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Kim Kardashian turns spotlight on a forgotten holocaust that inspire

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  • Kim Kardashian turns spotlight on a forgotten holocaust that inspire

    Daily Record, UK
    April 18 2015

    Kim Kardashian turns spotlight on a forgotten holocaust that inspired
    Hitler's Jewish death camps

    09:44, 18 April 2015
    By Record Reporter

    KIM KARDASHIAN has used her global superstar status to shine light on
    a dark, forgotten part of history: the Armenian genocide.

    As she stepped forward to lay flowers at a memorial to her murdered
    Armenian ancestors, Kim Kardashian walked into an unholy international

    With deliberately controversial timing, the reality TV star was using
    her fame to nudge one of the darkest chapters in history back into the

    Her trip coincided with this month's 100th anniversary of the start of
    a massacre of 1.5million Armenians by the Turks. By tweeting her
    31million followers about her "emotional day at the genocide museum",
    Kim, 34, whose great-great grandparents fled the bloodshed, helped
    remind the world of a forgotten holocaust.

    Her high-profile visit to the Armenian capital of Yerevan with sister
    Khloe came as Pope Francis also entered the controversy.

    At a special Sunday mass at St Peter's Basilica, he met the head of
    the Armenian Apostolic church, Karekin II, and branded the massacres
    "the first genocide of the 20th century." The Pope's words have
    enraged Turkey, who (along with their Nato allies Britain and America)
    still refuse to acknowledge the mass hangings, death marches and
    starvation as a genocide.

    But many see it as Adolf Hitler's blueprint for the extermination of
    six million Jews in World War II.

    "It was the lesson from history that wasn't learned," said Armenian
    Assadour Guzelian, 85, who lost many relatives to the atrocities.

    "In 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland, he said he'd order his units to
    'exterminate without mercy.' And when one of his generals questioned
    this, he replied, 'Who remembers today the extermination of the

    "If the Allied powers had brought Turkey to a Nuremberg-style trial,
    he would not have dared to say that, and millions of Jews would not
    have been subjected to the Holocaust.

    "There is no way you cannot refer to this as genocide. Before World
    War I, two million Armenians lived in the Ottoman Empire. After the
    war, there were a few hundred thousand.

    "So what happened to the rest?"

    Attacks on Armenian "vermin" began in the 1890s under despotic Sultan
    Abdul Hamid II. Like the Jews in 1930s Germany, this largely Christian
    minority was seen as richer and better educated than Turkish Muslims
    and a potentially disloyal element.

    The violence meted out was branded as "The Armenian Solution" - an
    eerie pre-echo of Hitler's Final
    Solution of 1942-1945. And when Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin first
    coined the word "genocide" during the later war, it was after studying
    the Armenian massacres.

    Kardashian's great-great grandparents, Sam and Harom Kardaschoff, were
    among those who abandoned their homes and escaped to the US in the
    early 20th century, avoiding the full-scale massacres which began on
    April 24, 1915.

    The family of Guzelian, a retired lecturer now living in London, were
    not so lucky. His parents Garabed and Rahel survived the genocide but
    his sister Varthoui was bayonetted to death when she was four by a

    "They didn't want to waste bullets so they just drove them into the
    desert and nobody heard from them any more," said Guzelian. "My
    uncles, aunts, great uncles all disappeared.

    "There was almost no chance of surviving the death marches. Hunger
    came, then diseases like typhoid and cholera. Some killed themselves,
    others were killed by the soldiers."

    He added: "My sister was killed after my mother, her feet swollen and
    bleeding, begged the soldiers for just five minutes' rest. They were
    being delayed and my mother said, 'I am just trying to hold my child
    up' and one of the soldiers got mad and just put his bayonet into my

    "But my mother was happy. She told me the child would no longer suffer."

    Guzelian's parents escaped death only because the Turks brought them
    back from the desert to build roads. They went on to have four more
    sons and he is the youngest.

    These death marches turned desert plains into killing fields littered
    with corpses and skulls. There are stories that children were thrown
    to their deaths from mountains or had their knee tendons slashed to
    amuse sadistic soldiers. Young women were raped or forced into
    prostitution, older women were beaten to death and babies left by
    roadsides to starve.

    Chillingly, the mass-murder was observed by army officers from
    Germany, an ally of Turkey in World War I. Konstantin Freiherr von
    Neurath, sent to "monitor operations" against the Armenians, later
    became Hitler's foreign minister, working alongside Holocaust
    architect Reinhard Heydrich.

    Other German officers are believed to have witnessed the scale and
    methods of the killing, and aspects of both campaigns are disturbingly
    similar. Both nations set up concentration camps and Armenians were
    crammed 90 at a time into
    railway wagons, just as the Nazis did when sending Jews to their deaths.

    Igor Dorffman-Lazarev, a specialist in Armenian history at the School
    of Oriental and African Studies in London, said: "In some cases,
    German generals and officers even participated in the organisation of
    the deporting of Armenians.

    "In 1931, Hitler presented the Armenian genocide as a model. He said,
    'We intend to introduce vast
    politics of transfer of populations... recall the extermination of the

    But the Turkish government, still insist the conflict was a civil war
    in which atrocities were com--mitted by both sides.

    Dorffman-Lazarev explained: "They have always claimed the Armenians
    had revolted against the state. There were several local revolts but
    they started after the beginning of the killings and deportations, as
    a reaction to the state's violence."

    In Turkey, many Armenians still feel persecuted and they keep a low
    profile to this day. And it is illegal to call the Armenian conflict
    an act of genocide.

    Newspaper editor Hrant Dink was prosecuted for doing that and, in
    2007, a Turkish nationalist murdered him.

    The government even helped defend a man who was prosecuted for calling
    the genocide claim "an
    international lie".

    In 2008, Dogu Perincek was convicted of racism in Switzerland, where
    denying the genocide is illegal.

    But with Turkish backing he
    successfully appealed at the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. This
    was challenged earlier this year by human rights barrister Amal
    Clooney, wife of movie star George.

    She said the decision "cast doubt of the reality of genocide that
    Armenian people suffered a century ago...the stakes could not be
    higher for the Armenian people".

    A century may have passed since the atrocities but international
    fallout looks set to continue for many years more. Controversially,
    Turkey, now plans to stage a commemoration of the World War I
    Gallipoli campaign on the anniversary of the genocide.

    Armenians see this as a blatant attempt to overshadow the centenary -
    and quash any discussion of a shameful episode in history.

    From: Baghdasarian