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Talking Turkey

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  • Talking Turkey


    St. Louis Jewish Light, MO
    April 15 2015

    Posted: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 2:30 pm

    Talking Turkey Jewish Light Editorial St. Louis Jewish Light |

    As we recognize Yom HaShoah this week and as anti-Semitism has exploded
    across Europe, one of the most powerful stances against racial and
    ethnic hatred has been taken by none other than Pope Francis.

    The pontiff over the weekend made a historic statement describing the
    1915 massacre by Turkish forces of 1.5 million Armenians as "the first
    genocide of the 20th century." Predictably, his statement was applauded
    by Armenians and many others who have supported such a description.

    And in a predictably pathetic show to the contrary, the pope's bold
    assertion received a vehemently angry response from the government
    of Turkey, which recalled its ambassador to the Vatican to protest
    the pope's statement.

    According to reporting in the New York Times by Jim Yardley and Sebnem
    Arsu, Pope Francis made the comments at a Mass for the centenary of
    the start of the mass killings of Armenians. Then, in a later message
    to all Armenians, he indicated that the "seemingly piecemeal global
    violence of the 21st century represented a 'third world war.' " He also
    described his frustration with what he considers global indifference
    toward the persecution of Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere
    by militants with the Islamic State.

    "Today, too, we are experiencing a sort of genocide created by general
    and collective indifference," he said.

    The term "genocide" was coined by the Polish-Jewish writer Raphael
    Lempkin in his book "Axis Rule in Europe," which was published in
    1944. In 1948, in direct response to the Holocaust, the United Nations
    General Assembly adopted the Genocide Convention for the prevention
    of genocide and to punish the organizers of genocide.

    By August 2014, 146 nations, including the United States, have
    ratified it.

    Within the text of the Genocide Convention, not only is mass murder
    outlawed, but also several other actions of an extreme nature, taken
    against groups of individuals. It does not give a legal definition
    of the term "genocide," but the term has come to be understood as an
    intent to destroy, wholly or partially, a national, ethnic, racial
    or religious group per se.

    Of note is the fact that the only time since the adoption of the
    Genocide Convention that the term has been officially used by the
    UN to describe a mass murder was the case of Rwanda in 1994, when
    800,000 Tutsis were murdered by Hutu militia using machetes, while
    UN peacekeepers stood by without intervening.

    Several other mass killings in addition to the Armenian massacre
    have not been designated as genocides by the UN General Assembly,
    including claims regarding the murder of blacks in Southern Sudan,
    Kurds in Iraq, Nagas in India, communists and Chinese in Indonesia
    and the Ibos during the Biafran War in Nigeria. Nor was the systematic
    killing of over 1 million "intellectuals" and other anti-regime people
    by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia given that description.

    The Times piece reports that "many Armenians have long demanded that
    Turkey acknowledge that about 1.5 million of their forebears were
    actually killed in a systematic genocide," and points out that more
    than 20 countries have passed parliamentary bills recognizing the
    killings as genocide, while nations like Greece and Switzerland have
    called for criminal charges against those who deny it.

    The Turkish government continues to insist that the deaths of the
    Armenians during the World War I period was the result of a "civil
    war," and was not a genocide. On Sunday, Turkish officials in the
    capital city of Ankara summoned the Vatican's ambassador to Turkey
    and notified him of their government's "grave disappointment and
    sadness" over the pope's remarks, which were supposedly "away from
    historical facts."

    The Armenian massacre was a genocide as a matter of historical fact,
    and it is high time that the bullying of the Turkish government to
    prevent its acknowledgment was stopped.

    Many Jewish organizations and individuals have supported the
    position that the Armenian massacre was a genocide. Last month,
    the St. Louis Holocaust Museum and Learning Center and the Jewish
    Community Relations Council, were among the co-sponsors of a lecture by
    Nicole E. Vartanian, acting director of the Children of Armenia Fund,
    about the "Enduring Lessons and Legacies of the Armenian Genocide."

    There is a quote anecdotally attributed to Adolf Hitler, that when
    he was asked whether the world would respond to the mass murder of
    Jews, Gypsies (Roman) and other groups, he responded, "Who today
    cares about what the Turks did to the Armenians?"

    It turns out that many people care, including the courageous and
    principled Pope Francis.
