
    in our country is offensively primitive", said Robert Kocharyan.

    "It's naive to suppose that the parliamentary model will automatically
    lead to democratic and competitive party environment. It will more
    likely reinforce the phenomenon of patronage which is speeding up
    and is one of the misfortunes of Armenia", he added.

    Commenting the developments around Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP),
    Robert Kocharyan said:

    "I was on good terms with Gagik Tsarukyan but there was no shadow
    political agreements on the future formats of cooperation with the
    party and its leader. There were many statements on this matter both
    by Prosperous Armenia representatives and by my office. And it's not
    our fault that not everyone believed in their sincerity. The PAP had
    its political team which energetically advanced the party's interests.

    Over the past years, the PAP has demostrated a keen aspiration to take
    part in parliamentary and presidential elections. It's also obvious
    that I couldn't cooperate with the format of non-governmental three
    forces established a few months ago for very clear reasons. And after
    all, there wouldn't be such a format if the PAP served my interests".

    The second President of Armenia said that "the PAP disintegration, of
    course, made life easier for the authorities. However, it reinforced
    the political monopoly in the country either leaving the problems
    unchanged or even aggravating the remaining problems".
