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EuFoA Welcomes European Parliament Vote On Armenian Genocide

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  • EuFoA Welcomes European Parliament Vote On Armenian Genocide


    13:22, 16 Apr 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    On 15 April 2015, the European Parliament has gathered for a
    mini-plenary session in Brussels. One of the texts passed was
    a resolution on the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Making
    reference to other European texts voted on the issue in the recent
    years, the resolution "pays tribute, on the eve of the Centenary, to
    the memory of the one-and-a-half million innocent Armenian victims"
    and calls on Turkey "to come to terms with its past, to recognise the
    Armenian genocide and thus pave the way for a genuine reconciliation
    between Turkish and Armenian peoples".

    European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) warmly welcomes this resolution.

    EuFoA Director Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa comments: "The European Parliament
    has once again proven its solidarity and support to the Armenian
    people, paying tribute to the innocent victims of the Genocide thus
    expressing its strong rejection to any kind of genocide denialism. The
    Parliament's stance on genocides and crimes against humanity could
    not be clearer! "

    The adoption of the resolution was accompanied by statements by
    the two governing bodies of the EU, the EU Council and the European
    Commission. Ms Kristalina Georgieva, Vice-President of the European
    Commission and Commissioner for the Budget and Human Resources,
    made a statement calling for "considering additional, meaningful
    steps paving the way towards full reconciliation".

    Speaking during the debate on the resolution, MEP Charles Tannock
    (ECR) commented "Since closing its border with Armenia, Turkey leads
    a relentlessly hostile policy towards Armenia. Turkey should open
    the border as a gesture of goodwill". MEP Michèle Rivasi (Greens/EFA)
    called on the European Commission to use the word "genocide", saying
    that "it's of historic importance that this word is used".

    It is the second time that the European Parliament has passed
    a resolution recognising the Armenian Genocide. The first time,
    the resolution on a "political solution to the Armenian question"
    was adopted on 18 June 1987. In addition, this year the EP has also
    included the issue of the Armenian Genocide in its Human Rights report,
    whereas EURONEST PA, composed in part of European parliamentarians,
    has adopted a resolution on "the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide".

    "Today's vote is also an example of a successful joint work by all
    Armenia-related organisations in Brussels, and we are proud that EuFoA
    could also contribute to achieving this important goal. We are also
    grateful to the European Parliament political groups for their support
    and understanding of the different aspects of this important matter"
    adds Mr Lorenzo Ochoa.

    The resolution has passed with an overwhelming majority, again proving
    the high level of European solidarity for this issue.

    From: Baghdasarian