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Armenian Genocide: The untold spy thriller

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  • Armenian Genocide: The untold spy thriller

    Our Windsor, Canada
    April 19 2015

    Armenian Genocide: The untold spy thriller

    Actor/writer Eric Bogosian uncovers a little-known story about a group
    of Armenians who took revenge on Young Turk leaders who planned the
    mass killings

    By Olivia Ward

    Eric Bogosian always knew something terrible had happened to Armenians
    in Turkey. As an American of Armenian descent he grew up hearing
    stories of the genocide.

    But when he delved into Armenian history, the award-winning playwright,
    actor and novelist was startled to discover a spy thriller-like plot
    involving a little-known group of Armenian men who took revenge on the
    core Young Turk leaders who planned and executed the mass killings.

    The result was his book Operation Nemesis, a seven-year plunge into
    the dark archives of the genocide, yielding the forgotten history of
    the secret assassination plot conceived by the exiled Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation and planned by an inconspicuous gaggle of
    expats based in Boston. When it ended, more than six top Turkish
    officials were dead.

    The targets of the killings were actually condemned to death by an
    Ottoman military tribunal at the end of the First World War, showing
    that they recognized the enormity of the crime against the Armenians.
    But the perpetrators were never executed.

    They actually hanged one or two people. But there was a major backlash
    against the sentences because the Turks were very offended by the way
    they were treated by the West. In the 1920s there was an erasure of
    history, the tribunal records were lost, then carefully pieced back
    together. They were very intense and detailed. But we also have to
    realize that there were people in Turkey who were moderate, and not
    behind these terrible acts.

    How were the hit men chosen?

    First there was an apparatus set up to finance the plan with
    charitable money. Then they chose men who were experienced with arms --
    volunteers who were with the Russians, assassins and gun runners. Some
    were very good at planning, others bold and willing to charge into (a
    crowd) and shoot. And some didn't work out.

    Their targets had settled in Berlin, Rome, Georgia and Tajikistan. How
    did they track them down and kill them?

    They worked with a network of spies in different cities. In Berlin,
    there was one agent who pretended to be a Turk. He played the role of
    playboy with the Young Turks there. He took a Turkish name, Mehmed
    Ali, was fluent in Turkish and was so close to their inner circle that
    he even acted as a pallbearer for the first man killed, Djemal Azmi,
    the former governor of Trebizond.

    Amazingly, most of the assassins escaped and led long lives in exile.
    Soghomon Tehlirian, who was caught, was let off, although he was
    arrested at the scene in Berlin after killing Talat Pasha, one of the
    top Turkish leaders.

    Tehlirian had a very sweet, civilized quality. At his trial he was
    taken at face value. He told a story about seeing all his family
    massacred, and how he dreamed of his mother wanting justice. He said
    he decided suddenly to kill Talat, when he found he was in Berlin (at
    the same time) but hadn't planned it. The court believed he had been
    irretrievably damaged by the traumatic experience, and was not
    responsible for his actions.

    How did Turkey react to the killings?

    They knew there were Armenian assassins involved. In Tehlirian's case
    they sent agents into Serbia where he ended up (after the trial). He
    lived in a Christian area where there was no love lost for the Turks,
    so he was safe. Eventually he went to the U.S.

    There's a hall in the Military Museum (in Istanbul) called the Truth
    About the Armenians. It has photos of atrocities that Armenians may or
    may not have committed against Turks. The shirt that Talat wore the
    day he was killed is there. Even though he's considered a war
    criminal, his remains were brought back, and he has a tomb.

    There were originally 200 people on the "black list" for
    assassination. How did the operation end?

    It was very sudden. The killers weren't caught and wanted to keep on
    going. The leadership lost their enthusiasm for assassination. They
    asked "where is all this leading?" They knew that if somebody was
    caught it wouldn't look good for them. So they insisted it stop (in
    1922) after the killing of Jemal Pasha (known as the Butcher). They
    pulled back the funding.

    What did Operation Nemesis accomplish?

    They wanted to avenge the genocide even though the killings aren't
    equal to the enormity of it. The assassinations also had an
    existential aspect: we exist, we have agency, and we aren't going to
    lie down and take it.

    It eradicated the leaders of the genocide and left the door open to
    (first Turkish president Mustafa) Kemal Ataturk, who negotiated a
    relationship with the West that the others couldn't. It led to a
    position for Turkey in NATO, as recipient of vast amount of arms, etc.

    But the most important thing was for the spirit of the Armenian
    people. The killers weren't thinking of what God wants, but of a moral
    justice that is required of us. In some way the assassinations were an
    attempt to bring balance back into the world.

    This interview has been edited and condensed for length and clarity.
