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Cairo: A date with international recognition

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  • Cairo: A date with international recognition

    Al-Ahram Weekly, Egypt
    April 16, 2015

    A date with international recognition

    Described as a historic event, Pope Francis served a Holy Mass in
    memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. Nora
    Koloyan-Keuhnelian watched the service closely

    photo: Gregory of Nareg as depicted on a 1173 manuscript

    photo: Pope Francis, centre, flanked by Catholicoses Karekin II,
    right, and Aram I, left, at the Sunday Mass in memory of the Armenian
    Genocide victims, Vatican

    During its plenary session on Wednesday the European Parliament
    adopted a resolution on the centennial of the Armenian Genocide by
    majority. The resolution was supported by all political groups in the
    European Parliament. Pope Francis' message of reconciliation and peace
    was also included in the final version of the resolution which Turkish
    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned. Erdogan warned the pope not
    to repeat the "mistake" of describing the mass killings of Ottoman
    Armenians as "genocide".

    Before the resolution passed, Erdogan said that regardless of the
    outcome, Turkey will not take it seriously and that the EP's decision
    will go "in one ear and out the other", adding that it was not
    possible for Turkey to accept responsibility for such a crime. Erdogan
    also threatened to deport the roughly 100,000 Armenian nationals
    living and working in Turkey.

    Last Sunday, Armenians around the world, across different time zones,
    anxiously watched a previously announced Holy Mass service held in the
    Vatican City's St Peter's Basilica. The Mass was dedicated to the 1.5
    million victims of the Armenian Genocide committed by Ottoman Turks a
    century ago. Pope Francis of the Catholic Church born Jorge Mario
    Bergoglio, 79 delivered a message in the presence of the Republic of
    Armenia's President Serge Sarkissian, All Armenians Catholicos Karekin
    II of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Catholicos Aram
    I of the Holy See of Cilicia, Armenian Catholics Patriarch Beatitude
    Nersess Bedros XIX Tarmouni of Cilicia, Bishop Ashod Mnatsaganian
    Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Egypt, Bishop
    Krikor-Okosdinos Coussa of the Armenian Catholics in Egypt, other
    Armenian church leaders of the Diaspora as well as intellectuals and
    parliamentarians from Armenia.

    In his message, Pope Francis addressed the faithful as "Armenian
    brothers and sisters", expressing his close feelings to the Armenian
    people and his wish to unite spiritually the prayers that rise up from
    the hearts of the families in different Armenian communities. Pope
    Francis used the word "genocide" referring to the mass killings of the
    Armenians in 1915. "In the past century, our human family has lived
    through three massive and unprecedented tragedies," the Pope said,
    "the first, which is widely considered the first genocide of the 20th
    century, struck your own Armenian people," referencing a 2001
    declaration by Pope John Paul II and head of the Armenian Church
    Karekin II.

    Despite of the Pope's reference to a 15-year-old declaration, Turkey,
    still in a state of denial, has reacted with anger, expressed its
    disappointment and sadness, and summoned Mehmet Pacaci, its ambassador
    to the Vatican, for an explanation. It later recalled its Ambassador
    Aydın Adnan Sezgin from Rome. Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut
    Cavusoglu did not accept the Pope's statement, saying, "It is far from
    the legal and historical reality." Cavusoglu insisted that religious
    authorities should not incite resentment and hatred with baseless
    allegations, especially that the mass killings were not openly driven
    by religious motives. Disagreeing, Bishop Ashod Mnatsaganian of Egypt
    told Al-Ahram Weekly in a telephone conversation from the Vatican
    immediately after the Mass was over, "Pope Francis is a respectful
    churchman who spreads messages of peace and love to the world. As a
    clergyman he couldn't stay silent and not condemn slaughtering
    committed with hatred. A genocide that was denounced with silence for
    a hundred years and still is unaccepted by Turkey." Mnatsaganian
    explained that the Pope did not incite resentment and hatred as
    Foreign Minister Cavusoglu stated. "He called on nations to live in
    peace and condemn every harm that's directed to humanity."

