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Erdogan Warns Pope Over Armenian Genocide Remarks

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  • Erdogan Warns Pope Over Armenian Genocide Remarks


    The Times of Israel
    April 14 2015

    Holy See comes under fire from Turkish officials for statements on
    Ottomans' mass killings in WWI

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday expressed anger over
    the pope's use of the word genocide to describe the mass killings
    of Armenians in World War I, saying such talk was nonsense and the
    pontiff should not repeat such a mistake again.

    Ankara at the weekend summoned the Vatican nuncio and recalled the
    Turkish envoy to the Holy See in a furious reaction to Pope Francis'
    description of the killings of Armenians at the hands of Ottoman

    "If politicians and religious leaders do the job of historians then
    we will not get to the truth and only end with nonsense," Erdogan said
    in a speech in Ankara in his first reaction to the pope's comments.

    "Respected pope: I condemn this mistake and warn against making it
    again," he said to applause from an audience of businessmen.

    Turkey has vehemently rejected the use of the term genocide to
    describe the Ottoman era killings and is keeping to its line in the
    100th anniversary of the tragedy.

    Armenians say 1.5 million of their ancestors were killed in a targeted
    campaign of extermination by Ottoman forces. The Turkish government
    said hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Christians were killed on
    both sides in a wartime tragedy.

    The comments by the pope, who visited Turkey last November, have led
    to unprecedented attacks on the pontiff by Turkish officials.

    EU Minister Volkan Bozkir said Monday that the pope had made the
    comment because of a strong Armenian lobby in his homeland of

    "I think Pope Francis made this statement because he is an Argentine.

    Unfortunately, in Argentina, the Armenian diaspora is dominant in
    the press and business world," Bozkir said, quoted by the official
    Anatolia news agency.

    Referring to the influx of war criminals to Latin America after World
    War II, Bozkir declared that Argentina "welcomed Nazis, who were the
    lead performers of the Jewish Holocaust."
