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Turkey Accused Of Using Gallipoli Events As Distraction From Armenia

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  • Turkey Accused Of Using Gallipoli Events As Distraction From Armenia


    Change of date by Ankara, which leads to a clash of commemoration
    ceremonies, seen as an 'indecent political manoeuvre'

    Souvenirs commemorating the Gallipoli campaign on sale in in Eceabat,
    Turkey. Photograph: Sean Gallup/Getty

    Constanze Letsch in Istanbul

    Thursday 16 April 2015 13.00 BSTLast modified on Thursday 16 April
    201513.03 BST

    Turkey has been accused of belittling the imminent centenary of the
    Armenian genocide by advancing its Gallipoli commemorations to the
    same day.

    The anniversary of the 1915 military operations on the Gallipoli
    peninsula has always been marked on 25 April, the day after
    commemorations of the massacre of more than 1m Armenians in the
    Ottoman Empire. This year, however, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    has invited state leaders to join him in Gallipoli on 24 April.

    "This is a very indecent political manoeuvre," said Ohannes Kilicdagi,
    a researcher and writer for Agos, an Armenian weekly. "It's cheap
    politics to try and dissolve the pressure on Turkey in the year of
    the centennial by organising this event.

    "Everybody knows that the two memorials around Gallipoli have been
    held on March 18 and April 25 every year."

    Prince Charles, Prince Harry, Tony Abbott, the Australian prime
    minister, and John Key, New Zealand's prime minister, have confirmed
    they will attend events at Gallipoli. As part of the programme on 24
    April, services will be held at several military cemeteries.

    At the same time, hundreds will gather on Istanbul's Taksim Square,
    where a commemoration of the Armenian genocide has been held since
    2010. Another rally will be held in the eastern city of Diyarbakir,
    an important centre from where the state governor oversaw the mass
    killings in 1915. The main event will be held in Yerevan, capital
    of Armenia.

    The Turkish government's efforts to divert international attention
    have been called "disgraceful" by Armenians speaking against the
    hijacking of their commemoration day.

    "It's not just Gallipoli," said Nazar Buyum, an Armenian columnist
    and writer. "Someone also had the audacity to suggest the organisation
    of a Gallipoli memorial concert in an Armenian church in Istanbul for
    24 April. The government does everything to overshadow the centennial
    of the genocide this year."

    Turkey refuses to accept responsibility for the slaughter of hundreds
    of thousands of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.

    Professor Ayhan Aktar of Istanbul's Bilgi University, who has long
    researched the denial of the Armenian genocide in Turkey, was not
    surprised by the government's decision to move the date of the
    Gallipoli events.

    "Turkey has been putting forward the Turks dying on world war one
    battlefields for 97 years, arguing that, yes, Armenians might have
    died, but so did our ancestors," he said. "This move just continues
    this line of defence. It's indecent, and a disgrace."

    While the Armenian state leader and many Armenians abroad expressed
    outrage at Turkey's diplomatic gamble, the reaction in Turkey has been
    rather mute. Part of the reason, Kilicdagi says, is the persistent
    fear of violence against the Armenian community in Turkey.

    "Even though the situation has somewhat improved, and even though
    solidarity with the Armenian community has increased, many have
    learned to live with the constant fear," he said. "It has become
    almost a reflex. Armenians are still a vulnerable group in Turkey."

    The first world war operations in Gallipoli - Canakkale in Turkish -
    began on 18 March 1915 with the British naval bombardment of the
    peninsula. Turks have used that date to celebrate their victory
    against the Allied attack and mourn the soldiers who died in battle.

    The naval landings on the shores of Gallipoli ended in devastating
    defeat and are remembered by Australians and New Zealanders - not by
    the Turks - on 25 April, known as Anzac Day.

    After Ankara's announcement to shift all official commemorations
    of Gallipoli to 24 April, critics were quick to point out that no
    significant military event took place at Gallipoli that day and that
    Armenians had greater claim to the day because 24 April 2015 was
    when Ottoman authorities started to arrest Armenian intellectuals
    in Istanbul.

    Hopes of an Armenian-Turkish thaw were raised last year, when
    Erdogan extended condolences to the grandchildren of all killed
    Armenians. But this year's actions have alienated the 100,000-strong
    Armenian community in Turkey.

    "After Erdogan's words last year, this was a big disappointment," said
    Nayat Karakose, programme coordinator at the Hrant Dink Foundation,
    an Istanbul organisation, named after the Armenian-Turkish journalist
    murdered in 2007, that promotes Turkish-Armenian reconciliation,
    research and culture.

    "We expected a more positive step than to try and shift the
    international focus away from Armenia's effort to raise awareness
    about the genocide."

    Orhan Kemal Cengiz, a Turkish journalist and human rights activist,
    said the upcoming parliamentary elections made any meaningful
    concessions by the ruling Justice and Development, or AK, party

    "They are trying to rally more nationalist votes. Erdogan is a very
    pragmatic politician, who is very conscious of political advantages he
    can gain by any move he makes," Cengiz said. "But the Armenian issue
    is a matter of conscience and of morality, which is why Erdogan is
    not the leader who will solve it."
