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Nagorno-Karabakh Joins European Union Political Structures

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  • Nagorno-Karabakh Joins European Union Political Structures


    16:35, April 17, 2015

    On 17 April, during its annual General Assembly taking place
    in Bautzen, Germany, the European Free Alliance party (EFA), a
    pan-European political family, voted in favour of integrating the
    Democratic Party of Artsakh (DPA) into its ranks.

    "The EFA associated membership granted today is important not
    only because it contributes to a further international exposure of
    Karabakh. It also shows that Nagorno-Karabakh's political development
    is in line with EU standards and that its democratic progress is
    comparable with what we have in the EU" explains Mr Lorenzo Ochoa,
    Director of European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA).

    The DPA initiated its contacts with EFA over a year ago, which
    intensified with the time. As a result, the DPA President, Mr
    Ashot Ghulyan was invited to the previous EFA General Assembly and
    has led the integration process that included 2 EFA study trips to
    Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as his recent visit to Brussels in October
    2014. The associated membership was granted today to the DPA after
    President Ghulyan's hearing in front of the General Assembly. This
    membership represents the first EU structure ever accessed by any
    Karabakhi political institution or body.

    According to European Union treaties, pan-European parties are key
    pillars in forming European awareness, expressing political will and
    cohesion in Europe. The European Free Alliance is a European political
    organisation gathering European parties striving for sovereignty
    or self-government for their respective regions or countries. The
    Alliance supports the right of self-determination and advocates the
    right of people to decide their own future. It has around 40 national
    and regional member parties from over 17 countries of the EU. It has
    12 representatives sitting in the European Parliament.

    "European Friends of Armenia has played a central role in building
    what is now a strong relationship between the DPA and EFA, getting in
    contact with EFA's Bureau and its staff, raising awareness among EFA
    MEPs about the complex situation in Nagorno-Karabakh which gave way
    to different visits to the country. EuFoA's follow-up activity not
    only brought about successful initiatives concerning Nagorno-Karabakh
    and Armenia in different European parliaments and institutions within
    the framework of several EFA member nations, but has been decisive
    as well to accomplishing DPA's membership in EFA", comments EFA's
    delegate, Miguel Martinez Tomey, who was originally the rapporteur
    on the DPA accession.


    It is important to underline that the associated status in EFA,
    just like in most EU political families, is designed to integrate
    the political parties from non-EU member states.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress