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Armenians Praise Pope's Comments

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  • Armenians Praise Pope's Comments


    Glendale News Press, CA
    April 14 2015

    Catholic leader's acknowledgment of genocide beginning in 1915 called

    By Arin Mikailian, [email protected] and Alene Tchekmedyian,
    [email protected]

    April 14, 2015 | 6:14 p.m.

    Local leaders and community members are praising Pope Francis for
    his remarks from the Vatican this past weekend that categorized the
    deaths of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire
    in 1915 as the first genocide of the 20th century.

    The pope's comments echoed sentiments made by Pope John Paul II in
    2001 and quickly generated a wave of positive response from Armenians
    worldwide, including those living in Glendale who hope the remarks
    will push top government officials here for recognition in the U.S.

    A century after the genocide and the fall of the empire, the modern
    Turkish government continues to hold its ground by claiming the
    killings didn't amount to a genocide.

    Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) has introduced legislation pushing for
    genocide recognition and called Pope Francis an extraordinary spiritual
    leader, adding his words were moving to the tens of thousands of his
    Armenian constituents.

    "I think he's certainly won a place of affection in every Armenian
    household," Schiff said.

    The congressman added that the pope's address went beyond the Catholic
    church and was geared toward all humanity. He said he also hopes
    President Obama will make good on his campaign promise to officially
    recognize the genocide.

    "I'm hoping the next on through the door will be our president,"
    Schiff said.

    Mayor Zareh Sinanyan said he's optimistic that the pope's remarks
    could influence more recognition around the world.

    "Unfortunately, we Armenians have been in a position for the last
    100 years in even getting simply acknowledged of a historical fact,"
    he said. "It takes a lot of energy and resources, which is very sad.

    Humanity doesn't seem to be ready to embrace, to do the right thing
    for the right reasons."

    Pope Francis' speech drew speedy criticism from the government of
    Turkey, which withdrew its ambassador to the Vatican.

    "The reason [Turkey is] acting like this is because of the
    international community's failure for the past 100 years to properly
    address the issue of the Armenian Genocide," the mayor said. "This
    is what happens when there's murder and then you get away with it."

    An official with the Armenian National Committee of America-Glendale
    said the group also hopes Obama takes note of the pope's comments
    and said continued denial goes beyond the Armenian Genocide.

    "We applaud the conviction of Pope Francis in bringing the Armenian
    Genocide into a global context and shedding light on this horrific
    crime against humanity that continues to be denied by its perpetrator,
    and as a result of this denial, has set the stage for similar acts of
    genocide to continue occurring in our modern-day chain of events," said
    Tigranna Zakaryan, community relations director for the organization.

    Local Armenians also shared their appreciation for Pope Francis and
    his remarks.

    Aram Kavoukjian, whose family's pharmacy has been in Glendale for two
    decades, said he was pleased and relieved that the Armenian Genocide
    was getting international attention.

    "It was great to see that the pope wasn't worried about politics and
    was just interested in talking about the truth of what happened,"
    Kavoukjian said.

    Glendale resident Ani Chalabyan, who moved to the city from Armenia
    six months ago, said she hoped the pope's comments would put pressure
    on President Obama to recognize the genocide.

    While Kavoukjian doesn't think the Vatican has enough political power
    to push the U.S. or Turkey into recognition, he said the pope's global
    reach helps increase awareness about the massacres.

    "This is getting our cause out there," he said.,0,3583941.story
