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Intellectuals, Activists Reveal History Of Deliberate Ignorance Of 1

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  • Intellectuals, Activists Reveal History Of Deliberate Ignorance Of 1


    16:51, 10 Apr 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    Intellectuals and activists gathered in Ä°stanbul on Wednesday evening
    for an eventcalled "Confront 1915," where they peeled away the layers
    of history that have been presented by the Turkish government when
    discussing the shrouded massacre of Armenians in 1915, Today's

    Dr. Ohannes Kılıcdagı, a professor of sociology at Istanbul Bilgi
    University and a columnist for the Armenian Agos weekly newspaper,
    discussed how Armenians who were deported and survived persecution
    were unable to return to their former homeland.

    "[The period between] 1918-1920 was actually the time during which
    the genocide was most openly discussed in the history of this land,
    at a time when the Turkish Republic did not yet exist. After the
    Kemalist regime and as the Ankara government began to stabilize
    and become rooted, and wars were won ... there was then a period of
    'clearing the air.' What I mean by this is that arrangements were
    made to prevent Armenians who were sent away from returning to their
    property and possessions," shared Kılıcdagı.

    The Republic of Turkey was established in 1923 after its founder,
    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and Turkish nationalists had emerged victorious
    over Greeks, Armenians and Western forces in the Turkish War of
    Independence. Today, despite international pressure, the Turkish
    Republic does not recognize the events that took place during the
    fall of the Ottoman Empire as genocide.

    Kılıcdagı continued his discourse on the perception of history,
    explaining: "And then began a period that I call the 'period of
    silence,' which slowly began to create the perception that nothing
    had happened here. Even more so, the perception that there were
    never Armenians here [in the first place] was formed," adding,
    "A deliberate ignorance was spread and this was actually successful
    to a large extent."

    Kılıcdagı went on to share the results of a survey performed by Dr.

    Ferhat Kentel of Ä°stanbul Å~^ehir University. When participants of
    the survey were asked, "When do you believe Armenians came to Turkey?"

    One-third of the respondents said they believed that Armenians had come
    to Turkey after the fall of the Soviet Union, while another one-third
    acknowledged that they simply had no idea when the Armenians had come
    to Turkey.

    "Therefore, we see that two-thirds of Turkish society believe that
    a people [Armenians] who were the first people of this land to be
    written down in history, who existed here before the Common Era,
    are commonly believed to have only arrived at the beginning of the
    1990s," he concluded.

    Another speaker at Wednesday's meeting was prominent human rights
    lawyer Eren Keskin, who addressed the audience, saying, "We are very
    late to be speaking about this issue."

    In line with Kılıcdagı's argument that such ignorance was enforced
    deliberately by the government, Keskin noted, "I think the Turkish
    government has been very successful in its mission to cover up these

    She told a personal story of her first encounter with the tragic past
    of the Armenians in Turkey in which she explained how her grandfather
    had demanded that her aunt Josephine, an Armenian, convert to Islam
    before marrying his son, which she did.

    Keskin believes that the example she shared highlights the ongoing
    injustice and how the experience in her family, which was discussed but
    went undisputed, gave her the opportunity to learn about discrimination
    against Armenians from a young age. She then went on to describe her
    career as a human rights lawyer with the Ä°stanbul branch of the Human
    Rights Association (IHD). She noted that although she believed it to
    be quite late, the IHD released a press statement in 2005 recognizing
    the events of 1915 as genocide. After the IHD took this stance,
    Keskin said they were condemned and their office building attacked.
