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Before The Holocaust--Armenian Genocide: 1915-1918

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  • Before The Holocaust--Armenian Genocide: 1915-1918


    April 15 2015

    By Ellis Washington

    "Turkey is taking advantage of the war in order to thoroughly liquidate
    its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous Christians, without being
    thereby disturbed by foreign intervention."

    ~ Hitler (circa 1915)

    Prologue to 20th century's first Holocaust

    Recently I watched a very interesting yet disturbing documentary
    about the Armenian genocide where the Muslim Ottoman Turks shortly
    after taking power in a coup, ruthlessly committed genocide against
    the Armenian Christians, a relatively small and unassuming minority
    population in Turkey. Titled, The Armenian Genocide, this documentary
    was first broadcasted nationally on PBS in April 2006 coinciding
    with the week leading to the 91st anniversary commemoration of the
    Armenian Genocide.

    This essay marks the 100th anniversary of one of the most horrific
    episodes of human depravity of the 20th century; a Holocaust that
    predated Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Holocaust against 6 million Jews
    by 20 years, yet foreshadowed many of the grotesque techniques the
    Nazis would emulated by the bloodthirsty Ottoman Turks who killed
    the Armenians, not for domestic insurrection or terrorist activities
    against the Turkish State, but for this singular reason - the Armenians
    where Christians, therefore besides being an ethnic genocide, the
    Armenian Genocide by the Turks was a Muslim genocide specifically
    directed against a Christian minority population.

    Narrated by Julianna Margulies and produced by Andrew Goldberg of Two
    Cats Productions and with Oregon Public Broadcasting, the documentary
    cuts through 100 years of Turkey's Holocaust denials and affirms in no
    uncertain terms the historical fact of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

    Next a series of critical historical questions is presented such as
    how was it possible for a massacre of such grand magnitude allowed
    to occur, why did it happen, and why has the Genocide remained one of
    the greatest untold stories of the twentieth century? These questions
    of ultimate concern and many others are addressed and systematically
    answered during this revelatory documentary which lasts just under
    an hour.

    The Armenian Genocide pays meticulous detail to putting this event
    in its proper historical context including numerous statements about
    the Genocide given by many scholars, including Ronald Suny of the
    University of Chicago, Peter Balakian, author of Black Dog of Fate,
    Vahakn Dadrian, Director of Genocide Research for the Zoryan Institute,
    Elizabeth Frierson of Princeton University, Samantha Power, author
    of A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, and Israel
    Charny, President, International Association of Genocide Scholars. The
    documentary gives an outstanding historical overview of the Armenians
    from antiquity up to their current existence in Turkey in modern
    times. The documentary history of the Armenians is a very useful
    narrative particularly for those viewers not acquainted with the
    Armenians or Armenian history.

    The Hamidian massacres (1894-1896)

    The Armenian Genocide in a most compelling manner discusses the
    Armenians' aspiration for political and social equality in the
    Ottoman Empire. Nevertheless, the historical source materials on the
    Armenians in the 19th century is crucial in explaining the precursors
    of the Genocide. Despite the fact that the Armenians have lived in the
    Anatolia region of Turkey for over 3,000 years, for the past several
    hundred years they have been ruled by the Ottoman Turks, and following
    the standard religious discriminatory practices of dhimmitude, the
    Armenians (along with other non-Muslim religious minorities like the
    Jews and the Kurds) were subjected to second-class citizen existence
    where they were taxed at higher rates than the Muslims yet every
    other aspect of their lives were inferior and demeaning.

    The documentary also has an interesting narrative regarding the
    Hamidian massacres, which the narrator said, "according to German
    foreign ministry operatives and French diplomatic sources an estimated
    200,000 people were killed between 1894-1896 the Hamidian massacres,
    but this was only a foreshadowing of what was to come."

    The banality of genocide

    History Professor Ronald Suny of the University of Chicago
    characterized the Turkish Muslim violence against the Armenian
    Christian minority as "repressive violence; that is a relatively
    weak government in order to maintain its own control over the local
    population, uses as an instrument of government massacre to establish
    law and order, to keep those rebellious elements in their place. This
    repressive violence leads to what may be called a habit of violence
    or a culture of violence in which violence becomes justified." This
    Muslim tactic and strategy of "repressive violence" reminds me of a
    phrase philosopher Hannah Arendt coined in the 1930s to define the
    widespread, yet almost pedestrian use of Nazi genocide against the
    Jews she called "the banality of evil."

    Sociologists Taner Akcam of the University of Minnesota and Fatma
    Muge Gocek of the University of Michigan give compelling viewpoints
    from the perspective of Turkish professors, who argued that the
    Genocide is a historical fact. Fikret Adanir, Professor of History,
    Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, Tessa Hoffman, Ajarian University,
    Armenia, and historian Ara Sarafian of the Gomidas Institute, London,
    offered further commentary on many matters throughout the documentary.

    The Armenian Genocide took place in the historical backdrop of the
    beginning of World War I where the pretext of this diabolical plan
    of Genocide by the Ottoman Turks was initially considered, planned,
    and executed. Like future tyrannical regimes of the succeeding
    decades - Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, Mao, Pol Pot,
    the first priority by the Ottoman regime was the disarming the
    Armenian soldiers, followed by arresting the Armenian leadership
    of Constantinople on April 14, 1915, and the subsequent jailing and
    execution of all Armenian intellectuals, and then the deportation, via
    railroad of the general population, however, in most cases the Muslim
    Turks without warning forced the Armenians from their homes usually on
    foot amounting to Armenian "death marches" where the causalities of
    the elderly, children and pregnant women was very high. Twenty years
    before Hitler's "Final Solution" against the Jews, the Ottoman Turks
    had their own version of a Final Solution - the final eradication of
    the Armenian Christians throughout the country of Turkey.

    The Armenian Genocide did not occur in a vacuum or without notice by
    the international community. For example, documentation is cited via
    numerous op-eds published in the New York Times who filed 137 reports
    during the Armenian Genocide (1915-18). Also American consuls including
    Leslie Davis, Oscar Heizer, and Jessie Benjamin Jackson knew of this
    Genocide and in gruesome detail described the scenes of inhumanity
    in their dispatches to Henry Morgenthau, the U.S.

    Ambassador to Turkey. The Armenian Genocide documentary also utilized
    never before seen photos, video and other archival documents
    and arranges it into an impressive visual effect, together with
    discussions with Kurdish and Turkish citizens in modern day Turkey,
    who freely reminisce about the stories they recalled hearing from their
    grandparents, parents and other eyewitnesses of the Armenian Genocide.

    Vahakn Dadrian, Director of Genocide Research for the Zoryan Institute,
    speaks about the Turkish government denial and the 1919 military war
    crimes trials, an important incident in Turkish and international
    history which predated the Nuremberg Trials by 35 years.

    The military court rigorously examined the charges and determined
    that the Committee of Union and Progress was guilty for the planning,
    plotting, and execution of the crimes of Genocide. Known as the "Three
    Pashas" of the Ottoman Empire represents to the Grand Vizier (prime
    minister) and Minister of the Interior, Mehmed Talaat (1874-1921);
    the Minister of War, Ismail Enver Pasha (1881-1922); and the Minister
    of the Navy, Ahmed Djemal Pasha (1872-1922). They were the leading
    political figures of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, mainly
    responsible for its entrance into the war. Although after the war
    they escaped to Germany and Russia and thus avoided the judgment of
    the Armenian Genocide Trials, eventually all three Pashas were killed
    by Armenian citizens who tracked them down and took their revenge on
    behalf of the 1.5 million Armenians they committed genocide against.

    My only criticism of this documentary was the moral equivalency
    arguments presented by Gunduz Aktan, a former Turkish diplomat,
    in his clumsy attempt at balancing the authorized Turkish "point of
    view" (denial of the Armenian Genocide) with the historical truth
    that shortly after the 1913 Ottoman coup d'etat, political policies
    were immediately enacted amounting to governmental, systematic and
    sustained genocide against the relatively small Christian Armenian
    minority population which was planned, plotted and executed under
    the leadership of the Three Pashas.

    Epilogue: Modern Turkey - 100 years of Holocaust denial

    Tragically this obscene Holocaust denial view is still very popular
    in modern times and was recently echoed by Turkish President Tayyip
    Erdogan where he condemned Pope Francis for comments the Pope made in
    his Resurrection Day message that the 1915 mass killing of Armenians
    was genocide. President Erdogan warned the Pope not to make such a
    statement again. "We will not allow historical incidents to be taken
    out of their genuine context and be used as a tool to campaign against
    our country," Erdogan said in a speech to a business group.

    Raymond Ibrahim is author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New
    War on Christians. He is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz
    Freedom Center and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum. In
    an excellent 2013 article he wrote for Human Events on the Armenian
    Genocide, Ibrahim wrote, most objective American historians who have
    studied the question unequivocally agree that it was a deliberate,
    calculated genocide. Ibrahim further wrote:

    More than one million Armenians perished as the result of execution,
    starvation, disease, the harsh environment, and physical abuse. A
    people who lived in eastern Turkey for nearly 3,000 years [more than
    double the amount of time the invading Islamic Turks had occupied
    Anatolia, now known as "Turkey"] lost its homeland and was profoundly
    decimated in the first large-scale genocide of the twentieth century.

    At the beginning of 1915 there were some two million Armenians within
    Turkey; today there are fewer than 60,000.... Despite the vast amount
    of evidence that points to the historical reality of the Armenian
    Genocide, eyewitness accounts, official archives, photographic
    evidence, the reports of diplomats, and the testimony of survivors,
    denial of the Armenian Genocide by successive regimes in Turkey has
    gone on from 1915 to the present.

    In 1915, Adolf Hitler said, "Turkey is taking advantage of the war in
    order to thoroughly liquidate its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous
    Christians, without being thereby disturbed by foreign intervention."

    This was a foreshadowing of Hitler's gross rationalization and
    historical revisionism he and the Nazi regime would so skillfully use
    again and again some three decades later to achieve his genocidal plans
    to murder millions of Jews within the 42,500 death camps. The Nazis
    spread these death camps throughout Germany and German-controlled
    territories, for example, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Chelmno, Belzec and
    Mauthausen among many, many other locations all over Europe during
    World War II. Later Hitler would ask rhetorically: "Who, after all,
    speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"

    Spanish philosopher George Santayana famously wrote, "Those cannot
    learn from history are doomed to repeat it." If the Armenian genocide
    of 1915-18 has taught the world anything it is that humanity has
    learned nothing from history as we see before our eyes in 2015 the rise
    of ISIS and Iran as devout Muslim hegemony daily triumphs throughout
    the Middle East, Africa, Asia and now an ISIS training camp on Mexico's
    border with Texas, while Christians and other ethnic minorities are
    wantonly slaughtered in the name of Islam.

    Even to this day Turkey stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the genocide
    of 1.5 million Christian Armenians by the Turkish government of
    President Erdogan. To date the number of Christian victims of Muslim
    genocide and Islamic jihad is approximately 270 million. Specific
    terrorist attacks by Muslims against Christians is chronicled here.

    And who speaks today of the slaughter and virtual extinction of
    Christians under Islam and Islamic countries? We have learned nothing
    from history?
