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ANKARA: PM Davutoglu Criticizes Pope's Remarks On 1915 Incidents

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  • ANKARA: PM Davutoglu Criticizes Pope's Remarks On 1915 Incidents


    Turkish Government News
    April 13, 2015 Monday


    The Turkish Government has issued the following press release:

    Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu criticized Pope Francis's description
    of 1915 incidents as genocide.

    Davutoglu spoke to journalists in Istanbul, before an event to
    commemorate Prophet Mohammad's birth. He said that Pope's statement
    was "unfortunate," "incorrect" and "inconsistent."

    Davutoglu said the remarks were not just about reading the history
    wrong, but also "lend credence to the growing racism in Europe,"
    as well as accusing Turks and Muslims of a collective crime.

    "It is unbecoming of Pope and his authority to read the 1915 incidents
    unilaterally and to cover the pains of others by owning the pains of
    only a part of mankind," Davutoglu said.

    He said that without the external factors, "The painful events of
    1915 would probably not have been experienced."

    Pope Francis said Sunday that "the first 'genocide' of the 20th
    century" struck Armenians, a statement that led Turkey to recall its
    ambassador in Vatican for consultations and also summon Vatican's
    envoy in Ankara.

    Pope made these remarks during a Mass in the Armenian Catholic rite
    at the St. Peter's Basilica, which Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
    also attended.

    Armenians are preparing to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the
    1915 incidents on April 24.

    Davutoglu said that "when pains, especially those experienced in war
    time, are shared and mutually owned, an environment of peace emerges."

    The Turkish prime minister said that the primary duty of the religion
    leaders is not to create new environments of conflict and hate from
    historic debates, but to invite people to make peace and live together.

    Davutoglu recalled President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's statements in
    2014 and onwards, calling them "open-hearted" toward the pains of
    Armenians. Davutoglu cited Ankara's stance toward Yerevan and issued
    a call to open a new era in relations between the two countries.

    "Let's open the archives," Davutoglu said, regarding the 1915
    events, in reference to Turkey's long-standing offer on creating an
    international board of historians to investigate the issue.

    Davutoglu said he hoped the pontiff "will consider his position."

    - 1915 events

    The 1915 events took place during World War I when a portion of
    the Armenian population living in the Ottoman Empire sided with the
    invading Russians and revolted against the empire.

    The Ottoman Empire relocated Armenians in eastern Anatolia following
    the revolts and there were Armenian casualties during the relocation

    Armenia has demanded an apology and compensation, while Turkey has
    officially refuted Armenian allegations over the incidents saying that,
    although Armenians died during the relocations, many Turks also lost
    their lives in attacks carried out by Armenian gangs in Anatolia.

    The Turkish government has repeatedly called on historians to study
    Ottoman archives pertaining to the era in order to uncover what
    actually happened between the Ottoman government and its Armenian

    The debate on "genocide" and the differing opinions between the
    present day Turkish government and the Armenian diaspora, along with
    the current administration in Yerevan, still generates political
    tension between Turks and Armenians.

    Turkey's official position against allegations of "genocide" is that
    it acknowledges the past experiences were a great tragedy and that both
    parties suffered heavy casualties, including hundreds of Muslim Turks.

    Ankara agrees that there were certainly Armenian casualties during
    World War I, but says that it is impossible to define these incidents
    as "genocide."

    In 2014, then Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed
    his condolences for the first time to all Ottoman citizens who lost
    their lives in the events of 1915.

    "May Armenians who lost their lives in the events in the early
    twentieth century rest in peace, and we convey our condolences to
    their grandchildren," Erdogan said.

    From: A. Papazian