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Will Rejigged Agency Dent Corruption In Armenia?

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  • Will Rejigged Agency Dent Corruption In Armenia?


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting 773
    April 16 2015

    Reforms mean Anti-Corruption Council will include opposition and
    NGO representatives for the first time, but will still be led by the
    prime minister.

    "The war on corruption must become more effective, and it must be
    waged more actively," Armenian justice minister Hovhannes Manukyan
    said after it was announced that the national anti-corruption watchdog
    was being reshaped to make it more inclusive.

    But experts doubt this overhaul of the institution will give it the
    teeth to tackle the corruption that pervades the system.

    The revised version of the Anti-Corruption Council was announced at
    a cabinet meeting on February 19.

    "We have changed the council's format so that non-government structures
    will have a dominant role on it," Deputy Justice Minister Suren
    Krmoyan told IWPR. "The opposition will be able to present its views
    and participate both in designing the strategy and in approving and
    monitoring its implementation. That's one of the guarantees that it
    will be effective."

    Non-government representatives will not in fact be the majority. Five
    of the 14 seats on the council will go to parliamentary opposition
    parties, and two more to NGOs.

    As before, the council will be led by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan.

    Plans for the council have been sent to opposition parties, and once
    they agree to take part in it, the selection of members will begin,
    probably in May.

    Like its predecessor, the new council will have a "monitoring
    committee" to supervise it and recommend improvements.

    Whatever the hopes invested in the new body, past experience suggests
    that tackling corruption is well-nigh impossible.

    The current Anti-Corruption council, staffed entirely with government
    representatives, was set up in 2004 as part of the first of three
    successive strategies designed to combat graft.

    Marat Atovmyan heads the non-government Yerevan Anti-Corruption Centre
    and is critical of the reforms to the Anti-Corruption Council. For a
    start, the council is tiny compared with many foreign counterparts,
    and two seats for NGOs are too few to be meaningful.

    "Latvia's anti-corruption institution has a staff of 130, while Hong
    Kong's has 65 just in its outreach department," he said. "Our team
    of experts is going to come to four or five."

    Atovmyan points out that as a signatory to the United Nations
    convention on tackling corruption, it should have an institution that
    is "independent by virtue of its status and financing".

    "We still don't have an institution of that kind," he said.

    Avtomyan said his centre had put forward proposals for a truly
    independent agency analogous to the ombudsman's office and equipped
    with legal power. "However, the answer we got was in the negative,"
    he said.

    Ordinary Armenians are most likely to encounter corruption in their
    dealings with civil servants, the court system and the health service,
    according to the watchdog group Transparency International. Further
    up the system, business and politics are closely interconnected,
    and insider deals and nepotism at this level are rarely uncovered.

    In Transparency International's annual Corruption Perceptions Index,
    Armenian was ranked 94thon a worsening scale of 175 countries.

    "There has been no change and no progress in either numerical or
    qualitative terms," the head of Transparency International's Armenia
    branch, Varujan Hoktanyan, told IWPR.

    Hoktanyan said Armenia's score on the corruption index was a sure
    sign of a country where corruption was "serious and systemic".

    Opposition parties say the reformed Anti-Corruption Council is no
    more than a sham designed to show the government is doing something
    about the problem.

    According to Aram Manukyan, a member of parliament from the Armenian
    National Congress, "They are doing this to deceive the international
    community and get more funding by showing that they are implementing
    an anti-corruption programme."

    Manukyan pointed out that each new anti-corruption drive attracted
    funding from sympathetic donors.

    It is hard to find overall figures for foreign assistance for
    anti-corruption and related programmes in Armenia.

    The United States government's development agency USAID provided
    9.8 million dollars between 2007 and 2011 for an anti-corruption
    programme, and another 6.7 million for tax reforms running from 2012
    to 2016 and designed to make the system less prone to abuse.

    The European Union supplied 1.5 million euro for two anti-corruption
    projects in 2011-14, and plans to spend over 20 million by 2017 to
    help clean up the judiciary and public administration.

    Critics say the rot starts from the top, and little progress will be
    made until that changes.

    "We're going backwards to join the ranks of corrupt countries,"
    Manukyan said. "There is just one fundamental reason for this - the
    upper echelons of power give their unspoken assent to corruption. If
    the upper echelons are corrupt, those lower down cannot be anything
    other than that.

    Manukyan speaks of a "pyramid" of corruption within the political
    system which must be eliminated from the top down.

    Hovhannes Sahakyan is a member of the ruling Republican Party and
    sits on the parliamentary committee for state and legal affairs. He
    defends Armenia's recent record.

    "The state administration [government departments] has begun hiring
    a better calibre of person, and dismissing those who got in through
    contacts or relatives and can't cope with the job. In recent years,
    there's been significant progress in the prosecution service, in the
    penal institutions and in education."

    Lilit Arakelyan is a freelance journalist in Armenia.
