US Official News
April 12, 2015 Sunday
The University of California has issued the following news release:
Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in Greater Europe, 1875-1945
Thursday, April 16, 2015 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Bunche Hall Meeting Room
- 6275
A lecture by Donald Bloxham, History, University of Edinburgh
See below for additional information.
Free and open to the public.
Center for Near Eastern Studies (310) 825-1181
[email protected] Website
Additional Information
This paper will address some of the most important patterns in
intergroup violence in the title's spatiotemporal 'Raum'. It will focus
in particular on the ethno-religious element of such violence, against
the backdrop of the modernisation of Europe and adjacent regions.
The narrative broadly follows the decline and fall of the old
multinational empires, the rise of new nation-states, and then the
rise of new empires in Soviet and especially Nazi form. Eschewing
a directly comparative approach between, for instance, the Armenian
genocide and the Holocaust, it tries to place those events and others
in a broader framework in which geopolitics, economics and the role of
'great powers' is to the fore.
Donald Bloxham is Richard Pares Professor of European history at
the University of Edinburgh. He is author of The Final Solution:
a Genocide (Oxford University Press, 2009); Genocide, The World
Wars, and the Unweaving of Europe (Vallentine, Mitchell, 2007), the
Raphael Lemkin-prizewinning The Great Game of Genocide: Imperialism,
nationalism, and the destruction of the Ottoman Armenians (OUP, 2005)
and Genocide on Trial (OUP, 2001). He is co-editor of The Oxford
Handbook of Genocide Studies (OUP, 2010) and Political Violence in
Twentieth Century Europe (Cambridge UP, 2011). He is in the final
stages of completing a manuscript on the role of moral thought in
US Official News
April 12, 2015 Sunday
The University of California has issued the following news release:
Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in Greater Europe, 1875-1945
Thursday, April 16, 2015 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Bunche Hall Meeting Room
- 6275
A lecture by Donald Bloxham, History, University of Edinburgh
See below for additional information.
Free and open to the public.
Center for Near Eastern Studies (310) 825-1181
[email protected] Website
Additional Information
This paper will address some of the most important patterns in
intergroup violence in the title's spatiotemporal 'Raum'. It will focus
in particular on the ethno-religious element of such violence, against
the backdrop of the modernisation of Europe and adjacent regions.
The narrative broadly follows the decline and fall of the old
multinational empires, the rise of new nation-states, and then the
rise of new empires in Soviet and especially Nazi form. Eschewing
a directly comparative approach between, for instance, the Armenian
genocide and the Holocaust, it tries to place those events and others
in a broader framework in which geopolitics, economics and the role of
'great powers' is to the fore.
Donald Bloxham is Richard Pares Professor of European history at
the University of Edinburgh. He is author of The Final Solution:
a Genocide (Oxford University Press, 2009); Genocide, The World
Wars, and the Unweaving of Europe (Vallentine, Mitchell, 2007), the
Raphael Lemkin-prizewinning The Great Game of Genocide: Imperialism,
nationalism, and the destruction of the Ottoman Armenians (OUP, 2005)
and Genocide on Trial (OUP, 2001). He is co-editor of The Oxford
Handbook of Genocide Studies (OUP, 2010) and Political Violence in
Twentieth Century Europe (Cambridge UP, 2011). He is in the final
stages of completing a manuscript on the role of moral thought in