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Pope describes Armenian killings as 'genocide' on 100th anniversary

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  • Pope describes Armenian killings as 'genocide' on 100th anniversary

    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    April 12 2015

    Pope describes Armenian killings as 'genocide' on 100th anniversary

    On the 100th anniversary of the slaughter of Armenians, Pope Francis
    has described the mass killing by the Ottoman Empire as "the first
    genocide of the 20th century." The move could strain diplomatic ties
    with Turkey.

    Pope Francis addressed the systematic killing, which took place a
    century ago, during a mass in Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican on
    Sunday. Also attending the mass, which included elements of the
    Armenian Catholic rite, was Armenian patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX
    Tarmouni and the country's President Serzh Sargsyan.

    "In the past century our human family has lived through three massive
    and unprecedented tragedies. The first, which is widely considered
    'the first genocide of the 20th century', struck your own Armenian
    people," the pontiff said, citing a 2000 statement signed by late
    pontiff John Paul II and the Armenian patriarch.

    In the joint statement 15 years ago, Pope John Paul II said "the
    Armenian genocide, which began the century, was a prologue to horrors
    that would follow."

    "We recall the centenary of that tragic event, that immense and
    senseless slaughter whose cruelty your forebears had to endure,"
    Francis said on Sunday.

    "It is necessary, and indeed a duty, to honor their memory, for
    whenever memory fades, it means that evil allows wounds to fester," he

    Strained relations

    The pope's use of the word "genocide" will likely test diplomatic
    relations with Turkey, however, and could risk alienating an important
    ally in the fight against radical Islam.

    Armenians say up to 1.5 million of their kin were killed between 1915
    and 1917 as the Ottoman Empire was falling apart. In Armenia, the
    killings are known as "Metz Yeghern," meaning "Great Evil."

    Turkey, however, has long has long denied that the deaths constituted
    genocide, arguing that 300,000 to 500,000 Armenians and as many Turks
    were killed in clashes during the First World War when Armenians rose
    up against their Ottoman rulers and sided with invading Russian

    'Inhumane consequences'

    In 2014, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan offered
    unexpected condolences to Armenians for the imposed deportation of
    their ancestors, which he described as having "inhumane consequences."

    At the same time, however, Erdogan made it clear that while modern
    Turkey tolerated the genocide accusations, the country did not share

    The mass on Sunday was held ahead of the official commemoration of the
    murders which will take place on April 24.

    ksb/jr (AFP, AP)

    From: A. Papazian