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2015: Where have we come? Where are we going?

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  • 2015: Where have we come? Where are we going?

    2015: Where Have we come? Where are we going?
    By Lucine Kasbarian
    Massis Post
    April 10, 2015

    This article is an edited version of a presentation given by
    Kasbarian before New Jersey Armenian-Americans in March 2015.

    I don't think it's necessary to tell you `Were we have come.' Suffice
    to say that the `Diaspora Experiment' ` to resurrect Armenia in exile
    following the Genocide ' was not just a success, it was a miracle.

    Our parents and grandparents believed that through sincerity,
    truthfulness and activism, we could educate the world to achieve our
    dreams of a just resolution to the Armenian Cause. Our survivor elders
    were genuinely grateful to the First World and other nations who took
    them in ` the United States perhaps being chief among them. But how
    much did our grandparents really know about America's and some other
    countries' complicity in abandoning the Armenians, even 100 years ago?

    What we have learned in this country, through observation and
    experience, is that, with noted exceptions, our government, mass
    media, universities and book/film industries often work at
    cross-purposes with `Hai Tahd', seeking to sterilize our cause, keep
    us down, divide us, diminish us, and wear us down.

    We must rely on ourselves and our own assets to retain what we have,
    and prepare our youth to lead us into the future without being
    influenced by forces working against us.

    In 2015 and beyond, our children will not necessarily receive a better
    Armenian education from universities that have Armenian Studies
    programs. This is because we Armenians usually have little control or
    influence over their faculty or curricula. Our children are not
    necessarily going to get to tell the Armenian story fully or
    truthfully by mainstream American newspapers or book publishers. They
    will be better off supporting and contributing to non-mainstream,
    alternative, and our own ethnic media and self-published books. The
    Armenian identity is going to be instilled at home and through our
    organizations. Both have been salvation for bringing our values to our
    children, and responsible for bringing the spirit of Armenia to many
    generations, especially when Armenia was physically inaccessible to
    our youth.

    2015 is a waystation in our long road to liberation and
    restitution. Acknowledgment of the genocide is not the end. Are our
    exiled Diasporan communities equipped and prepared for the long haul?

    Armenians in the Diaspora have historically looked to the home country
    to carry on the culture. From what we've seen, the situation in
    present-day Armenia may be even more perilous than in our Diaspora
    communities. Oligarchic corruption is strangling Armenia. And there is
    immense pressure by world powers to neutralize, co-opt or simply get
    rid of Armenia ' which is considered an impediment and even a nuisance
    to the Great Game they're playing in the Caucasus and Near East. As a
    result, the future of our homeland is in jeopardy ` including by
    Pan-Turkism ' just as it was 100 years ago.

    If something were to happen to Armenia or Artsakh, such catastrophes
    would put the burden on the Diaspora to perpetuate the culture. Not
    long ago, we had rooted Armenian communities of the Middle East where
    our time-worn traditions were preserved and practiced. These Armenian
    strong-holds have been weakened and in some cases, destroyed. We can't
    afford to assimilate any further. We must stop this
    erosion. Otherwise, we are committing national suicide.

    We Armenians have a saying, `Baikar minchev haghtanag.' It means
    `Struggle until victory.' However, we are past the point where we
    could use such a term. We must live by the parallel saying, which is
    `Baikar minchev verch,' and which means `Struggle until the end.'

    This requires even more courage than the first slogan, because it
    takes a lot of strength to stay on the path in the face of looming
    defeat, destruction and extinction when you know the prognosis is not
    good for the survival of Armenia, Artsakh, the hidden or captive
    Armenians in W. Armenia, or the global Armenian Diaspora.

    Our obligation is to continue the struggle ` and to go down fighting
    if we must ` in this new battle of Sardarabad.

    Today's battle is, once again, the battle for our existence. To shrink
    from this battle out of depression or discouragement is to let down
    our ancestors, our history, our culture, and our faith ` all which we
    love so much.

    We must bear the pain when we see the continuation of the Genocide
    through the deliberate destruction of Der Zor, Kessab, Haleb, Damascus
    and Mosul. It is not lost on us that after 100 years of genocide
    perpetrated on the indigenous Christian Armenians, Assyrians and
    Greeks, powerful forces behind ISIS ` the US, Turkey and Israel among
    them ` are today removing all trace of ancient Christianity in the
    Middle East.

    To be an Armenian is a burden and a duty. But it is also a joy. We
    must accept all of these aspects with the knowledge that perhaps, as
    the first Christian nation of the world, we were destined to be the
    earthbound madagh (sacrifice). Perhaps it is our fate to be constantly
    tested for our faith and endurance precisely because we are a strong,
    capable and amazing people.

    Soon, we will celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Let us remember
    that Armenia, too, was crucified and later resurrected. We have
    struggled for rebirth many times and succeeded. We may succeed
    still. But even if we don't, we must remain strong at a time when our
    adversaries would like to see us crumble.

    Our adversaries have made a high art of finding Armenians who are
    seeking career advancement and fame at any cost and who are willing to
    work against or compromise our Cause, if necessary, to get it. Much of
    the `Western establishment' uses such people as conduits to deliver
    damning messages to us; to make us doubt ourselves and our own
    history; to tell us that our goals are unreasonable or impossible; to
    poison and further traumatize us; and to discourage us.

    We must be cautious about who we invite into our circles to influence
    our children. To this end, I insist that you read a book before you
    invite that books' author to speak to your community. Study the
    curriculum of an academician before you invite a scholar to speak to
    your community. Understand the intentions behind the so-called
    `reconciliation' movement and who benefits from it.

    To quote from the book, `To Kill A Mockingbird,' `Real courage is when
    you fight for what is right regardless of whether you win or lose.'

    So today, we must say ` in the face of all that our people suffered
    and endured, and have yet to still suffer and endure ` Baikar, baikar
    minchev verch.

    This editorial cartoon and others by Kasbarian are part of `The
    Armenian Genocide Centennial Exhibition,' on display through May 2,
    2015 at several venues in Providence, Rhode Island. Visit:
