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Benefactor Halts Financing Of Odzoun Renovations: Issues Still Remai

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  • Benefactor Halts Financing Of Odzoun Renovations: Issues Still Remai


    Larisa Paremuzyan

    13:42, April 10, 2015

    Moscow based businessman Movses Tzavaryan has stopped financing
    renovations at the 5-7th century Odzoun church in Armenia's Lori

    Tzavaryan, who has pumped close to $780,000 into the renovation
    project over the past fifteen years, told Hetq that the important
    work to stabilize the edifice had been accomplished.

    What remains to be resolved is the rainwater removal system.

    "There is no project on the books for the water removal issue. Some
    want to address the issue by employing modern accessories. They can
    do so, but without me. Why haven't the Italians restored the Coliseum?

    The church's dome was collapsing so we rebuilt it," Tzavaryan said.

    Levik Ghoukasyan, president of LevGouk Ltd., the company that performed
    the renovations, knows about Tzavaryan's plan to pull out and has sent
    a letter to the Hovhannes Imastaser Katoghikos Odznetsi Benevolent
    Foundation to find out whether renovations will continue.

    Ghoukasyan has yet to hear back from them. The contractor claims he
    hasn't been given any plans regarding work on the water removal issue.

    Father Vrtanes Baghalyan, the Odzoun parish priest, told Hetq that
    the contractor wants to reconstruct the entrance archway that workers
    damaged and to correct a few faults here and there. Ghoukasyan also
    wants to remove construction equipment from the church courtyard.

    "If he does, starting work anew next year will be harder," Father
    Vrtanes noted.

    In 2012, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the RA Ministry of Culture,
    and the Hovhannes Imastaser Foundation agreed to unite their forces
    to save Odzoun.

    When this reporter contacted the Holy See of Etchmiadzin on the
    matter, I was told that the church would issue a statement sometime
    in the future.

    Vanoush Shermazanyan, Director of the Imastaser Foundation, told Hetq
    that Tzavaryan had made known his intent to stop financing in August
    of last year.

    "We explained that the church roof was still open and that it couldn't
    remain so. The benefactor refused to pay for this and an additional 50
    million AMD to reinforce the walls. He said he didn't have the money,"
    Shermazanyan said.

    Shermazanyan added that other benefactors are reluctant to finance
    the remainder of the project because, whatever they donate, Tzavaryan
    will get all the credit.

    Father Vrtanes says that the remaining 50 million AMD of the initial
    320 million Tzavaryan donation isn't enough to finish the work
    initially planned for Odzoun.

    In the meantime, Shermazanyan has written to the culture minister
    for financial assistance to keep the work going until major donations
    are located.

    Father Vrtanes believes it's more a question of will than money.
