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How Canada recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2004

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  • How Canada recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2004

    Metro News, Canada
    April 19 2015

    How Canada recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2004

    By Staff

    Sarkis Assadourian took his seat in Parliament with a purpose: as
    Canada's first MP of Armenian descent, he wanted Ottawa to recognize
    the 1915 slaughter of Armenians as a genocide.

    Assadourian, a child of survivors and Liberal MP from 1993 to 2004,
    knew he would have a fight on his hands. Several motions had been
    tabled for genocide recognition. All failed for the same reasons as
    they have in other countries.

    "First there was the NATO alliance with Turkey," he says. "Then Canada
    didn't want to be the odd man out in its relations with a NATO ally.
    And there were threats from Turkey that it would be bad for economic

    There was also the 1982 assassination of a Turkish military attaché in
    Ottawa -- a murder that an Armenian group claimed responsibility for,
    but a crime that was never solved.

    But in April 2004, Bill M-380 passed by a margin of 153-68. It was
    introduced by Bloc Québécois MP Madeleine Dalphond-Guiral and seconded
    by Assadourian, the NDP's Alexa McDonough and Tory Jason Kenney.

    The bill's passage was the end of a rocky road that bumped over
    interparty disputes, foreign policy fears, procedural wrangling -- and,
    Assadourian says, tense closed-door talks with the Turkish

    "The Turkish ambassador had clear arguments against the bill. One,
    that we'd suffer economically -- Turkey wouldn't buy Candu reactors or
    Canadian-made trains. Second, the threat of violence (against the
    Turkish Embassy) by Armenian extremists. Third, that Armenians would
    make claims against Turkey for confiscated land."

    The Liberal government of then prime minister Paul Martin was worried.
    As reassurance, Assadourian was asked to make a personal -- and
    symbolic -- declaration that he had no territorial claim against the
    Turkish government.

    "I thought if I didn't sign this now, I'd never have the chance to
    pass the motion," he says. "I signed."

    For 67-year-old Assadourian, who grew up in Syria and immigrated to
    Canada in the 1960s, it was mission accomplished. "I'm glad to have
    played a role in that historic change," he says.

    One of his goals as an MP, however, is still unfulfilled. "I wanted to
    see a Canadian Embassy open in (the Armenian capital) Yerevan. That
    doesn't look likely right now, but who knows? There is always time."
