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Armenia's President To Be In Moscow On Day Of Victory

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  • Armenia's President To Be In Moscow On Day Of Victory


    YEREVAN, April 10. /ARKA/. Armenia's president said in his interview
    to Mir TV he will be in Moscow on the Day of Victory.

    "I believe Armenia's president should be and will be present at the
    major celebrations, the ones held in Moscow, so I will be in Moscow,
    we have already received an invitation, and I will participate in the
    key events. In fact, it is a bright holiday, and we should celebrate
    it wholeheartedly," the president said.

    The president stressed Armenians had their active contribution to
    the defense of the Soviet Union, and said Armenians' approach to war
    "is probably a bit different from that of other nations".

    In the beginning of this war, there were 2.8 million ethnic Armenians
    living in the Soviet Union, of them 1 million 800,000 in Soviet
    Armenia. Some 600,000 Armenians joined the Soviet army as conscripts
    or volunteers during the way, of them 314,000 have never returned,
    Sargsyan said.

    "It is every ninth Armenian; almost 12% of the overall number of
    Armenians in the Soviet Union was killed during the Great Patriotic
    War. It is a large number, bearing in mind that no military operations
    took place on the territory of Armenia, which means no civilians were
    affected," Sargsyan said.

    During the war, over 600,000 Armenians were drafted to the Soviet Army,
    over 300,000 of them were killed in the battles. A hundred and six
    Armenians were awarded Hero of the Soviet Union, including legendary
    pilot Nelson Stepanyan and Marshall of the Soviet Union Hovhannes
    Baghramyan who received the award twice. Twenty-seven Armenian became
    full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

    Armenians' contribution to the victory included major army commanders,
    such as twice Hero of the Soviet Union Marshall Hovhannes Baghramyan,
    Hero of the Soviet Union and marshall of armored troops Hamazasp
    Babajanyan, aviation marshall Sergey Khudiakov (Armenak Khanferyants),
    Hero of the Soviet Union fleet admiral Ivan Isakov (Hovhannes

    Armenia sent six motor-rifle divisions to the frontline, including
    the 39th Tamanyan division that reached Berlin. About 100,000 ethnic
    Armenians were involved in the resistance movement in WWII and fought
    as part of the allies' armies. ory/#sthash.xamiCtzj.dpuf

    From: A. Papazian