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New Book Titled "The Armenian Genocide: 100 Years Of Silence" Presen

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  • New Book Titled "The Armenian Genocide: 100 Years Of Silence" Presen


    10:54, 9 April, 2015

    YEREVAN, APRIL 9, ARMENPRESS. "The Armenian Genocide: 100 years
    of silence - The extraordinary story of the last survivors" is the
    title of a book, just released in Italy, written by the journalists
    Alessandro Aramu, Gian Micalessin, Anna Mazzone. The book tells about
    the century old pain of the Armenian people, and the century old
    denial of Turkey. The book is sponsored by the Italian Arab Centre
    Assadakah with the collaboration of the Embassy of the Republic of
    Armenia in Italy and the national news agency Armenpress.

    On the night of April the 24th 1915 the horrible and systematic
    extermination of the Armenian people in the territories of the
    Ottoman Empire by the Muslim Turks began. In just one-month more than
    a thousand intellectuals, including journalists, writers, poets,
    and even delegates to Parliament were deported to the interior of
    Anatolia and massacred along the way. In death marches, hundreds of
    thousands died of starvation, disease or exhaustion. Eventually about
    a million and a half of Christian Armenians were massacred.

    After 100 years since that genocide, the first of the last century,
    an Italian journalist, Alessandro Aramu, and an important photographer
    of cinema, Romulus Eucalitto, meet in Yerevan, the Armenian capital,
    the last survivors of a tragedy that Turkey today still refuses
    to recognize.

    An extraordinary evidence, including a photographic documentation,
    of those who have experienced first-hand the persecution, violence
    and forced exile, far from their denied home. A report that comes
    from the past to the present day to understand how the contemporary
    Armenia, through the new generations, faces the challenge of shared
    memory as an element of identity and belonging to people.

    The volume, edited by Alessandro Aramu, in addition to interviews
    with the three survivors (Aharon Manukyan, Silvard Atajayn and
    Andranik Matevosyan), contains also a chapter devoted to genocide
    in its feminine dimension, with a series of stories and testimonies
    collected during the journalistic mission in Armenia. The Armenian
    women, with their courage and strength, are in fact those who kept
    alive the culture of people that the Turks have failed to erase. Young
    women met in Yerevan have highlighted the importance of memory for
    the centenary of the first crime of the modern era.

    "This book - Alessandro Aramu and Romulus Eucalitto say- was a journey
    into the pain of people who have suffered a terrible persecution. It
    is also a journey in hope, because new generations should never
    forget what happened in the past. This book is addressed to young
    Italians who need to know what happened a hundred years ago. That
    crime cannot prescribe nor forget. For this reason, we will work
    every day to ensure that genocide is officially recognized in the
    international scene, starting from Turkey. This book is primarily a
    work against the denial, wherever it comes from."

    Today Armenians are likely to suffer another genocide in the Middle
    East, by the Islamic fundamentalists of ISIS. In the second part of
    the volume, Gian Micalessin, Italian war correspondent, talks about
    his experience in Syria, with a series of reports from the cities of
    Aleppo and Qamishli, where Christians suffer more than others the fury
    of violence that has deep roots. The essay is attended by journalists,
    historians and Italian and Armenian intellectuals, all committed to
    telling the story of a century of forgotten genocide. Finally, it is
    told the contemporaneity of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and tensions
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan in a writing of journalist Anna Mazzone.

    Alessandro Aramu (1970). Professional journalist. Law graduate, he is
    director of the Magazine of geopolitical Spondasud. Author of report
    on the Zapatista revolution in Chiapas (Mexico) and the Hezbollah
    movement in Lebanon, he edited the essay Lebanon. Reportage in the
    heart of the Lebanese resistance (Arkadia, 2012). He is coauthor
    of the volumes Syria. What the media do not tell (Arkadia 2013) and
    Middle East. The policies of the Mediterranean in the background of
    the war in Syria (Arkadia Publisher 2014). He is part of the Italian
    Arab Centre Assadakah and vice president of the National Coordination
    for peace in Syria.

    Gian Micalessin (1960). Italian journalist. Since the beginning of the
    80s, he began to work as a war correspondent. He has made reportage
    accompanying Afghan mujahedeen fighting the Soviet occupation,
    then made documentaries and reportage from the main areas of crisis
    and conflict in the world. From the late 90s he closely monitors
    near-eastern issues, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Iran. He has
    partnered with some of the most important international newspapers such
    as Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, Panorama, Liberation, Der Spiegel,
    El Mundo, The Express, Far Eastern Economic Review. He also worked for
    national and international televisions including (CBS, NBC, Channel 4,
    TF1, France 2, NDR, TSI, RaiNews24, Rai Uno, Rai 2, Channel 5, LA7).

    Anna Mazzone. Freelance journalist, editor of Formiche and the biannual
    in English with Jean-Paul Fitoussi, collaborates daily
    with Panorama website, the column dedicated to current World news. She
    studied in Tokyo, specializing in Japanese politics Sociology. In 2011,
    she made a documentary for Jetlag Sky Italia of Nagorno Karabakh.

    Romolo Eucalitto (1949). Photographer, operating since the 70s, he
    has collaborated with the most important Italian movie directors. He
    edited the photo section in the book "Lebanon", reportage in the
    heart of the Lebanese resistance (Arkadia, 2012).

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress