15:20, 14 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan
The City of Ryde, Australia, has unanimously adopted a motion dedicated
to the centenary of the Armenian Genocide.
The motion, which was adopted, reads:
Whereas 2015 marks the10th anniversary of the City of Ryde passing a
motion recongising the events of 1915-1923 as the Armenian Genocide,
this Council joins with the Armenian-Australian community in marking
the centenary of the Armenian Genocide by resolving to:
(a) honour the memory of the innocent men, women and children who
fell victim to the first modern genocide;
(b) condemn the genocide of the Armenians; and all other acts of
genocide as the ultimate act of racial, religious and cultural
(c) recognise the importance of remembering and learning from such
dark chapters in human history to ensure that such crimes against
humanity are not allowed to be repeated;
(d) condemn and prevents all attempts to use the passage of time to
deny or distort the historical truth of the genocide of the Armenians
and other acts of genocide committed during this century;
(e) recall the testimonies of Australian WWI POWs who lay witness to
the genocide of the Armenians; and
(f) acknowledge the significant humanitarian contribution made by
the people of Australia to the victims and survivors of the Armenian
(g) call on the Commonwealth of Australia to recongise and condemn
all genocides including the Armenian Genocide.
15:20, 14 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan
The City of Ryde, Australia, has unanimously adopted a motion dedicated
to the centenary of the Armenian Genocide.
The motion, which was adopted, reads:
Whereas 2015 marks the10th anniversary of the City of Ryde passing a
motion recongising the events of 1915-1923 as the Armenian Genocide,
this Council joins with the Armenian-Australian community in marking
the centenary of the Armenian Genocide by resolving to:
(a) honour the memory of the innocent men, women and children who
fell victim to the first modern genocide;
(b) condemn the genocide of the Armenians; and all other acts of
genocide as the ultimate act of racial, religious and cultural
(c) recognise the importance of remembering and learning from such
dark chapters in human history to ensure that such crimes against
humanity are not allowed to be repeated;
(d) condemn and prevents all attempts to use the passage of time to
deny or distort the historical truth of the genocide of the Armenians
and other acts of genocide committed during this century;
(e) recall the testimonies of Australian WWI POWs who lay witness to
the genocide of the Armenians; and
(f) acknowledge the significant humanitarian contribution made by
the people of Australia to the victims and survivors of the Armenian
(g) call on the Commonwealth of Australia to recongise and condemn
all genocides including the Armenian Genocide.