    According to Harut Sassounian, writer and publisher of The California
    Courier, "The only person who was clueless about the Pope's true
    intentions was Pacaci, who had bragged to the Turkish press two weeks
    ago that he had convinced the Pope to cancel his visit to Yerevan on
    24 April, not to celebrate Mass at the Vatican on that day and
    eliminate the words 'Armenian Genocide' from the Pope's address during
    the 12 April Mass," for which the Turkish and Azerbaijani media
    reported Ambassador Pacaci's contentions as a major victory for
    Turkish diplomacy and a devastating defeat for Armenians. "Ambassador
    Pacaci's false claims were simply intended to impress his superiors in
    Ankara about his 'good work'," Sassounian noted in his weekly column.

    Armenian Church Catholicos Karekin II and Aram I, too, addressed the
    faithful, both in Armenian language. In his powerful speech, Aram I
    Catholicos expressed his gratitude to Pope Francis for sharing the
    Armenian people's sorrow. Aram I suddenly switched the language of his
    speech to English, determined to let each and every word he said about
    the genocide reach the faithful people's minds and souls. "Not only we
    lost 1.5 million Armenians, but thousands of monasteries, churches,
    community centres, humanitarian and social institutions, objects of
    spiritual and cultural immense value were destroyed, lost or
    confiscated. According to international law, genocide is a crime
    against humanity and international law spells out clearly that
    condemnation, recognition and reparation of genocide are closely
    interconnected. The Armenian cause is a cause of justice and as we
    well know, justice is not human made, it's a gift of God, therefore
    the violation of justice is a sin against God." Aram I's speech was
    interrupted with applause several times.

    Francis in his message reminded the Armenian faithful of Saint John
    Paul II's saying: "Your history of suffering and martyrdom is a
    precious pearl, of which the Universal Church is proud. Faith in
    Christ, man's redeemer, infused you with an admirable courage on your
    path, so often like that of the Cross, on which you have advanced with
    determination, intent on preserving your identity as a people and as

    During the Mass, Pope Francis proclaimed 10th century monk Saint
    Gregory of Nareg as a Doctor of the Church. The title has been given
    to only 35 other figures. Gregory of Nareg Krikor Naregatsi in
    Armenian language was an Armenian monk, poet, mystical philosopher and
    theologian who is a saint of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Naregatsi
    was born circa 950. He was recognised as a saint of the Roman Catholic
    Church too, and Pope John Paul II referred to Naregatsi in several
    addresses. He was the author of mystical interpretation, the "Song of
    Songs" and numerous poetic writings. His Book of Prayers, also known
    as the "Book of Lamentations", is a long mystical poem in 95 sections
    written circa 977, and has been translated into several languages. The
    prayer book, the work of his early years, remains one of the
    definitive pieces of Armenian literature. Naregatsi's prayers have
    long been recognised as gems of Christian literature and it was his
    hope that the "Book of Lamentations" would serve as a guide to prayer
    by people of all sectors around the world.

    "Those two great mentionings by Pope Francis considering the 1915 mass
    killings a 'genocide' and proclaiming our Saint Gregory of Nareg
    Doctor of the Church granted me a deep spiritual satisfaction. The
    Pope's solidarity with our nation will give a new hope and strength to
    our people who continuously are struggling for justice," Bishop
    Mnatsaganian told the Weekly.

    Children dressed in Armenian national costume took the offerings of
    the Holy Mass (bread and wine) to the Holy Altar of the church, and
    the sound of Armenian duduk was heard for the first time inside St
    Peter's Basilica. Duduk is an ancient woodwind flute made of apricot
    wood. It was also noticeable that some faithful intellectuals and
    church choir members were wearing scarves with the forget-me-not
    flower printed on them, the official emblem of the worldwide
    observance of the centennial year of the genocide.

    Will Pope Francis' powerful remarks set the stage for Obama to
    recognise the Armenian Genocide? During his presidential campaign in
    2008, Obama made a promise to the large Armenian communities in
    different states of the United States: "As a senator, I strongly
    support passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution and as president I
    will recognise the Armenian Genocide." He failed to follow through
    when he became president. At least so far.

    The Republic of Armenia is in build up to the formal commemoration of
    the Armenian Genocide centennial next week.

    From: Baghdasarian