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2015 Is Good Opportunity For Turkey

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  • 2015 Is Good Opportunity For Turkey


    Siranuysh Papyan, Interviewer
    Interview - 16 April 2015, 11:20

    Interview with Murad Papazyan, co-chair of the Coordinating Council
    of Armenian Organizations of France, member of the ARF Bureau

    Mr. Papazyan, the European Parliament almost unanimously adopted the
    resolution on the Armenian Genocide. What is your opinion on this
    resolution, what change can it bring in terms of the international
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide?

    This is a big success for us. This fact proves that Turkey cannot
    persist on its denialist stance when the countries of the world
    and international organizations recognize and condemn the Armenian
    Genocide one by one. This is a serious sign and a message to Turkey
    that it must reconcile with itself, with its history, recognize the
    Genocide, revise its attitude radically.

    The European Parliament thus reiterates that the Genocide did happen,
    and it is time Turkey took new steps to face up to its history. The
    European Parliament is a serious institution, its resolution is a
    serious resolution. All such resolutions, declarations, recognitions
    all through this year are serious pressure on Turkey and play a role
    in the solution of the Armenian issue.

    Recent events were important in terms of the recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide, namely the Pope conducted a mass in memory of the
    victims of the Armenian Genocide, the European Parliament adopted a
    resolution. In your opinion, what influence can these have in terms
    of progress of the Armenian Cause?

    2015 is a pro-Armenian year because the opinions ... the governments
    and international institutions cannot understand that 100 years later
    Turkey's denialist stance persists. It is obvious to everyone that
    it is not a positive stance, and Turkey is overacting, and Erdogan's
    government is not making any effort to promote the issue. On the
    contrary, Erdogan's extremely stiff stance is setting Turkey back
    rather than leading to peace and progress. The international community
    which supports the solution of problems slams such a stance, and if
    in 2015 Turkey does not give a positive signal on recognition and
    retribution, it will be even more difficult for Turkey in the coming
    years because the pro-Armenian atmosphere will intensify in the world.

    There is an opinion that after this resolution of the European
    Parliament it is the U.S. and Russia's turn. Do you see such

    At least, it is obvious that all the states acknowledge that the
    Genocide did happen. Now there are countries which do not take the
    step towards the recognition of the genocide because they don't
    want to encounter Turkish blackmail. The United States will sooner
    or later recognize the Armenian Genocide because after that Turkey
    will become a totally isolated state. Therefore, I think, the Turkish
    authorities must take this into account and realize that 2015 is a
    good opportunity and it should not be missed.

    In your opinion, will the U.S. President Barak Obama change his stance
    of non-recognition and fulfill his electoral vows?

    It's hard to predict whether Obama will utter the word "genocide"
    in his April 24 message. In fact, it is hard to tell whether the U.S.

    government will go one step forward to the recognition of the
    Armenian Cause, probably this step will be taken this year. We
    also know that a lot of big delegations will arrive in Yerevan on
    April 24 and among these delegations there is a serious and a rather
    high-level delegation of the United States. This is a sign that they
    cannot ignore the genocide.

    What are your thoughts on the visit of the Russian parliamentary
    delegation headed by Speaker Narishkin to Turkey to attend the
    celebration of Gallipoli on April 24? Why does Russia accept this
    invitation and play a double game?

    It is important that Putin arrived in Yerevan and sent one of his
    officials to the Gallipoli event. In other words, it is not important
    if a lower-ranking official of Russia or France or another super
    power visited Turkey on those days, it is more important that they
    sent a higher-level delegation to Armenia on April 24.

    In the recent days Kim Kardashian kept the issue of the genocide in
    focus. What impact can her visit have?

    It is a fully political and commendable stance when such celebrities
    want to assist in publicizing the Armenian Cause. We must look at
    this through positive lenses that people known all over the world,
    Kim Kardashian, Cher or other renowned personalities want to contribute
    their fame to the Armenian Cause.
