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Doctor Of The Church St. Gregory Narek

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  • Doctor Of The Church St. Gregory Narek


    DFW Catholic
    April 14 2015

    On Sunday Pope Francis formally proclaimed the Armenian Saint Gregory
    Narek a Doctor of the Church. This exceedingly rare title is given
    to a saint whose writings are particularly useful for the building
    up of believers.

    St. Gregory's Lamentations are honest and frank, reverent, sincere,
    and emotional. They can be read here.

    12:2 Not only do I call, but I believe in the Lord's greatness. I
    pray not only for his rewards but also for himself, the essence of
    life, guarantor of giving and taking of breath without whom there is
    no movement, no progress, to whom I am tied not so much by the knot
    of hope as by the bonds of love. I long not so much for the gifts as
    for the giver. I yearn not so much for the glory as the glorified. I
    burn not so much with the desire for life as in memory of the giver
    of life. I sigh not so much with the rapture of splendor as with the
    heartfelt fervor for its maker. I seek not so much for rest as for
    the face of our comforter. I pine not so much for the bridal feast
    as for the distress of the groom, through whose strength I wait with
    certain expectation believing with unwavering hope that in spite of
    the weight of my transgressions I shall be saved by the Lord's mighty
    hand and that I will not only receive remission of sins but that I
    will see the Lord himself in his mercy and compassion and receive
    the legacy of heaven although I richly deserve to be disowned.

    From: Baghdasarian