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The Right really do not want to open the Anzac can of worms

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  • The Right really do not want to open the Anzac can of worms

    Crikey, Australia
    April 16, 2015 Thursday 12:59 PM GMT

    The Right really do not want to open the Anzac can of worms

    by Guy Rundle


    Insisting that Turkey hold a truth and reconciliation commission into
    the slaughter of Armenians around the time of the Gallipoli landing
    will raise some very uncomfortable questions about Australia's own


    As Anzac Day approaches, the World War I wars have started up again!
    About ten years ago, WWI ceased to be a futile struggle and became a
    struggle against German militarism. The reason was obvious: as the
    Iraq War bogged down, the usual historical argument for war - the
    failure of "appeasing" Hitler - stopped working. We needed the example
    of a meaningful quagmire, and so WWI was it, the revision starting
    almost to the day that the last living witnesses of the conflict died.

    But Turkey has always been a problem in this - there was nothing to
    pin on the rather torpid empire, which was attacked purely as a way to
    cut through to central Europe and open a second front (and then carve
    up its provinces into colonies). That problem has become especially
    acute now that we are attempting to turn Gallipoli into something
    other than meaningless slaughter.

    Cue Paul Monk's article in The Age and TheSydney Morning Herald
    demanding that the Turkish government hold a truth and reconciliation
    commission for the Armenian genocide, which began in 1915, the day
    after the Gallipoli landings, and was in part sparked by them (the
    Turks feared the Christian Armenians would be established as an
    independent state by the Allies). Yeah, right, because we've already
    had truth and reconciliation commissions for the Belgian Congo
    genocide, the market-caused famines in British India in the 1890s, the
    Bengal famine that occurred under Allied command in the '40s, the
    genocidal assault on Vietnam, and the destruction of neutral Cambodia.
    Don't recall them? Better call Paul, he'll fill you in. About time
    these Muslims owned up to their crimes, as we don't.

    The sole reason for this push is to propagandise for the current
    attacks on Islamic State, which enjoyed some Turkish support a few
    years ago, and to legitimise continued Western presence in the region.
    The article is subtle compared to the accompanying cartoon by John
    Spooner - which suggests that the Gallipoli landings were staged to
    prevent the genocide, and which has hit a peak of asininity that the
    Spoon only managed to achieve during the Iraq War. It is, needless to
    say, complete bullshit. The cartoon distills the need to give
    Gallipoli a retrospective meaning at its most infantilised and

    The fact is, had the Allies left the Ottoman empire alone, the
    Armenians, Greeks and other nationalities within its borders would
    have fared far better. War supercharged the push towards nation-state
    status and licensed mass murder, as wars usually do. Prior to that,
    the Ottoman empire was a reasonably multicultural society at a time
    when the Western empires had become obsessed with virulent eugenic
    racism; the war gave its "Young Turk" rulers a chance to put Western
    ideas of racial and national purity into action.

    The deeper you go in, the less the Right is going to like the truth of
    this period - such as the influence of Zionism on Turkish ethnic
    cleansing, with both Herzl and Jabotinsky having acted as advisers to
    the Young Turks, suggesting that the Young Turks adopt the Zionist
    model of statehood - and grant the Jews a Zionist state as an enclave
    within it. To this day, the one state that goes out of its way to say
    officially that there was no Armenian genocide is ... Israel. In 1948,
    the Zionist insurgents would use the Turkish model to create their own
    state through violent ethnic cleansing. Still waiting for the truth
    and reconciliation commission on that. Oi, oi, oi.

    Meanwhile, there's probably at least one truth and reconciliation
    commission that Australians should be more interested in, and that's
    to do with a war closer to home - the frontier massacres of
    Aborigines, which continued right up to and beyond WWI, and which
    shaped the attitudes of many of the country kids who became the
    Diggers. There's a link there, too. The larrikin image of the Anzacs
    that we celebrate may have come from an irreverence to authority in
    the face of British disdain, but much of that disdain came from the
    fact that some, perhaps many, Australian troops were far more willing
    to kill Arab civilians than British soldiers were, and Australian
    troops were notorious for it. Why? Because they'd already become
    comfortable and relaxed about killing brown people at home, and Arabs
    were just a different shade. If pompous propagandists like Monk want
    to advise Turkey about ways of handling their past, what do they
    imagine Turkey might suggest to us?

    Good God, the Right, and their capacity for delusion and
    mythologisation, especially around the doings of white people. As
    their project becomes ever more chaotic, its justifications become
    ever more absurd. That mix of incuriosity, lack of self-reflection,
    and clueless self-satisfaction. Someone should find a way to bottle
    it. Though I doubt it will be in short supply in the weeks and months
    to come.
