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Outrageous Picture Is Revealed

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  • Outrageous Picture Is Revealed

    Country - 08 April 2015, 15:38

    There is no good news in the report of the ad hoc committee on gas
    while there is a lot of bad news, said Member of Parliament Nikol
    Pashinyan today, noting that the worst news is that Armenian consumers
    have to pay 20 million dollars annually for the lost gas.

    Every year 127 million cubic meters of gas is lost in the gas supply
    system, and ordinary citizens pay for the gas. "The report of the
    ad hoc committee informs that though the losses are big, since 2012
    no investment has been made to cut the losses. If no investments are
    made to cut losses, then some people benefit from them, they flow to
    someone's pocket," Pashinyan says.

    The committee has found out that the gas bill includes the price of
    plants and pictures bought for the offices of Gazprom Armenia.

    "I am asking Mr. Aivazyan why they charge the money of flowers and
    picture to us and he says, ok, it's in Armavir, it's just 1.5 million
    drams. Mr. Aivazyan, what is this if not robbery? When we say that
    the Armenian government is robbing people, we don't mean that Serzh
    Sargsyan and Hovik Abrahamyan break into our homes, lift our sofas from
    both side, load onto the trucks with the help of Young Republicans
    and take them away, as well as our TVs, wardrobes, cookers. Robbery
    is when 650 thousand consumers are each charged 200 drams for meter
    service, 300 drams for the loss, 1.5 million drams for flowers and
    what not only in Armavir region," the member of parliament says.

    The member of parliament says the issue of acquisition of 20% of
    shares is an important issue. "We are saying that there is a law on
    privatization which states how state property is to be sold. You sold
    [the shares] bypassing the law. Aivazyan says instead you know for how
    much more than its actual price we sold it. It's the same as making
    someone take off his trousers and sell them. The trousers cost 50 AMD,
    you sold it for 300 drams, but the man is left without trousers, and
    no matter how expensive you sold it, it is not a comfort," he states.

    The member of parliament said that the price of gas went up in the
    result of gasification of villages. He notes that they vowed free of
    charge gasification of villages during the elections, people voted
    for them, then they charged people double and triple.

    "In addition, they did not return the money to the treasury. They
    built on money from the treasury and redirected to their own pockets
    through the losses. When those nominees for parliament vow to gasify
    your village, this is the result. Now they have gasified the villages
    but gas has got so expensive that people have to heat their houses
    on compost," he said.

    Nikol Pashinyan announced that Serzh Sargsyan and Hovik Abrahamyan
    know whatever this committee has somehow conveyed between the lines and
    they personally manage the entire process which is called corruption.

    "And finally let's acknowledge that not a dram, not a cent will
    move in Armenia without Serzh Sargsyan's knowledge and approval,"
    Pashinyan stated.
